If I won the lotto?
First, I'd laugh at all your miniscule lottto wins since the NYC lotto is generally around the $250 million mark.....
Second, I would buy a house. Nevermind about the details of the people house, the important thing is I would also buy the house next door, bulldoze it, and build a 2 storey garage for my vehicles (with secret basement level for my ultra expensive ones).
Third, I'd start a company with the sole purpose of becoming a major sponsor of the roosters.
Fourth, I would travel. I'd spend 6 months of the year living in Oz, 3 months living in the US, and the other 3 months spent roaming the planet.
Some definite destinations would be Antarctica and the Arctic circle, all through South America (particularly Peru and the Amazon), and I would also climb Everest.
Last, I would take $50 million out of the lotto winnings, and start a charity. Sounds gay I know but I feel like if I won that amount of money I should at least aim to do some good with it. Something I've often thought would be cool would be paying for cochlear implants for kids whose families can't afford them