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Your team v roosters





1. Gidley
2. McManus
3. Sau
4. MacDougall
5. Uate (on notice)
6. Mullen
7. Dureau (i can't work out what he did wrong tonight)
8. Taufua
9. De Gois
10. Fa'aoso
11. Paterson (although he probably doesn't deserve it, it's worth a shot. might do him good)
12. Taia
13. Hilder

14. Rogers
15. Wicks
16. Tolar
17. Simmo (lucky not to be left-right-out)

my team would never happen, but it needs to.


1 Kurt Gidley
2 Cooper Vuna
3 Junior Sau - He REALLY needs to lift his game, been poor last 6 weeks IMO
4 Adam MacDougall
5 Akuila Uate
6 Ben Rogers
7 Scott Dureau
8 Mark Taufua
9 Isaac De Gois
10 Danny Wicks - Not because Faas was poor, just change things up so Faas can keep it going when he comes on
11 Steve Simpson - Yeesh.. I really would be happy if he announced retirement tomorrow
12 Zeb Taia
13 Matt Hilder
14 George Ndaira
15 Richie Fa'aoso
16 Tim Natusch
17 Cory Paterson


I don't think Dureau will play if Mullen can.
On ABC radio before the game they said he wouldn't have played if there was another option and had a quad tear.


First Grade
1 Gidley
2 McManus
3 MacDougall
4 Sau
5 Uate
6 Rogers
7 Dureau
8 Taufua
9 De Gois
10 Fa'aoso
11 Karawana
12 Taia
13 Hilder

14 Simpson
15 Wicks
16 Tolar
17 Paterson

pfft I don't know

I can't see Mullen being fit for next week


7. Dureau (i can't work out what he did wrong tonight)

Are you kidding mate?

I want you to go and watch the 39th minute try the Sea Eagles scored. He stood by, looked on as Manly players ran right past him, looked inside to see what team mate was chasing instead of having a go himself, and then jogged half hearted the entire way to the try line.

And then, check out his tackling ' effort ' with Steve Simpson on George Rose. ( It didn't surprise me that Smith pulled him after that one at all ).

If that wasn't enough, I'm certain Mad Dog rushed in off his man because he had no confidence on Dureau making a tackle inside of him with T. Williams first half try.

I mean come on mate.

If anything Brian Smith saved Dureau from double digit missed tackles by the end of the game.

If he was playing injured, then he was a bigger passenger than he already is, and I can understand why he'd be replaced.

Even when he was running through supporting his team mates he was embarrasingly slow and forwards ran past him. Is it possible he'd be the slowest player in the side - forwards included?!

I think barring injuries, he'll be seeing a lot of time at Macquarie before the end of the year.

I can't believe you didn't notice the half hearted efforts he put in with his defence and chasing Manly players down the ground. It was unbelievable.

A relo of mine is a massive Dureau fan, and even they admitted tonight he deserved to be replaced.

Seriously, forgetting all the other stuff for a minute, his 39th minute effort overshadowed anything else he did tonight. I couldn't believe it.

He did his pre-requisite 40/20 kick , and like always, it was all downhill from there.
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you're an absolute numpty, and it's no surprise that your relo is too. in fact i'm almost positive that it was more like your relo agreeing with you just to shut you up. dureau was dominating hard with his kicking game (3 immense kicks in the space of 10 minutes) until the rest of the team decided it was time to drop the ball.

so what if he can't tackle? honestly, there have been some great halves and 5/8ths that have had excellent careers that couldn't tackle to save their lives. blokes like jason taylor and darren lockyer spring immediately to mind... and im sure given the time i could think of many more. the bitching about dureaus defence is just so old... because what he brings to the team is plenty worth it. get a bloke like house or even pato to protect him in the line (much like TC with lockyer... and that beefcake who currently babysits soward) and it becomes a complete non issue.


so what if he can't tackle?

And therein lies the problem with most Knights fans...


Him being in the defensive line tonight, led to adjustments right across the park. Highlighted by players like Mad Dog coming in off their man to try and compensate.

Apart from not being able to tackle, he can't break one either. Or run. Or step. Or fend.

But he can sure kick a nice 40/20! :roll:

Unfortunately, a Soward or Lockyer he isn't ( or Prince/Kimmorley/Thurston ), so he can't get away with being a speedbump like other talented players can.

Somehow I think letting in 44 points was a bit more an issue tonight than having a nice kicking game.

