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  1. S

    0neye is my father

    i love my dad, he is the geatest dad of all dads ever.
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    I am so sorry everyone for starting so many threads in such a short amount of time because i've made a few threads here pretty quickly. But I have lost my old atavar and I need a new one because I don't have one anymore. Can anyone help me get a new atavar please thank you.:D
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    Hello everyone and everybody. I thought I would start a thread to ask people the question about what they got for christmas as presents this christmas just past last year. My mummy got me a brand new bicycle, its red and it's the first bike i've ever had that doesn't have a training wheel to...
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    Hello excuse me

    Can please someone make me a banner for me please. I will be your friend :D thanks you!
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    Hail to your king!

    Our country is headed by a Queen, not a king. I learned that at school last year. I am clevers :D
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    I hate work

    I love school heaps and lots and very much :D
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    Do you live alone

    i live with my mummy and daddy and my two big sisters, Jude is 16 and Alicia is 12. i love them all heaps and lots and my family is great and the bestest ever :mrgreen:
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    94: Superthread 7 IV

    hello houdini, happy birthday for last week. i hopr your birthday was a good birthday and a happy birthday, because birthdays are very happy things to have. what did you get for your happy birthday houdini. i hope you got heaps and lots of present, i love presents :mrgreen:
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    Hi! I'm Preniers!

    [furrycat] you are not preniers because preniers is preneiers and you are not preniers because you are [furrycat] i think you are very funny [furrycat] and you make me laugh heaps and lots because your funny :mrgreen:
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    Weird - Food Related Dreams

    I also dream about Superman in my dreams sometimes i do. I even tried to be superman once but i fell of the veranda because I was trying to fly and I fell and I broke my arm and it hurt because the bone in my arm was broken in two places and it made me cry. Mum says I'm not allowed to drink...
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    Weird - Food Related Dreams

    I dream about chocolate all the time and heaps of the times I'm eating chocolate in my dreams when I dream about chocolate because I like chocolate and it tastes yummy. Mum wont let me eat too much chocolate though because it makes me get all excited and i sometimes hurt myself sometimes. :D
  12. S what did ya get?

    I got heaps and lots of lollies and chocolates and jubes and the other squishy softy jelly like lollies and I ated heaps and lots of them and I'm all excited and running around heaps and lots and stuff. I love christmas because I get presents and that makes me happy because I get great presents...
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    madunit $80 is heaps and lots of money. what will you buy? you should buy a car when you save lots and lots of money :D
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    christmas time

    Hello every good people :D Santa is coming soon and I like Santa because he brings heaps and lots of presents and its great because I always get good things because mum says I am a good boy and I am. I want a guitar for christmas because I want to play guitar. what do you want for christmas? :D
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    The OFFICIAL Coke and Pepsi Poll

    I like pepsi and coke lots and lots but my mummy doesnt let me drink fizzy drinks very much. I like creaming soda best of all because it tastes good and is yummy and I like it lots :D
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    Serious Question

    I like Godz Illa because he found my really cool atavar for me and I love it heaps and lots so I'm going to vote for him because he is cool :D
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    94: Superthread 7 III

    I like cookies because they taste good and heaps and lots cool. My mummy makes cookies all the time and I eat them all the time and I love them. Yummy cookies. :D
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    Best user name

    thank you nice lovely people who said my name was the best because it was a really nice thing to say and I thank you for that nice gesture. :D
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    my birthday

    Hello miss pixie :D i got lots and heaps of present. I got a bike with streamers on the handlebars and I got a pencilcase that you can put your name in it with in the front of the pencilcase but my name is too long for the pencilcase because my name is Barnaby and the pencilcase only has 6...
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    my birthday

    I had my bithday on Thursday last week but I had my party on Saturday because I had to go to school on Friday and I couldn't have a party on Friday because I was at school. We went to mcdonalds and had a party there with balloons and mcdonalds food and we went and played on the swings and on...