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  1. B

    Premier League Side to play Parra

    Well...I guess the answer to the Adnan Saleh question is: Not handled it very well at all!
  2. B

    SBW Return

    I shouldn't think SBW would be allowed or cleared to play in the ANZAC Test. He might have only one...maybe 2 Premiership games at best under his belt by then.
  3. B

    Corey Hughes

    Hughes also incorrectly seems to think he has a kicking game. One 40/20 vs Penrith in 2004 blew out his ego - and ever since he's thought he's Andrew Johns. His grubber kicks near the line on the 3rd tackle when nobody in the team are expecting them are particularly gruesome. If he wasn't a...
  4. B

    Congrats on the title Cowboys

    Turn it up! Simpkins was CANING the cowboys in the penalties early! Riddell's was no try, clear as day - McKinnon took a CLEAR step forward after playing it and took out one of the markers. Simple as that - despite what Pighead and the vrowd may have thought. and Hindmarsh was professional...
  5. B

    Poll on NRL fan safety

    My experiences are anything but isolated, son! Merely several instances that I brought instantly to mind in that post. I can relate tale after tale after tale after TALE of bad behaviour at the hands of opposition fans. And a lot of it I have been subjected to by away supporters at Bulldogs...
  6. B

    Dear Mr croydon Dog food

    I think the sharks just ARE Dog Food. And Bronco food. And Cowboy food. And Tiger food. on and so forth. Yeah, I'll have the flake and chips thanks!
  7. B

    Reds target Bulldogs star

    And you're saying Union DOESN'T do this??? Even before they 'went professional' in 1996 - let me tell you - there were kids' families being paid - and paid not inconsequential sums either - under the guise of 'academic scholarships' to send their kids to high profile Union schools and to shun...
  8. B

    Orford wants out??

    Uhhhh - I wouldn't be so quick to criticise, Effnic...1999 is a lot more recent than 1996...If you get my drift! ;-) And let's not even mention semi finals series participated in in that period!!
  9. B

    Poll on NRL fan safety

    Well - Are you an incurable mouthy smartarse?? Or are you just totally full of crap? Have you been to Campeltown Stadium? Sat on the Hill at Brookvale? Parramatta Stadium? Kogarah Oval??....ALL of these places are NOT a pleasant place to be at times - if you're sat in the wrong area, near the...
  10. B

    Orford wants out??

    Hmmmmmmmm keep Hasler as a coach or keep Orford as a player....I sure as freaking hell know which one I'D be turfing out the back door with a boot print on his bum if I was on the board with Delmege & co. :nwave: Bubbye now Dessie!...Thanks for coming! :nwave:
  11. B

    Poll on NRL fan safety

    The inherent bias in the setup and purposes behind this poll make it useless for any kind of credible or serious 'research project' - unless it's for year 7 Show 'n Tell. Despite ALL this bad press - and all the 'terrible troubles' of the past few years - As has been stated above - the Dogs...
  12. B

    John Sutton - Up & coming superstar?

    Sutton is a fabulous talent. Form is temporary - but CLASS is permanent. And he has class written all over his play. He knows what to do and when to do it with ball in hand - he can take the game by the scruff and change things in an instant - and defends well to boot. WHEN he's on song...
  13. B

    SBW Return

    O'Meley was strong against the Panthers and thoroughly destructive against the Tigers. They had NO idea how to handle him! Newcastle was a rare bad game for Ogre. Corey Hughes has never BEEN anything to write home about - so he never had far to fall...and Sherwin has at least showed...
  14. B

    Reds target Bulldogs star

    Orrrrrr - simply because there is no other option at their school!! I played Yawnion for 4 long years in High school - from Years 8-11 - simply because myself and my mates had no other option. Our school did not have a League side - only Union. And we wanted to play SOME kind of footy for sport...
  15. B

    Is George having a tantrum?

    :lol: It's your damn club that's buying them all!!! So if that makes 'Soufs' stupid - then I shudder to think what that makes the Roosters. Enjoy Anasta now!...Or as he will soon be known - 'Finchy #2' :)
  16. B

    Is George having a tantrum?

    Even though I am not a Souths fan - I used to have a lot of respect for George Piggins. But he and his ideas have become increasingly shambolic - and he is now just an embarrassment. To South Sydney, to Rugby League and to himself. He needs to gather up the tattered remains of his dignity...
  17. B

    Corey Hughes

    Piglet definitely re-signed last year 'till the end of 07. :( Same as Nugget.
  18. B

    SBW Return

    Oh dear. And the week before the Dogs hammered the reigning Premiers...So? What does it all mean?....I'll tell you what - at this embryonic stage of the season - NOTHING! Basing such strong opinions on the basis of one game is like spitting into the wind (the very ironically named)...
  19. B

    Reds target Bulldogs star

    I believe Tonga's manager is Gavin, I mean Orr. Which does not bode well for him staying! If Whore..sorry - Orr - could get one of his clients an extra 50c and a chupa chup after each game to go take up Curling in Alaska - he would push the player into it 100% I suppose is all...
  20. B

    Premier League Side to play Parra

    Adnan Saleh stepping up to PL...kid absolutely carves 'em in Flegg - should be interesting to see how he handles it.