Enjoy Macquarie Mr Dureau. I get the feeling that benching from Smith tonight will be the last we see of him this year unless there are injuries. Enjoy.
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actually, dropping the ball umpteen times was our problem, not so much our defense... and you know it.

in fact, we let in a lot more tries with dureau off the field, than on it.

but i'm not getting into this discussion with you again. dureau did more with his kicking game in 15 minutes against the eagles than either of our other 2 halves have done in 80 minutes with theirs this year. THAT is what i want in our team, because it adds dimensions that aren't there without him.

if we could somehow splice dureau and rogers genes together... merge them into 1 player... then i would be delighted. unfortunately, we can't. dureaus biggest deficiency is his defence, something that we can hide and remedy to a degree. i'm not sure we can ever get consistency out of rogers, and im 100% sure that we'll never get consistency out of mullen as a halfback.

now i have to bite my tongue once again, regardless of what crap you come out with next, karma... because this discussion simply doesn't end with you. these debates would be a pleasure if you would admit when you are wrong, or put your hand up and give wraps when applicable... or even admit that alternate solutions should be explored... but your agenda always gets in the way.

personally i think our team is best served when all 3 of them are in the team, whether it be

6. Rogers
7. Mullen

14. Dureau


6. Mullen
7. Dureau

14. Rogers

because this way we pretty much have 2 good halves... in the form of 1 good half and 2 eclectic ones.


jimmy mac is out for a while
i saw him at the game
and he said he's going in for surgery
so yeah, sigh....


Tolar 90% likely wont be back this year.

Scotty injured, not sure how serious.

Mullo should be back, Kids maybe 50/50.

Marv has to go after that effort, was woeful.


why wont tolar be back?

the injuries have finally caught up with us, in my book. we only had 1 prop on the bench tonight... and he's a bloody lazy prick.

wes is not a 2nd rowers arsehole either.


why wont tolar be back?

infected knee, apparently pretty bad.

that is why he was stood down from Central.

1. McDonnell
2. Uate
3. Keith
4. Doogs
5. Coops

6. Kids
7. Mullo

8. Mark
9. Ike
10. Simmo
11. Pato
12. Zeb
13. Hilder

14. Rogers
15. Faas
16. Wicks
17. Timmy

time to shake it up a bit.
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It annoys me that instead of blooding young players for second row from NYC, they put Wes in there instead. Why not give someone like Mika another chance instead of giving more encouragement to those bumblers.


infected knee, apparently pretty bad.

that is why he was stood down from Central.

1. Gidley
2. Uate
3. Doogs
4. Doogs
5. Coops

6. Rogers
7. Mullo

8. Mark
9. Ike
10. Simmo
11. Pato
12. Zeb
13. Hilder

14. Ndaira
15. Faas
16. Wicks
17. Timmy

time to shake it up a bit.
Bout time someone agrees with me Sau hasn't been up to standard.

I wouldn't mind that, but Gidley has to be fullback IMO, McDonnell still doesn't look totally comfortable at the back.

Was unfair on Hilder to make him play hooker after De Gois went off, if we can't play De Gois for 80 then Gidley/Hilder or Ndaira off the bench is way to go.


Doogs can't play both 3 and 4 dude... and Ndaira just isn't up to it in defence.

McDonnell has really impressed me in all of his games for us. I was a sceptic, but he has surprised me big time.

Kids in the halves isn't ideal, but we need something different. Other option is McDonnell on the wing.

Jr has been woeful for a couple of months now - he is our worst performing outside back atm.


Doogs can't play both 3 and 4 dude... and Ndaira just isn't up to it in defence.

McDonnell has really impressed me in all of his games for us. I was a sceptic, but he has surprised me big time.

Kids in the halves isn't ideal, but we need something different. Other option is McDonnell on the wing.

Jr has been woeful for a couple of months now - he is our worst performing outside back atm.
Luke MacDougall, surely he is right to go? Even him on the wing with his brother and Vuna to centres.

Lulia has a sh*t work rate for mine, and Sau should have cemented a spot but I dunno what's doing with him, just not at his best this past month and a bit.

Super Sub

I agree about Sau, his main problem for mine is he is just too predictable now, runs at the defender, dummies, and then tries to get on the outside with a fend. Never passes to his winger, whoever is marking Uate doesn't really need to because he won't ever be getting the ball from Sau.

I thought Rogers had a decent game tonight, his kick out on the full was the low point but otherwise he was one of our better players (not that it was hard), a nice kick into the in-goal early in the game, a line break, a few solid hits in defence and he did his best to organise play late in the game when Scotty came off. He wasn't outstanding but last couple of games we have had seem to have brought out a bit of consistency. Also was that Rogers who threw that nice inside ball for McDonnell to score or someone else?

Also it seems time and time again that we just don't know how to play from in front, its like we panic when we get a decent lead and, maybe we weren't expecting it to be that easy against manly. The dropped balls were killers really, we gave it back to them about 4 times in the first half from our own 20 metre line, pretty disappointing really.

Also I thought Patto was good when he came on, it would be great to have him fully fit for our finals run.


This is my FIRST ever go at this -
1 - Gids
2 - McDonnell
3 - Juniour
4 - Doogs
5 - Aku
6 - Rogers
7 - Mullen
8 - Mark
9 - DeGois
10 - Faas
11 - Simmo
12 - Patto
13 - Zeb
14 - Hilder
15 - Wicks
16 - ????
17 - ????
Karawana - Wes and Lulia never to play first grade again this year.
Is our depth starting to become a HUGE problem ??????? Cause if reports are correct and Jimmy and Tolar aren't available yet then I sure can't find any reasonable IMPACT players for positions 16 & 17!!!!!!!!!! If that is the case then I suppose two of the above three nuffies will get another start.

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