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  1. B

    NFT - Newcastle Knights' F7's Thread

    This is MrCharisma I can't post I've been busy as all hell, I've gotta work tonight and during the time I was going to write it, I've now been called to a work meeting all tonight.
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    The Bulldogs

    Apart from the 50-60,000+ League fans you would lose overnight. If my team was merged with others to such an end - I sure as hell wouldn't bother supporting such a Sydney 'superteam'. As good as they might be. Rugby League would simply be DEAD to me henceforth - and I would be off to the A...
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    The Bulldogs

    And such people display all the depth of thought, cutting insight and general rugby league knowledge of sea cucumbers. These are the kind of people that would spend a dollar to call up a phone poll on A Current Affair to vote 'I DON'T KNOW'. Or the kind of people that call talkback radio...
  4. B

    Rumour mill - Ricky Stuart

    Bingo! And - Case in point in the very next post, no less :lol: : Haha! That's a beauty!...Way to prove a point Raider_69 - It's almost like you WORK for Edwahu! ;-)
  5. B

    Rumour mill - Ricky Stuart

    I'd LOVE to see how Stuart goes with an ordinary side! I have a very strong feeling he'd be found out as being a decent coach, yes - but one with a helluva lot of work to do to make that ordinary team good - and be nowhere near the elite esteem he is currently held in - quick smart...
  6. B

    Congrats on the title Cowboys

    P*igsh&t Riddell didn't need access to the earpiece. He is just a player - not even the skipper of his side - what f&*cking RIGHT does he have to 'access the earpiece' between ref and video ref? Honestly!! His 'questioning' of the ref was an expletive-ridden tirade - I am no lip reader - but...
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    Congrats on the title Cowboys

    Don't think of it as Piggy Bashing....more like - Moron Mauling. The video ref's decision was correct - by the letter of the lawbook - And Riddell was being just being stone cold stupid in his reaction in abusing Simpkins thereafter - whether that decision was right OR wrong...He deserved to be...
  8. B

    Gasnier signed with union?

    Somehow I doubt that, sweetheart! :hg: Bloody speechless more like! Which would undoubtedly be your best hope for maintaining any kind of unbiased-sounding credibilty by the looks of things. And bully for you - long may that speechlessness continue....HURRAH! :) Willow - Administrator...
  9. B

    Congrats on the title Cowboys

    What else could a 'pumped up player' do? How about...Just accepting the - 100% CORRECT - decision....And just Shutting TFU?? How about that? :p Most other players seem to manage it in the overwhelming majority after all...Food for thought eh? And as we all well know - Piggy LOOOOOOVES his...
  10. B

    Congrats on the title Cowboys

    Is that Burns as in....TRAVIS Burns from manly?? Over the 'overrated' Thurston who took away both Press voted AND player voted NRL/RLPA awards last season??? Ahhh that's a BEAUTY mate! Funny as - Tell us another one!! :lol:
  11. B

    Gasnier signed with union?

    My what a voluminous reply!...And I am the one with no sense of humour?? :lol: Ok, just quickly - 1. Ha. Ha. Very funny. I know a good joke when I see one - and I'm afraid....that this ain't one! 2. Saints fans are - at the end of the day - the only ones that really care if 'Gaz' goes to...
  12. B

    Congrats on the title Cowboys

    Better to have a go at the otto bin that just cold cost you a try from his direct actions - rather than oinking at the on-field ref - Because it was purely and completely a VIDEO REF decision! Squealing at Simpkins in that situation was like standing up & abusing a goalpost for obstruction...
  13. B

    SBW Return

    Because the Bulldogs club 'pay the bills' as it were...And I for just one - would be LESS than impressed - if SBW was picked to play in - what is essentially - a meaningless Test - ANZAC Test and Joey's last rep game or no - in just his second or third game back in TOTAL from a long term...
  14. B

    Worst Current Ref

    There deadset isn't a standout top ref amongst the lot any more...Mediocre at best amongst the reffing ranks. But as for the deadset WORST - I don't think Shayne Hayne even knows what Rugby League is....Let alone the rules therein.
  15. B

    Gasnier signed with union?

    No mate - only 3 or 4 Sydney clubs rumoured to be after Jamie Lyon. Not to mention it would also be news in the UK. AND union. But the Gasnier story is MUCH bigger - you're right. :roll: Please - the only people to be outraged when Gasnier goes - will be the few Saints fans - such as your...
  16. B

    Gasnier signed with union?

    Ray Hadley would take a 'Hot Rugby League tip' from an 8 year old as gospel. So he is that desperate for crap to spout - he pinches stuff from the net - ANY stuff - should we be actually be surprised at this??? Mind you - anyone dumb enough to listen to Hadley - and the complete Cleetuses that...
  17. B

    Gasnier signed with union?

    Good work? Success?? You were rumbled by the VERY first reply after you posted it! Mr. Saab you massive SUCK, you!!! :lol:
  18. B

    Gasnier signed with union?

    From Readers Digest Sweepstakes. And apparently "Moffo may already be a winner!!!!!!'
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    Gasnier signed with union?

    Meh. Why pick a story that will become true inside a month or 2 anyway?? Jamie Lyon to Rugby Union' Would have caused a FAR bigger and wider stir!! ;)
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    Graeme West (Possible Spoiler)

    I cannot believe anyone is even questioning that deecision. Obstruction - as clear as crystal. Not just a step forward - but a sly and DELIBERATE effort to take...was it Bowen?...Out of play. Yes moffo and Mistybee - when everyone has to stand on the line - or behind it - ALL players are...