This threads sole intention was to give some stick for yur 8th loss in a row to us, you supporters banter (slinging shyte). Nothing more nothing less.
Frank, I used the word idiot in relation to the comment that the only games that matter are GF's. It was not an attack on you, just the notion that other games do not matter. I am sure the reaction of Brisbane players loss to Melbourne in the finals are a perfect example of this. If all other games did not matter especially to fans, how did this thread reach 3 pages ? I did not mention getting worked up, just that it kills you that you have not beaten us for a few years.
Bronco 70.
I was not the one who introduced premierships into this thread, however. Using the previous 15 premierships is as relevant as the 92 and 93 premierships, why ? they are all in the history books. If you think it worries any St.George supporter that you or others like you do not count them as a part of the histoy of St.George-Illawarra, you would be sadly mistaken. I and others Iknow who support our club really dont give too much thought to what others conceive as our history.
It is much the same as my take on your clubs history and the involvement in SL, I am sure if you disagree, you'd ignore my thoughts in an instant.
I am not talking the dragons up, I have not once said that we would do anything great this year, nor have I even mentioned as far ahead as the finals in 09. I just made mention in the fact that we have beaten you 8 times in a row, that is an achievement. If you seriously took offence to the word I used in the thread title "bitches", you need a dose of reality. Once again, this thread sole intention was to have a bit of fun at your 8th loss in a row.
As far as GF wins go, I am patient and I am sure that StGeorge Illawarra will win one when we make the GF and play better than the other side on that day/night, that being when we deserve it.
Anyway, good luck for the rest of 2009, and I look forward to our boys streching the record to 9 in a row later this year, n o doubt we will be discussing that if we manage a win. ;-)