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09 :: R20 Sat :: Cowboys 20 Panthers 28 @ Dairy Farmers

Round 20 :: Cowboys v Panthers

  • Draw after Golden Point

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Luke O'Donnell is a HUGE loss, I remember when his form hit the roof the Cowboys were at their best.

If the Cowboys can finish top 6 they are still a chance, anyone with the best player in the comp would still be feared.


It doesn't matter if you have the best player here and the best player there, its deliberate acts of incompetence by refs that costs teams games.
I dont get how you Penrith supporters say that it was a try???? I've been reading the NRL rules over and over and I still cant get how its a try I really cant. My school team scored a try in similar fashion only 2 weeks ago but the ref said knock on boys lets have a scrum ...no problem both myself and opposition coach agreed the game kept on going, the boys were ok with it ...parents were ok with it ...we respected the decision by the ref ...oh yeah we lost by 2! So how do I explain to them on Mon arvo that they were robbed of a chance to go further in the comp?
If the shoe was on the other foot you would be screaming blue murder as well ....the ref standard is just disgraceful not here and there but every week one team or two or three are losing games because of it.
Imagine you guys losing to the Knights in the last round when a 'tap forward' pass is ruled against you and it costs you a semi final spot! that's how bad the refereeing is ...it is a lottery at best and it is highly possible it will happen to a team in the next 6 weeks and it will be season ending drama ...then read all the anger & frustration here on this forum or any other forum for that matter.
I see in RLW 80% of them have had violence against them off and on the field and they wonder why??? they dont respect players, clubs or supporters ...they ref, get paid and go home as if nothing happened.

Jason Maher

It wasn't a try, and neither was Chris Walker's.

Having said that, Bani could have been done for trying to tackle Gordon without the ball - as soon as he realised he wasn't goping to reach it, he moved his arms to try and wrap Gordon up instead. A similar thing happened on Friday night with Winterstein on Zillman - Winterstein initially went up for the ball, but his arms moved to effect a tackle (in mid-air of course), and he only attempted to steal the ball after he had knocked Zillman out of the air onto his back. I would be very interested to know what the actual rule on this is - i.e. changing from contesting the ball to tackling the other player when you realise you're not going to win the contest.
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Interesting point Jason ...well I'm going to coach my school team tomorrow arvo to throw the ball over the top of the opposition, try and regain it on the full and score if possible. Let's see what we get away with ....it will be interesting. I have the Gordon so called try on video - to show them first - then we'll try and work a plan out to use this new rule of knocking on to score - we have a game on Friday, I'll let this forum know how we went putting this plan into our play.


the problem isnt so much in the motion of the player hitting the ball.It is the wording of the rule.Delibrretly hit forward.How do you know it was done.What hurt the cowboys was banni trying to tackle Gordon just after while the ball was still in the air.That .The Cowboys have only themselves to blame for the loss .Penrith got smashed in the penalty count but hung on to win


Deliberate or not it still went forward! whether he tried to catch it or not he propelled the ball towards the opposition dead ball line ....knock on. Lyon scores against Broncos same thing - try, Hayne does the same against Cowboys ...no try ..sure the Cowboys could have scored 10 tries last night Penrith got the calls and its all fish and chip paper now.. who cares! Penrith won't be caring that's for sure, why would they ..next week it could be your turn to suffer an inconsistent ruling (I think you already have once or twice... against Canterbury if I remember), Bang your season hangs by a thread...its the standard of inconsistent rulings that will strip a team of a semi final spot or a premiership.
Maybe I shouldn't coach my team to deliberate throw the ball over the opposition ..maybe we'll just grubber along then knock it forward to gain an advantage and hopefully score...we did it by accident 2 weeks ago and it wasn't a drama everyone knew it was a knock on. I think we'll call it 'Penrith or Manly' or both maybe ...once for each half.


a knock on is only when the ball hits the ground or goes forward and hits a opposing player this did not happen.Where is the difference in a player fumbling the ball catching it again was the fumble delibrete .I am not saying the action was right or wrong i am saying the wording of the rule is not as clear as it should be.It means a video ref has to guess what the intentions of the player was


Post Whore
unbiased dragons fan opinion on penriths tries last night.

1. Try 1 - Jennings offside and inside the 10 when bowen knocked on .. Penalty cowboys
2. Try 2 - Gordon knocked the ball deliberately forward to himself ... Penalty cowboys
3. Try 3 - Puletua played the ball facing sideline to sideline (if the video ref only looked at the play the ball and not the rest of the play it would have instantly been disallowed) ... Penalty Cowboys

That is what won the game for the panthers ... Three bullsh*t tries gifted to them.


