Whats the crowd figure matter? A loss at LO in front of 15,000 is not better then a win in front of 10,000 at CS any way you slice it.
is this better YOU-ARE-A-f**k-WIT-GO-EAT-sh*t
IN FACT BALMAIN MET THE CRITERIA TO REMAIN STAND ALONE IN THE NRL, unlike wests who would have been out on their arse's. In saying that we wouldnt have lasted long.If you dont like it go it alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean if Balmain/sydney Tigers had such great crowds back in the 1990s they wouldnt have needed to merge would they?
Give up the disguise, you're clearly a Magpies troll.
Since the initial post purported to discuss crowd figures we ought to mention that the Leichhardt crowd was roughly 5k bigger than the Campbelltown crowd a few weeks ago.
That aside, I agree that a win in front of a small crowd is more fulfilling that any loss irrespective of the crowd.
Western Suburbs = losing culture + no supporters.Theres way too much Tigers in the Wests Tigers.
Its not as if Balmain have any juniors. All the youngsters in the district play rah-rah or polo ( if you can find any). Most of them think rugby league is something bogans watch on channel nine on friday night. And whats this "stale orgasm" thing they play?
The westie ugg-boot should crush the half-finished wicker basket once and for all.
If you magpies dont watch it, the Balmain part of the tigpies will turn youse into a feeder team for interior designers or a la carte chefs.
When will they ever learn that its not a jammy tart but a dummy half. Answer: never.
You town people better watch it or we'll have to boot you out of the westies union.
Youve tasted your urban champagne, had your illicit affair with the orange ho from the city, now stop drinking, settle down and play some footy.
Western Suburbs = losing culture + no supporters.
The wests mob always dribble about juniors blah blah blah. I wouldn't mind a pack like Easts; must be the juniors!
The problem with the Wests Tigers is too much Wests. The Wests mob are actually proud to be losers from the Western suburbs. No wonder we are so mediocre.
The only mob more laughable that Wests is Souths. We don't need Wests juniors, the best way forward, is to just nick Souths juniors - they have had heaps of great juniors and they give them away for next to nothing.
I don't understand your problem. You are proud to be working class; part and parcel of that being exploited. Just keep creating footballers for the rest of the country and stick to reruns of the 71 grand final. Souths may be in a heap of trouble but they aren't actually dead yet. You should worry about Souths rather than jostling for position within our JV.Why should the real fans of the game have to put up with this prentious, high and mighty and blatently odourous attitude.
Balmain hasnt been a working persons suburb for decades.
It doesnt deserve a rugby league team.
They should knock down Leichardt and turn it into an art gallery, something that the feral ressies would actually attend.
The Balmain side are holding the Wests side back, thats what the rest of the league thinks anyway.
Go up there my fellow uggies and stomp on their stinking wicker baskets and spill their soya bean expresso's.
Set your rangy mongrel mutts onto their spolit fat-faced Labrdoodles who eat better than your own kids.
Torch their ugly silver saabs and gold audis. Why dont they drive Holdens, Toyotas and Fords like us? Whats fugging wrong with them?
Balmain is revolting. A pox on it and that side of the J.V.
Culture to a balmain supporter is some weirdo tribe of headhunters in some jungle in a foreign country. Fug that.
I don't understand your problem. You are proud to be working class; part and parcel of that being exploited. Just keep creating footballers for the rest of the country and stick to reruns of the 71 grand final. Souths may be in a heap of trouble but they aren't actually dead yet. You should worry about Souths rather than jostling for position within our JV.
I dont have the problem and this is not a sociology lecture.
Nor is it a Souths topic.
The Balmain side of the venture suck, thats the truth of the matter. All they have to offer is cash and thats all they should do. They should shut up and do nothing apart from hand that over to Wests.
I enjoy sociology Dave. I can see the roots of Souths continued failure in your ridiculous arguments (and I'm being generous qualifying your
silly rants as argument).
Balmain "should" do this or that. Balmain are not a working class area so don't deserve a team! I like you dave. You want justice. That is so sweet.
I'm guessing you are over five dave, so I'm going to give it to you straight. Santa doesn't exist, life isn't fair, and no one in their right mind would live in Campbelltown unless they had to.
So much anger towards poodles. I am a Great Dane owner myself.You elitist, poodle-owining brain-dead mong.
The Balmain side of the venture suck and thats the truth of the matter.
Go back to class, listen and stop being "easily distracted".
So much anger towards poodles. I am a Great Dane owner myself.