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  1. S

    Dammit... Am I In Love?

    I love my mummy, she's the best mum ever :D
  2. S

    I'm excited!

    mcnuggets don't have feet though, so they really don't can't kick anything. :?
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    my nan and pop are retired and live on the coast with their pet cats tommy and seefa. seefa is a tabby and is reall heaps like cute and does silly things thats makes me laugh lots. :D
  4. S

    I'm excited!

    i like mcnuggets with sweet and sour and sauce because it tastes really nice and i like it heaps and lots. mcdonalds is the best place ever! I love it :D
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    thanks you mrs pixie. can i be your friend? :D
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    my mummy says I am very clever all the time because I can read lots and heaps of books and i'm heaps good at spelling well too. I want to be a teacher when I get older and grown up because then I can teach people how to be smart and clever all the time and then we will all be happy and smart and...
  7. S


    why are you people so rude to pixie. does she do naughty stuff or something or else? I think we should all like everyone else that way all we can be happy and there can be happiness everywhere because happy is good. :D
  8. S

    I'm excited!

    I love mcdonald's because its heap and lots yummy and i get a heaps fun cool toy in my happy meal and mum lets me keep it when i'm good, and i'm always good because being naughty is not good and means I don't get to keep my happy meal toy. I like happy meal toys :D
  9. S

    94: The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 4

    I'm going to go and watch the souths sydney team play this weekend :clap: :D
  10. S

    I'm excited!

    but I don't want people to hate me, I like everyone here because you are all cool people and I like you all. hello astrogirl, I am 9, turning 10 tomorrow. :D sorry I didn't answer you before, i'm just heaps and lots excited and really happy :D
  11. S

    I'm excited!

    do they have ice cream cake? I love ice cream cake heaps and lots because its yummy and I like it. :D whats a preniers?
  12. S

    I'm excited!

    It's my birthday tomorrow and my mummy told me that I am going to get to have a mcdonald's birthday party at mcdonald's. she said I could ask 10 of my goodest and best friends every in the whole big wide world to come along to my party. i've never had a party before and i'm heaps and lots and...
  13. S

    94: Superthread 7 II

    um mah, that picture in your atavar is naughty, my mummy would ground me if she saw me with that picture in my room.
  14. S

    i need a new atavar

    how do you get a picture in the bit spot under my words and stuff. i see everyone else has a picture there and i would like one cos it looks like its heaps pretty and colourful and cool and i'd like one please thank you. can someone make me a picture thing please pretty :D
  15. S

    Tomorrow is my Birthday

    hello mr andy, i hope you had did have a great day on your day of your birthday. i love birthdays because i get lots of good presents and i like getting presents because they great.
  16. S

    you wanna know what's cool?

    why are you cool mr half are you not wearing a jumper or pants or something? maybe you should buy a heater. my mummy bought a heater and we don't feel cool anymore because it keeps us all warm. :D
  17. S

    big ffb human body

    i could be the hair because girls love their hair heaps and lots and i reckon it would be good to be loved heaps and lots so i will be the hair. :D
  18. S

    94: The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 4

    hello everyone. it's really like really late and i cannot can't not sleep. what do you talk about and stuff now?
  19. S

    I hate 5 cent coins!

    the bank lady was a nice lady, when i was little she used to give me a sticker for being nice and i liked that. she's my favourite bank lady :D
  20. S

    94: Superthread 7 II

    oh do i really have to? i wont read it all tonight because its like heaps long and stuff and i don't want to read it all right now.