Cowboys were incredibly dissapointing. They had barely any creativity out of dummy half and their execution was really poor. They can still be anything on their day but it's going to require the likes of Watts, Graham and O'Donnell before they can truly compete.

And Aaron Payne maybe? Hes out for the season, that means their gone.


I get your point mate ...that's right guessing what the intention of the player is in deciding whether its deliberate or not ...how is that suppose to happen? Then why wasn't Hayne's try given against Cowboys ...who's to say his was deliberate or not, its back to the opinion of the VR ...therefore a lottery....depends on his mood too I guess (look at the St.George/Canterbury game)
The Jennings try was from a ball going forward from an attempted pass from Cooper off a Cowboys player's knee ...knock on I thought but again I didnt get the rule correct, so this just adds to my confusion. Same thing happened in Origin with Harrison's no try.
The rule should be changed to include if the ball is projected forward (in any manner) towards the opposition dead ball line deliberately or not its a knock on. I get all clubs face this week in and week out and have to deal with but it is increasing week after week and sooner or later players, supporters will have had enough and lose interest.
But hey you guys are all smiles laughing at the Cowboys this morning and its no good going on about it ....its done and dusted ....and life goes on.


if the cowboys get Odonnell and the hooker they will still be in the hunt for the semi finals.You get the hooker back next week that is a big help.Sometimes the inclusion of one or 2 players can change the whole outcome of the game


Well thats not going happen ...O'Donnell gone, Payne gone ....we'll look at next year from here on in


That is what won the game for the panthers ... Three bullsh*t tries gifted to them.
Yeah ok, that's what won the game for us... :roll: It's got nothing to do with that we were the better team, took our opportunities, made less errors, made more metres, etc etc etc etc etc... It's all the referee.
If any of those tries had not been awarded the game would have changed from that moment, so how can you say that's what won the game? That's right, you can't. :lol:
Pretty rich coming from a Dragons supporter after the run you've got this year with the refs... ;-)

Also funny how you seem to ignore the ridiculous penalty count...

Also, if you guys can't see the difference between the Hayne No-Try and the Gordon Try then you need to get your eyes checked. :crazy:

I can't believe the comments about this game, considering some of the calls made throughout the year in other games. This game doesn't even come close to comparing. Maybe you guys should watch some of the other games from this year, including the Storm game against Penrith, as well as a hundred other games not involving Penrith, then come back.
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How the f*ck can anyone hionestly say that the Michael Gordon try should not have been awarded. The rules clearly state if he deliberately knocks the ball forward... and there's absolutely no way to know if that was his intention or not. It was a great try and it would have been a joke to disallow it because he didn't have control of the ball immediately.

As for Michael Jennings being offside, i never saw an angle showing that he was offside when Matt Bowen dropped that ball. I'm not saying he was definitely onside, but it looked fine to me... Cowboys made an error from a nice kick and we scored. Simple stuff.

His second try was also off a Cowboys player knocking the ball out of Gavin Coopers hands with his knee. Cooper was looking to pass and as he was about to the ball was knocked loose by the Cowboys player... toward our line / lineball at worst. There was no knock-on though.

The video referee didn't get anything blatantly wrong... BOTD was applied correctly and the better side won. We had a few 50/50 decisions go in our favour from the video referee, but there's a case for all of them to be the correct decision.

People seem to be overlooking the fact that the guys on the field were absolutely killing the Panthers with penalties and making it pretty much impossible to get any momentum going. The penalty count was absolutely ridiculous.


First Grade
We deserved the win with our goalline defence. We certainly looked more desperate for the win than the Cowboys, who I think are overrated, particuarly considering they came 2nd last in 09 and are only 8th this season even when some people tipped them for a top 4. They could easily lose their next 2 games as well considering their away to the Storm and the Titans.

As for us, we're doing very well to be winning with a weakened side. We must beat the Warriors at home next week to keep the momentum going. Its a game we SHOULD win, I certainly hope so as its a game I'm free to attend.


Of course the Cowboys are over rated!! Your a genius for that one! Been over rated for 14 years (you can count on one hand how many good players they've had in that time) ....the penalty count was ridiculous ...my point all along... the refs can kill a team in a few minutes no matter how many good players you have, I find it hard to take you can actually knock the ball towards the opposition goal line and still score a try ....I never knew that and before you guys jump down my throat I apologise for being so naive! Why dont teams do it in very set of six? maybe cause the VR could think hey thats intentionally knocked forward ...so no try, however he might say mmmm na he didnt intentionally knock that forward ...try! I really hope you guys dont get one against you ...would you be ok with that? even if it knocks you out of the comp??
The whole NRL referring system is a joke ...the Premiers will be decided by either one of those inconsistent so called officials ...simple as that, whether its the Panthers, Dragons or even the over rated, ridiculous Cowboys. So the Sowards, Lockyers, Jennings, Kimmorleys and Princes of the world be warned ... it shows no matter how talented you are .. sure as the sun comes up in the morning ...a ref will cause their team to lose a game or two or three or four etc etc
Up to 5 games a week are being ruined by these idiots that are refs ....each team has been gutted by ridiculous decisions and penalty counts ....its rarer to see a good clean game than it is to see a game ruined by these refs. This week the Panthers got the money ...next week it could be the Warriors over you guys ....and it goes on and on until one team is left.:crazy:


