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  1. S

    Judic - *Johns fights Grading*

    Aye, if he fails to have it downgraded, he loses the discount for the early guilty plea. This would mean, if the downgrade fails, he gets four weeks instead of three.
  2. S

    I thought he'd broken his neck

    Ack, fer fook sake! Somewan shut this tosser up!
  3. S

    1eyed eel said that we would sign someone at the end of the week it was ment to be MM

    Marry Macbride? Christ, that lassie could suck a gulf ball thru a hose! The lass would be great for team harmony!
  4. S

    Yay git room fer a Scotsmen?

    This rowdy soonds like me wife! Christ, she is one eld battleaxe is my Agnus. Actually, I think the first kiss she gave mae was a Liverpool kiss. I brought back her pint haf empty. Let that be a lesson to ya laddies.
  5. S

    Eels show interest in Jason Smith

    Only haf a beer? Whit happens to the other haf? The glass is haf empty, fill it up fer the man. Daft basturds! This is actually the kind of haf time refreshments we 'av arranged fer the skool kids here in glasga. I like the soond of this man, Smith. A good hardy Scottish name tae! Sign him...
  6. S

    i have a feeling we will sign someone today

    Aye, right yer are! Yay signed the Swashbuckling Scotsmen!
  7. S

    Yay git room fer a Scotsmen?

    Ack! I can see yer all a real lot of rowdy lads and lassies here. My thanks to all of yay that extended me a heart felt welcome. To those of yay that didnay - F**k off - Yay basturds! Anyway, Aye, this is the way I talk. Whit yer hear, is whit yay see, is whit yay.... erh... Drink...
  8. S

    Origin '05 favour still paying out for Hindy

    Ack! What a load of Sh*te! An Englishmen stickin up for a Scotsman!? Ah, I tell yay whit, I like the soond of this Hindmarsh!
  9. S

    Yay git room fer a Scotsmen?

    Uck! Fer F**k sake! yay must be one of them poofy pr*ck Englishmen? Yer a basturd!
  10. S

    Yay git room fer a Scotsmen?

    No G-in up nufin, laddy - am a real Scotsmen. I didnay wear nufin under me kilt! Yay bloody Aussies haf a lot to learn aboot us Scots. Looks like I have arrived just intime.
  11. S

    Walker Brothers Ben and Shane

    Fer Christ sake! a'nearly chocked on me hagas reading this sh*te!
  12. S

    Yay git room fer a Scotsmen?

    Right then, listen up yay wee basturds! Aye, am’a Scotsmen, and am here to add to this forum as only a Scotsman can. Am stuck here in Glasga, but me great, great uncle was shipped to yer basturding country years ago, so I know whits the go! After findin out he escaped law enforcement bae...