Legit surprised at the relatively lowball goals listed.
A roadtrip across the states in a classic car? That's proper do-able with a $10 grand budget and some long service leave.
A roadtrip across Oz in a Winnebago... Not that hard and hardly costs millions.
Every metal fest? Slightly harder than the above but with some budgeting and free time you can pull it off.
Have your own mechanic workshop? Why don't you bundy down with your mechanic buddy and set up a business that restores classic cars? Hell, it might make you rich. Sounds like you'd be much happier than what you are doing.
A top of the line Ford Ranger? Sheesh! You can pick one up a couple of years old in mint nick for $50,000. That's like 250 a week in loan payments.
Of course having unlimited bank means you can really achieve these goals in fine style (flying first class, 5 star hotels) but nothing I see is even remotely unachievable, even on a battlers wage if you want it bad enough.
It seems to me that the thing we most covet is free time and a
bit of coin to sustain us through that time. Interesting.
Me. I want a genuine mid 20th century modernist house. Then I want to spend northern hemi winter on snow for the entire season (a different location every year) in a mint lodge starting in Whistler then going around the map. Regular heliskiing. Then do autumn and spring near the surf. Same set up. Full season in the one place. First Byron, then Indo, then Maldives. Rinse and Repeat. And for my family to be debt free. I'd also start a hobby business doing hot sauce but I wouldn't want to run it day to day. I'd have regular, legendary, massive coke parties in remote locations and fly family and friends to them.