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137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

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First Grade
best: ummm no working till saturday

worst: had to work tonight and last night, both times with the new manager who is out to prove that he can boss us around... i got told off for leaning against the thign where all the food goes even though i jsut had my arm on it, for apparently wearing my pants too low (which is bull) and for putting my hand on my friends shoulder cos he doesnt tolerant us touching each other. how uptight!! and also last night there wasnt any uniforms (although i stole a pair of pants so i had pants) but they only had shirts that 3 other people had worn so i said i wasnt gonna wear it ... mayeb i should steal a shirt too lol


The_Joey_Show said:
WORST - not much... these last few weeks before the footy season starts have been really draaaaaaaaging on!

You're telling me!!!

If you see or hear about a bloke running around EAS naked, ranting and raving that's probably me. :LOL:


the_knights_rule said:
best: ummm no working till saturday

worst: had to work tonight and last night, both times with the new manager who is out to prove that he can boss us around... i got told off for leaning against the thign where all the food goes even though i jsut had my arm on it, for apparently wearing my pants too low (which is bull) and for putting my hand on my friends shoulder cos he doesnt tolerant us touching each other. how uptight!! and also last night there wasnt any uniforms (although i stole a pair of pants so i had pants) but they only had shirts that 3 other people had worn so i said i wasnt gonna wear it ... mayeb i should steal a shirt too lol

Geez, what a boss.


Amy, that really sucks! :( God, I feel like going and backing up my live journal, would hate to lose all the stuff in there. If you ever feel like starting something new up, I've never had any problems with Livejournal so far. Hang in there chickie!

Best: Nothing really exciting happened today, so not really anything to put here I suppose.

Worst: My supervisor is back, and still has major attitude. Can she go back on holidays again? LOL


astrogirl said:
Oh no J-A-D, that's terrible...

I write a journal too, but up until a couple of months ago I did it the oldfashioned way - with a notebook and pen.

These days I type it, but I'd hate to lose these files...

*hugs J-A-D*
Thanks astro! I'd rather write mine by hand too, but I type so much faster than I write. Plus, I designed my own template and made it look really cool. I wish I had saved all the html codes!

CWBush said:
Yeah, it's definitely not. I've got about eight journals (hand-written) stretching back to 1992 (when I was just nine) and two online journals covering 2002 onwards. I'd be distraught if I lost all of that.
"Distraught" is definitely the word!! :( 1992 ... woah ... you'd have some memories in there for sure! Definitely a keeper.

stevo said:
Ames, that really sucks mate. Some of my momorries would have been in there too. Like our trip to Newie! and the nights i was too drunk too remember! Atleast that nice boyfriend of yours is around to cheer you up!
The_Joey_Show said:
Sorry to hear about your loss Ames. LIke stevo, I feel that some of my memories have been lost in there too. Just take comfort in the fact that the best things in life are the things that you never forget. You don't carry them around on a hard drive or in a book, you carry them around in your heart.
Yep and yep, both my trips to Newcastle were written about extensively! You're right though, I still have the memories in my heart, and they are memories I will never forget.

Funny you should mention the pay issue ... Education Queensland have stuffed up my pay! I was $250 short today, for the second fortnight in a row. Not happy Jan!

Best ~~ I secured Nickelback tickets for Melbourne from Ebay!

Worst ~~ Now I have to try and sell the Brisbane tickets.


Risa said:
Amy, that really sucks! :( God, I feel like going and backing up my live journal, would hate to lose all the stuff in there. If you ever feel like starting something new up, I've never had any problems with Livejournal so far. Hang in there chickie!
Yeah Risa definitely back it up mate ... you never know what could happen, and it's devastating to lose it all. Get the disk out and do it!

I've switched back to my Diaryland account I opened up once when Diary-X was down. It has one entry in it. LOL. I don't think it'll ever be reconstructed, so I'm just going to have to have a 6 year gap. :lol:

P.S. Thanks for the 'Player Profiles' e-mail - just read it - funny stuff! Clint Newton! LOL.


Staff member
WORST: I broke the top of one of mum's genie bottles today, so I had to run down to the hardware store, buy some araldite, and am now in the process of putting it back together

ALMOST BEST: It's getting there, slowly. But hopefully it will be done before mum gets back, and hopefully she won't notice. I reckon I'm gonna have to scour antique shops to see if I can find a replacement :(


First Grade
Best: My boy's been having a tough time lately, so it was great to hear him sounding happy when he called me earlier.

Worst: Nothing much :D Things are happening and I can't complain with progress!!

les norton

First Grade
Best - subject i thought i would hate turned out to be not so bad, and having dinner with my lil reverse seinfield group...3 chicks and a bloke. :D

Worst - dentist - again!! At least at the end of this i will have perfect teeth!


First Grade
best:finished school at 11:30, went out to dinner with friends and went to one of my friends farm and had fun there. oooh and im dropping bio!! wooo lol i HATE it with a passion
worst: so tired now


Best: Made a sale with IQ.... breaking the drought!
Worst: Having a headache and not feeling like hitting the gym


Best : Dunno

Worst : Chances of me going to the first newc game are getting slimmer

Worst 2 : Lost waterpolo today 4-2 (scored 2 goals) and it was the first time ive lost in a final :( we are out :(

Ohh well, bring on the state knock out!


First Grade
Best: Had a great evening with my man. About to make myself a greek salad to take to work for lunch tomorrow :D

Worst: Knowing I have to go to sleep soon in preparation for a tough day at the office tomorrow.


Staff member
BEST: I got the "Dukes of Hazzard" on dvd for $14.95

You got ripped off. They should have paid you.

BEST: Got Nip/Tuck season one at a bargain price

WORST: Stressing over how I can juggle my increasing hours at work and my Uni


Best- A good long chat with both of my boys at work today.

Worst- I just want to go home and sleep today :(


First Grade
best:finished school at 12 :D woo i love having no bio... theres only 2 days per fornight that i have to stay at school after 1 yay and i went for a long drive today and im aiming to get my p's in the next holidays

worst: was so tired i fell asleep on the couch lol
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