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Your individual player comments

This is becoming a real problem, this tendency of some lesser known posters to have a dig at someone else's posts, not debate them but just use insults etc

It's easy to criticise someone else's opinion but keep your own opinion guarded

There's no credibility in being a sniper from the shadows

Have a go or STFU, FFS.


I got to say, I reckon you blokes are the most negatove supporters I know. Ever since I have come here, all I see is bagging of players, whinging and whining. I thought the whole team played well..........and quite frankly, the better team lost!!

The dogs tries came only from errrors made by the sharks who were trying to be creative all night...and the dogs were also handed piggy backs when needed from their wown half..by a ref who is conned easily!!

Cronulla's tries were all well instigated and they looked a hundred times better than last week.......but instead of praising any of them....you are all finding faults.

I have friends who visit this forum and cant believe how negative we are......I find it hard to argue...hell we even have a competition where we LOOK FOR the worst player to vote out....(persoanlly I enjoy the survivor thing...but I can see that it adds to our negative image)

I finished watching tonight's game angry at the bullshit calls we copped and disappointed that the boys didnt get the win, I believe they deserved on that performance.

This week's survivor vote...Im voting out someone in the 25 who didnt play because I thought al of the 17 there had a real dig and on the whole played well.

No footballer plays a game without some errors or faults...NONE!


pogo_dikwitt said:
watch sullivan s game exclusively and tell me he wasnt the reason this side was on fire.
I'll tell you that jurkoff.
Cronulla was on fire for 30 minutes before he came on & scored most of the points before when he wasn't on.
Now go & play with your little brothers(NRH) testigles.


First Grade
Sullivan - well I for one think Sullivan is playing well. He's quick and really lifts the team in attack. Fair enough he dropped the ball over the line, but again we had a number of players who can't seem to hold the ball

Peachey - got a bit more involved tonight, but still isn't back to form in my opinion

Galloway - I think this kid is going to be awesome.

Reick - had a good game. I was impressed with his reading of the play and he was in position both times the ball was kicked down his wing. If he can hold the ball and his confidence is up, he should start carving up the defence

Bailey - didn't impress tonight and gave away too many penalties

Stevens - has played well both weeks. Has been making great runs and getting the team moving forwards


Now I see why we signed Lomu! He was bulldozin the dogs around the park all night. Fantastic game from him.

Rieck was outstanding. He chased Noddys kicks well and put heaps of pressure on the dogs defence. He was senstional under the high ball.

Peach got involved more and was always looking to set up a try and put a player through a hole.

Nutley and Bosnich were the workhorses. They ran with determination and tackled brilliantly.

Bails got really involved and tried his absolute best out there. He was fored up fpr the entire game.

Sully reminded me of Preston, darting through tired forward packs and injecting himself into the game.

We have Souths, Manly and the Cowboys comin up. Vagana will only fire iup our defence and we'll be in 4 sum big wins. :D


4. Franze - send him back to PL, could be all over red rover for him.

I have to disagree. Our next centres should be Vagana & Franze. Franze with Rieck, Vagana with Merrit. Care to elaborate in the area of which he was so poor in? I thought he out-played McGoldrick..


3 errors to goldys one

poor hitup to metres ratio

didnt get involved when we really needed him

He was no better or worse than zeus though, they were both fairly mediocre. Gimme a seers/vagana centre pairing anyday


Errors yea, but McGoldrick hasn't quite yet got a knack for positioning in defence. He didn't have a shocker, but I do see room for improvement. That's where I believe Franze out-played him, bear in mind I haven't got a tape to fully analyse the game though. I could be wrong


Just watched a bit of a re-play/highlights. He is like preston, misses a few tackles, but attempts a sh*t-load. I'm prolly biased, but I just think Franze is the better option ATM.


Maybe Bailey has so much trouble with the ball because he can't see it through his hair. I think he needs a hair cut and his game will improve.


