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2010 Crowd Watch II


It is a very good point you make. People always criticise Penrith crowds,but the simple fact is that there isn't that many Penrith supporters in Penrith. My Grade at school of about 120 had about 10 Penrith supporters.

I would like to know how many Dogs and Parra members come from the Penrith district.

I'm more interested in why they support those teams. We have a lot of local players on the team which should work in our favour. We can really claim we are the Penrith Panthers. But we have stuff all local fans. What the hell is going on? I swear its the westie tag, or the bullsh*t "my dad supports team x" excuse.


Staff member
I think your last point is the major one. The Penrith district is a fairly new one in terms of the History of Sydney. People have moved here in the past couple of decades and have brought their allegiances with them. There is a few of prominent posters on this website that live in Penrith but don't support them.


Point taken. I know about the relative age of the area and the migration to the western suburbs but I'm probably too young to realise how recent it actually was in real terms. Still, gives me the sh*ts when we have to cop rubbish from people who support teams with fanbases several generations old.


probably about 5,000 kiwis at parra stadium, now that i think about it.

Which makes the Parra crowd and fans (who didn't show up) even more pathetic. How quickly the massive bandwagon who jumped on board this time last year are as quick to jump off. Disgraceful.


Staff member
Point taken. I know about the relative age of the area and the migration to western suburb but I'm probably too young to realise how recent it actually was in real terms. Still, gives me the sh*ts when we have to cop rubbish from people who support teams with fanbases several generations old.

Well the suburb i live in, Erskine Park is only about 20 years old. When Parra made their run last year there was Blue and Yellow everywhere here!


Staff member
Which makes the Parra crowd and fans (who didn't show up) even more pathetic. How quickly the massive bandwagon who jumped on board this time last year are as quick to jump off. Disgraceful.

I was hoping many of the bandwagon turned up for one last time cause Nathan Cayless deserved to play his last game in front of a near sell out.


Erskine Park is only 20 years old? Surprising. I would have thought most of that area was at least 30 - 40 years old. Then again makes sense I suppose it would have been an extension into the mostly unused land around there. Also I guess there are newer developments around like Glenmore Park. I grew up out near Warragamba/Silverdale which began back when they were building the dam (My grandfather moved there to work on it) so my perception of the age of Western Sydney is probably based on that, even though common sense says that Western Sydney would have been much more sparsely populated until recently. Even where I grew up would have been much smaller.

But yeah at any given time you could go for a drive around anywhere east of Blacktown and see colours for pretty much every team in the NRL. Its a shame more haven't yet adopted the local boys.


I was hoping many of the bandwagon turned up for one last time cause Nathan Cayless deserved to play his last game in front of a near sell out.

Exactly my point in a previous post, a club captain/champion deserved a sh*tload better than what the the paltry crowd Parra supporters dished up tonight. f**k the excuses they couldn't make the finals or it was an out of town team, that's totally irrellevant when you have a bloke who's shed numerous blood sweat and tears for the club and the majority couldn't even be bothered to get their fat lazy arses off the couch to give the bloke a fitting send off. 13 years he gave them and they couldn't even give him a few hours.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I hate to say it Evenflow but I reckon there are many thousands who attended those games late last year who wouldn't have a clue in the foggiest who Caylo even is. A great shame, as much as I dislike Parra, he's a great player.

Well done to the fans who did turn out nonetheless.


I hate to say it Evenflow but I reckon there are many thousands who attended those games late last year who wouldn't have a clue in the foggiest who Caylo even is. A great shame, as much as I dislike Parra, he's a great player.

Well done to the fans who did turn out nonetheless.

Timmah, i HATE fans like that. I know its good for the game, but it boils my blood when i talk to someone and they dont know something about my team yet say they support them. I understand there's alot of casual fans in every team, but i still can't help but get angry. Like i said before, we need to stop tainting tonight with talk of the bandwagon fans that didn't turn up.

Im glad there was 11 k that did ( including warriors) and it was such an awesome atmosphere. At the end of the day im sure Cayless loved the fact that 99% of the fans that attended stayed all the way till the end of the presentation as opposed to having 19k, half of which would have left towards the end, when the game was out of our reach.The true fans ( barring the ones that couldnt make it or had something else on) attended and thats the most important thing so who cares about the rest. I surely don't!!!


First Grade
I think your last point is the major one. The Penrith district is a fairly new one in terms of the History of Sydney. People have moved here in the past couple of decades and have brought their allegiances with them. There is a few of prominent posters on this website that live in Penrith but don't support them.

That's exactly right. My parents moved out that way in the early 90's, Dad is a Souths supporter and Mum is a Saints supporter. My sister and I both support them instead of the local team. It's the case for most of my friends as well. Parramatta, Newcastle, Brisbane, Cronulla and the Bulldogs are clubs that spring mind. Might need a few more generations to come along until everyone in/near Penrith actually supports Penrith :p


First Grade
People who live in Penrith and don't support the home team piss me off. Right off. Especially if you were born there. I don't care who your dad supported. People have said earlier that the fans aren't committed enough, and maybe that's true. But it seems to me as a fan and a former resident that there's something about the people who live there that makes them either unwilling to support a team through the tough times or makes them dislike the social hoodoo of being a "westie" so much that they forsake their local team and try to identify with another more metropolitan team because its shinier and they can claim some family member is a supporter.

End Rant. Maybe its not like that but it sure seems like it. I feel better after typing that anyway. Sorry if I offended anyone.

It takes more than that to offend me, but it's a bit annoying. I mean, I was born in Liverpool, and true my dad was a Balmain fan, but you can't deny connections like that, you'd be denying an important part of footy, and that is watching and cheering with your loved ones, not to mention cutting the support for the team to support another one just because you live there.

The ironic thing is when the Tigers became the merged entity my dad started following Penrith :lol: :lol:


Staff member
Hopefully some consistent Semi Final appearances over the next few years can help us grow our supporters base. I really believe if we play Canberra next week we won't even sell out CUA. We simply don't have that many fans unfortunately.


Staff member
Every seat has been Sold for the game i have noticed. Just a matter of how many they can fit on that hill!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Yep, GA standing only has been the case for a while. Should be awesome!

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