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‘How I Met Your Mother’ Renewed for 9th (and Final) Season


this show really needed to be capped at a set amount of seasons by the creators from the outset, as while I do love the show and still watch it I definitely get the feeling that while they always knew who the mother would be from the beginning, they really had no idea how to get there and have been tossing in a bunch of pointless stories along the way.

It is getting quite funny though to think how bad a dad Ted is. Imagine your father sat you down and said "I'm going to tell you about how I met your mum" then proceeded to tell you his entire sexual history of nailing s**ts left and right, all while being madly in love with another chick for 8 years who is NOT your mum and seemingly still plays a large role in your life given you know her as Aunt Robin :lol:

My wife is adamant that the big reveal will end up being that the mother is still Robin and that when she calls him into the bridal suite at her and Barney's wedding they run off together or something, but I dunno I don't see it going that way now.

Don't mean to quote an old post, but wow that was pretty close





Watched it again while doing some Uni work and I have a completely different perspective of the series:

What I realised now more than the 9 years I've been watching is that since Ted and Robin broke up in Season 2, there were always a reason why it wouldn't work. Either other relationships or that both of them still had other life accomplishments that being: Ted wanted a family, something Robin couldn't give him and Robin wanted to travel the world as a reporter, something Ted couldn't accept. Fast forward six years after the mother dies, where do Ted and Robin stand? They have what each of them wanted in life. And that's how I remember the story of How I Met Your Mother.


Staff member
Watched it again while doing some Uni work and I have a completely different perspective of the series:

What I realised now more than the 9 years I've been watching is that since Ted and Robin broke up in Season 2, there were always a reason why it wouldn't work. Either other relationships or that both of them still had other life accomplishments that being: Ted wanted a family, something Robin couldn't give him and Robin wanted to travel the world as a reporter, something Ted couldn't accept. Fast forward six years after the mother dies, where do Ted and Robin stand? They have what each of them wanted in life. And that's how I remember the story of How I Met Your Mother.

That's what made it so perfect. The whole series, Ted telling his kids this ridiculously convoluted story make sense in this context.

Especially if you think about it like this - Ted doesn't even realise what story he's telling his kids.
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Bulldog Force

The final was good but I must admit, I was expecting more.

Firstly, I'm glad that they started off at the train station again as it takes us back to season 8. I wasn't sure what would play out though. I mean Ted telling the old lady that he didn't want to talk about it kind of suggested that something bad happened at the wedding which wasn't the case.

The mother dying was sad, which, even though the signs were there, was not something any of us wanted and it kind of undone 9 seasons of mystery. It took away the suspense etc... of us all wanting to know who the mother was and that was the title of the show.

I'm happy they filled all the little bits in between in, I found the scene with Barney and his child very touching, I just wished it had ended with Tracy being the mother who was currently alive. Also at the end, the children figured out the story wasn't really about how he met their mother, it was about him always having feelings for Robin!


haven't watched the last 3 seasons but watched the last 3 episodes of this one. Enjoyed it good end to a good show


Staff member
I have been a vocal critic of the last 2-3 seasons, and of much of the final season, but I just sat through episodes 15-24 and must say I enjoyed the ride. There were some predictably bad jokes and too much filler, but a few things resonated with me.

- Miloti was perfect for the mother.
- At the end there, all of the characters felt like they did early in the series. Damned if I didn't find myself realising I'll miss them.
- They tied up all the loose ends and old mysteries well.
- The last episode, showing how people drift away, really resonated with me given I'm in a similar age group and have been going through the same.
- The ending, controversial though it was, made sense in the over-arcing mythos of the show.

Well done.


Not a bad finale. Solid B for mine. Doesnt make up for thr last few seasons but thank god its finally over

Bulldog Force

- They tied up all the loose ends and old mysteries well.

This I thought too... does anyone here remember the pineapple incident from season 1? Up until the series finale on Monday, The Pineapple Incident was the shows highest rating episode. The mystery was not tied up. It's the one where Ted wakes up and finds a Pineapple next to his bed. That mystery was never solved.

Hold on guys... I also remember an episode where there was a sheep in the bathroom, and future Ted also states that he will explain what happened there. Did he ever get back to that one either?


First Grade
It was a goat. Lily took it back to the apartment because the owner said in front of her class he was going to slaughter it.

That was a great finale for mine, it makes so much sense now. The fiancee, special sort that she is, was crying her eyes out.


Staff member
I heard the series creators talk about The Pineapple Incident. At the end of that episode, future Ted says 'and we never did find out where that pineapple came from'. They always regretted writing that line because it meant they could never explain that mystery.


Good finale for mine. Ended as it should have, and it's a pleasure to be able to say that about a show. Things I particularly liked:

- Barney and Robin divorce - I never felt their relationship was anything but forced, and for the writers to nix it was lovely.
- Ted gets the girl without ruining the premise of the show. Got to use the blue horn one last time. Appropriate.
- Mother being dead was predictable, many felt this was the case, but it was appropriate at the same time. Predictable due to how appropriate it was.
- Atomic high five.
- Having Barney finally grow up by having a kid, but without the strings attached of needing him to work with a significant other was a great touch. Barney was never meant to be married to someone.
Yeah, all in all I was really happy with it to be honest. I thought the finale did the show justice and was a great homage to the entire 9 seasons. IMDB twats will never be happy with any shows ending... I've never once seen an IMDB board get set alight with praise for a finale. They are no-life nerd neckbeards that hate everything except masturbating and bitching about shows they like on the internet.
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First Grade
So that will be based on what happened in real life then as that's what this entire series was based on. By the way if anyone is interested, check out HIMYM forums on IMDb - they are going off. Threads are being started left, right and centre non-stop!


There's also a FAQ section which is pretty good: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460649/faq?ref_=tt_faq_sm

People only don't like the finale because it doesn't give them what they want. Having actually watched it last night I think it was very well done.

Bulldog Force

People only don't like the finale because it doesn't give them what they want. Having actually watched it last night I think it was very well done.

I was happy except for the mother dying. I'm ok with the Robin and Barney divorce - Barney was never meant to get married, and however I'm happy he had a lovechild... and in the process changed to become a better person.

If there's something I didn't like about season 9, it's that the first 22 episodes were about a wedding which had a marriage that ended relatively quickly.


First Grade
For mine the pining for Robin and that being the grandiose arc completely cheapens the mother and Teds marriage


After watching the entire series like most of us here (since the early days) even though we met the mother only this season I was devastated by her dying. She was so perfect for ted and after all the years of loneliness he went through he lost her. I'm surprised Ted even moved on TBH (but I guess he was always going too) and so Robin is a good fit but he would have never been 'as' happy. I Doubt I've ever been sader from a death in a tv show thinking off the top of my head than Ted's wife.

Great finish to a great sitcom. It was a ride and journey and it's sad that it's ended (similar for 'Friends' for me).
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Bulldog Force

How I Met Your Mother started the season after Friends ended so I look at it as a long-distance spin-off... in a way. Group of Friends, living in New York, Marriages, Births deaths etc...

Anyway what are some of your favorite episodes of the show?

I like the Woo-Girls one, the s**tty pumpkin (original and s**tty pumpkin returns), Architecture 101, Subway Wars, and the one where Barney does the NY Marathon lol.


First Grade
I really loved the first two episodes of the Ted & Victoria meet/relationship.

Also the fist date in two minutes

Marshalls dad dying was so perfectly orchestrated

All of the Canada themed/referenced shows

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