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  1. B

    New Melbourne Stadium

    The reason it is only 31,000 is because when they built Telstra Dome, there was a contract signed with the government (or someone) that another 25,000+ stadium was not allowed to be built in Melbourne for 20 years (for the TD investing parties). The original plan was for 25,000, but after many...
  2. B

    NRL and AFL go head to head in Sydney's west on Saturday night

    Funny how you associate all Victorians with such resentment. I thought AFL was your enemy?? Some AFL people I know resent league, but they never slander New South Welshman and Queenslanders. The slander NRL. You should stick to bagging the AFL. BTW many people down here believe GWS will fail...
  3. B

    NRL breaks Melbourne tradition by hosting Good Friday clash

    Good on the NRL. The AFL are stuck in old mindset that this day is sacred... blah... blah ... blah.... when most of are us not even religious. So many people want an AFL match on Good Friday but its just the AFL heavy weights like Andrew Demetriou, Eddie McGuire and Caroline Wilson who think...
  4. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    Sorry for all these posts. Last one, just had to point out this post. Finally someone here states some intelligent facts to have a proper argument. I agree with many points here. * The AFL is at its peak - it can't increase much more in its current markets. It is more trying to retain these...
  5. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    So one dickhead wants to ban soccer balls and he represents the state of Victoria. ALL Victorian people are insular??? Why? That's like me saying all people from Sydney are racist thugs because of the Cronula Riots. I know they don't represent the people of Sydney, so I don't generalise.
  6. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    Well yeah that's pretty bad. I've heard that before and it makes AFL people sound insecure when they say sh*t like this. Not all AFL fans think like this though. A lot do though sadly.... The point about AFL is expanding around the world, even the most one eyed supporters knows this is bs. The...
  7. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    Ok, I admit the AFL do hand out showbags just to sign kids up and increase numbers. That's a good argument, everyone knows this. You should have left it at there. You then go on to bag Victoria... what's the state of Victoria got to do with anything? When you guys start making comments like...
  8. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    I know its hard to believe someone who says they go to NRL games (because we are a very rare breed) so I don't blame you there. That's the facts... NRL crowds are pathetic. I like NRL, but the crowds are pathetic. Hey I love the soccer, and the crowds there are pathetic as well. For a one city...
  9. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    Haha Victoriania, brilliant! You're pretty clever yourself.
  10. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    Hahaha, by the way I'm not DB, just liked what he had to say on the Daily Tel. You see the thing is at least I'm not one eyed dics like some of you guys. I love soccer am a Melbourne Victory Member, I enjoy the Storm (went to 3 games last year) and love the AFL (you guessed it). I even watch NRL...
  11. B

    registration NRL vs afl

    2008 AFL annual report (the latest) 700,000 comes from this... 290,590 participants in club competitions. 163,885 participants in the NAB AFL Auskick program. 209,773 participants in school competitions. 3890 participants in recreational football. 5928 participants in veterans€&#8482...
  12. B

    Hayne, Folau and Jennings tipped for GWS

    as opposed to run, get tackled and pass. I think AFL might be too advanced for him. He better stick with NRL
  13. B

    Thinktank - How to derail GWS Pansies & GC Softies ...

    Well yeah that is a fair point, I can't imagine the papers running something like that down here. Maybe News Ltd is trying to help the NRL out though. They must be running these headlines for a reason... they have a significant share in your competition and obviously want it to succeed. Maybe it...
  14. B

    Melbourne Storm V super 15 rugby

    When I say dominance, I know it will never dominate in NSW and Qld individually. At the moment however, AFL is the number 1 code in Australia, and by increasing its following (even by the smallest of magins), it still increases its dominance. Lets say Hypothetically AFL support in NSW is 10% and...
  15. B

    Thinktank - How to derail GWS Pansies & GC Softies ...

    You guys seem to want to both ways. You say AFL is crap and going to fail yet you all talk about how we can derail them (like they are going to succeed). Relax guys.... if you say you have the best product, then you have nothing to worry about. A lot of people on here are like that pathetic...
  16. B

    Melbourne Storm V super 15 rugby

    Ok, my first post. Yes I’m from Melbourne and recently with all this AFL / NRL code war going on, have been in the recent months scouting your forums.... there really are some NRL ignorant dics on here! But having said that we have someone eyed AFL dics on our side too. So lets call that one...

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