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  1. J

    Hampstead...stamp on head... lost his head?

    He's still a stamp on head.. and i've seen it all over the papers the for and against articles. I didnt go for either team.. but i personally believe he cost Manly the game. THE END!
  2. J

    YEAR of the D06

    I was talking about the way the BULLDOGS look at their game. They dont blame it on injuries.. they'll mention injured players and say.. that's tough sh*t, we have to deal with it, let's get on with the game.
  3. J

    Coffs Harbour sex scandal revisited - Stateline NSW

    To be honest.. I'm a bit disappointed with the WHOLE situation. The Bulldogs did not receive much support through it all, and then you look at other clubs who've made headlines recently for similar situations, everything seems to be kept on the quiet, but the bulldogs issue was PLASTERED all...
  4. J

    Buderus should have been sent off

    WELL Im glad SOMEONE has finally spoken out about the apalling refereeing that we saw tonight!
  5. J

    YEAR of the D06

    :) well I'll let the two of you battle it out then... and may the best DOG win!! HEHE... good nite guys God Bless!
  6. J

    Are you good enough to referee in the NRL?

    YEAH>... let old Hampstead take the test.. he'd probably only get 5 if he was lucky! :D
  7. J

    YEAR of the D06

    :) i dont like this.. I'll go for the bulldogs tomoro but don't want them to win the comp business.... sounds a bit suss to me!! hahaaha None of this having your cake and eating it too.. it's just not right! :P
  8. J

    YEAR of the D06

    I'd love to see you eating your words tomoro night Sea Eagle Scuba!
  9. J

    YEAR of the D06

    Doggie are pretty pumped and with Mason back, he will have them pumped. Can't really say that I've warmed up to Mason as being all that.. however, I do appreciate his sportsmanship and his morale boosting for the team... he's a good confidence instigator in the team and can really fire the boys...
  10. J

    YEAR of the D06

    WOOHOOO BULLDOGS to rip those fancy lil raiders to shreds 2moro night! I wanna see all BULL DOGS fans get behind their team on this site! It's no good coming out when they win.. do it now.. be a man! (or a woman - if you are!). Sonny Bill looks set to shine in the lime light tomoro...
  11. J

    How pathetic was the dive from Johns?

    HEHE.. i'll be there with my bulldogs gear on... i'll sniff you out and move in for the kill!! hahaha nice to see there are some decent people on this site who can have a go and speak their mind, and still be able to accept that others have a point of view too.. unlike some.. who i'm...
  12. J

    How pathetic was the dive from Johns?

    Green eyed... I'm going to bite you in the bum 2moro night.. but best of luck to ya anyway! MAY THE BEST DOG WIN! hehe
  13. J

    Hampstead...stamp on head... lost his head?

    Ah hmm... for your information, I played basketball professionally until a knee injury cost me my career. Don't talk to me like I'm a little girl -thank you Sean cost Manly more than you think. How many penalties do you think he gave away to Newcastle.. they should have beat manly 50 - 18...
  14. J

    Hampstead...stamp on head... lost his head?

    Yes yes... thats what we say.. we expect the players to be testy! They are professionals.. not school boys.. the school boys should be testy! Sean lost control through his inconsistency.. it put both teams on edge because they weren't sure how he would play it out...OH.. and fourplay...
  15. J

    How pathetic was the dive from Johns?

    UNfortunately.. i dont have any more time to waste on Joey Johns.. he bores me to sh*t! All I can say is that if THIS is what we call a great player in the game, then I am bitterly disappointed and I think I'd prefer to watch the Jersey Flegg instead! Seems to be much more effort and talent...
  16. J

    Buderus should have been sent off

    Tell me.. what game were you watching?? Hampstead was the referee!
  17. J

    Hampstead...stamp on head... lost his head?

    I agree with about 2 and maybe 3 of those things you stated! Having said that though.. there was much more against the Sea Eagles than Newcastle.. and don't worry.. i'm a doggies supporter so there's nothing in it for me! If we had good referees who were consistent .. then we wouldn't have...
  18. J

    How pathetic was the dive from Johns?

    Somehow, I think you're not the only one whose opinion of Johns has changed over the year. People are starting to look past his lil antics and are getting very tired of them. This is a professional game.. not a game for clowns. Go to the circus if you wanna fool around!!!
  19. J

    Hampstead...stamp on head... lost his head?

    Hey buddy.. you're obviously taking this as a personal attack.. wouldn't happen to be shaking hands with old Sean would ya? Seems pretty unreasonable that you can pick out a mistake in a name and not address the problem of the referee.. don't think you should have replied at all if you have...
  20. J

    How pathetic was the dive from Johns?

    COme on green eyed.. do it! Start up that thread!.. I promise I'll respond to :P