I find it hard to take you can actually knock the ball towards the opposition goal line and still score a try
Is this the first game of NRL you have ever seen then? It happens quiet often... and it's perfectly legal if your knocking the ball forward is in an attempt to gain control. Michael Gordon only had one hand available... his knocking forward was to gain control and he did that. At no point did the ball touch anyone else or the ground... so there's no knock-on. It's no different from trying to intercept the ball and knocking it forward when you put your hand out... there's more to gain by doing that then intentionally knocking a ball forward that you could easily catch. It just increases the risk at an error.

! I really hope you guys dont get one against you ...would you be ok with that? even if it knocks you out of the comp??
We've had it happen a few times against us... with Brett Stewart looking like it was intentional and yet it was still awarded. At the end of the day if the player hasn't knocked the ball on, there's absolutely no reason to disallow the try. They can't prove whether it was intentional or not. BOTD always goes to the attack team, and you can't say without any doubt what the players intentions are. It's a simple enough rule to follow.

Why dont teams do it in very set of six?
Because there's no advantage in doing so 99% of the time. You have to gain control of the ball and it's not difficult to do... especially when there's a defender involved.

The referee gave the Cowboys every opportunity to runaway with that game and they just couldn't... yet despite the fact that they had all the possession and field position in the first half thanks to a one sided referee, they are still trying to shift the blame elsewhere.

The disallowed try to Matt Bowen was a clear no try... with him not even going close to grounding the ball (unlike last week where they did award a try that was similar). None of the tries that the Panthers scored had a clear reason to disallow them... most not even requiring BOTD IMO. Especially the Michael Gordon one... that was just a great try. Michael Bani was attempting to tackle him and had held one of his arms from going for the ball properly. He managed to gain control of the ball and ground it without a knock-on.

The only try which could have been wrong is if Michael Jennings was offside when Matt Bowen knocked the ball on. I must admit i don't remember seeing an angle that showed his position in relation to the kicker... although you can blame Matt Bowen for not being able to catch that ball. He was under no pressure at all and dropped the ball.

His second try though, Gavin Cooper was facing his own line trying to get a pass away but couldn't quiet manage it.... when it was knocked loose by a Cowboys defender and it left his arms going sideways. There wasn't any knock-on involved, so the decision was correct.

I must admit that the video referee is very random... but he was pretty much spot on last night. Unlike the onfield referee who made no attempt at all to make the game fair.
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Big Pete

What's the point in having a rule when there's such inconsistensy? Gordon purposly knocked that ball in the air to avoid a defender, no question about it. If he was having a legitimate play he wouldn't of struck it with an open palm and with the force he did. I can understand the video ref's ruling but surely it's an area the referee's must assess come 2010 because at the moment it's complete bs.

renouf - Obviously I was refering to players who aren't out with season ending injuries. Payne is a huge loss though.


How was it obviously intentional? He had one arm obstructed by a defender... what are the chances that he could catch it while it's bouncing that high with one hand? That was the only chance he had at gaining control of the ball.

Absolutely impossible to improve what his intentions are, and that should be a try every time.


I've been watching the game for awhile now and I really cant get that knock on rule for the life of me (Gordon's try)....if an intercept is taken cleanly play on right? if he knocks it forward then regains it still play on ...is that right? mmmm then shouldn't the rule be rewritten so its not so ambiguous .... if the ball is propelled forward either intentionally or not then a knock on is ruled ...or is that going to open another Pandora's Box?
It seems to me the 2 ref system is not working ....one ref was fine I thought. Of course the ref gave the Cowboys a thousand chances to win the game ...but really honestly they are hopeless ...any other team (except Broncos they are even worse) would have won but hey the ref decides that I guess.
Looking at your draw - Warriors (thats a given), Dragons (hard one), Broncos (that's a given) Souths (a win easily), Eels (should do that one) and Knights (a given here as well) - so that means 34 points and probably 5th spot.
The eight are done - Dragons, Dogs, Storm, Titans, Panthers, Manly, Knights, Tigers.
The rest are gone .... some of them may have some picked in the Australian side ...but not many (3 or 4)

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