ShireShark said:
Done in positions:

1. Peachey - did some very good things but they were slightly outweighed by the very dumb things. Sin binning and talk back a major problem. He's not the captain but reckons the younger blokes look to him for leadership. He's failed in this regard..
He was unlucky to be binned for that. He actually scored a try but that clown Archer didn't go to the video!
2. Merritt - not bad in limited time on the field
3. McGoldrick - not awful, but very quiet. We need someone who is there to win games, not make up the numbers. Missed the tackle on the game winning try for the second week in a row.
4. Franze - send him back to PL, could be all over red rover for him.
I wouldn't go that far but if Vagana comes back he'll miss out.
5. Rieck - solid, full credit to him. He can catch and positional play sound. Outstanding try turning Patten inside out.
6. Bird - one of his better games but he's still looking to do too much and coming up with errors etc.
7. Kimmorley - great money ball to Rieck and some decent kicking games, good in defence too but I was looking for some more try assists close to the Dogs line.
These three were brilliant. Bird is going to have a good year. He is so close. Just those couple of handling errors spoilt it.
8. Stevens - good to see he's back. Very effective without being outstanding. Good to see some nice offloads re-introduced to the Sharks play.
9. Bosnich - quiet but effective. Does the heavy lifting before Sully comes on
10. Beattie - see Stevens' comments. Inspirational tackle to force an error over near the sideline.
11. Nutley - I've deadset had it with this bloke. He gives 110% which could be his problem. Makes some good tackles, makes lots of them. Does his fair share of hit ups but doesnt make all that much ground with them and never looks to pass. His ill discipline provides more drawbacks than any benefit he brings to the team. One of the older blokes and therefore should know better.
12. Bailey - this clown must have his eye on his next Dragons/Roosters contract. Pushed passes and errors galore. He's replaced Rieck, whenever he gets the ball now my heart is in my mouth. Every time he gets tackled and the ball remains safe I can breathe again.
I dunno about Bailey he has the talent but just goes on with it a bit much. He sorely needs to get back in the pack full time and not push the ref too far.
13. Hilder - keeps on keeping on
Seems to be down on form a little from last year but by no means had a poor game. He can improve though.

14. Lomu - great game from Lomu and doing what we're paying him the big bucks for
Great gane from this bloke, he is going to be a bloody ripper
15. Sullivan - enterprising play and he's good in short bursts. He adds a lot of spark from dummy half but then again he cant pass very well and struggles to place the ball over the line properly.
Deadset blinder from this bloke. He was inspirational. Almost too enthusiastic but he has got me onboard this year. When he lost it just before the line there were hands all over the ball. Not his fault.
16. Isemonger - quiet but effective I guess
If anyone is going to lose his spot it's this guy. He just doesn't do enough. I had my first chance to see Russo tonight and he did nothing special but I was extremely impressed with John Green. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a call up soon.

17. Galloway - getting there. Does his fair share of the heavy lifting.

Fair enough assessment of Galloway. He just needs more match time, he is going to be good.

I think you have probably been too critical SS but you are entitled to your opinion like the rest of us. We are going to smash Manly based on tonights game. Why o why didn't we play like that against the Tigers?


1.Because we lifted tonight
2. Because the Tigers are a bogey side for us
3. The referess 10 m
4. The time
5. It was the first game
6. The Tigers palyed well
7. Noddys kicks



Why o why didn't we play like that against the Tigers?[/quote]

I may be wrong - but unless we are playing the Queens I think over the last few years we have gotten off to a bad start in most of our first games - under both JL and CA. It'll gel - and on tonight's performance its going to be awesome when it does.


Shire Shark - I think you should change your name to " I hate the sharks" - if you were a coach you'd be a Ricky Stuart because you only criticise. The sharks played fantastic tonight and all you can do is pick the eyes out of them. You are sad!


sharknows said:
if you were a coach you'd be a Ricky Stuart because you only criticise. The sharks played fantastic tonight and all you can do is pick the eyes out of them.
Is this meant to be an insult or a compliment?
Eitherway, happy 12th birhtday.