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2010 Crowd Watch

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Perth Red

Post Whore
imo there are probably 5 Sydney teams that with good marketing, succesful team etc will crack 20K in the not too distant future, the rest will never get there. When was the last time the Cowboys drew less than 8K? SOME Sydney teams have huge potential, SOME don't. Anyways with the advent of virtual corwds who needs the real thing? We can all sit at home getting fatter on our sofas and the Tv companies wil have exactly waht they want.


Looks about 13k at ANZ,maybe?

It was just over 11,000. But there is a couple of good reasons why the crowd was poor.

Track work on the rail line between Penrith and Blacktown necessitaing the use of buses. I used this form of transport and it took me a very long time to get to the stadium. I think a lot of people would not have atended the game because of this.

There was also a major accidnet on the M4 holding up traffic for som,etime


Your population arguments are useless when this team HAS averaged 18,19k in the past. I'm worried that not even a home fixture against Brisbane will do much up that way, has the marketing fallen over or something? It can't just be form, we're talking crowds at least 5 or 6k lower than previous years...

You'll find apart from maybe Souths, Parra and Saints games, more than 75% of the crowd is Bulldogs.

how are they useless????

Why the f**k would anyone want to drive from Cairns (3.5hours), Mackay (3.5 hours), Mt Isa (9hours), Bowen (1.5hours) or anywhere else that we draw from when we have played like utter utter sh*t for 3 years straight?? Not just unlucky, but heartless, skill lacking, sh*t.

Wollongong has a population of about 200k, and has the luxury of being a merged entity with a plethora of Sydney fans as well as being accessible to a lot of opposition fans from Sydney AND has a highly competitive side and yet with all those leg ups, we still have a higher crowd figure for 2010 thus far???????????

This city is not big enough to draw 18-20k by itself, we are the NQ cowboys, not the Townsville Cowboys. People from out of town help bolster the crowd numbers, if the players can't be bothered putting in on the field, you can't expect the out of towners to do the same off it. The prices up here are in the highest bracket in the NRL, you can't under estimate that this has on peoples ability to attend a game this day and age.

Like any club results do effect our crowds. But the remoteness and distance between towns has a major effect on our numbers. We don't have many away fans at our games, we rely 90%ish (as a guess) on our own fans to turn up, unlike the Sydney crowds where 1 hour is about the most you will have to travel to most stadiums............

If the side plays a bit more like the last 30 mins from last night, the crowds will come back, do you honestly think Tim that if that side was based anywhere else in OZ they would be getting the numbers that we pull up here??? You should be thankful they are getting what they are getting because even as a loyal fan who has a set of cow horns tattooed on an arm, even I am getting the $hits with them.
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What else is there to do in Townsville?

I suppose with all the Drive bys, train station rapes, riots in Cronulla or working bulk over time to pay for your $850k one bedroom studio apartment in Glebe, there's not much else to do in Sydney..........................

See, I can be just as obnoxious.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
if anyone else had been as dismal as the cowboys have for the last three years they'd be getting half that average.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
Thats a rubbish effort from Souths and Penrith. Two in form sides on a sunday afternoon deserves 20K+ at least

I guess you didn't know about the massive storm that was forecast to hit Sydney this afternoon with forecast winds of 120 km/h.

It didn't get here yet, but it certainly has caused damage on the Far South Coast.

No chance I was going out on the road in that, but once we found out that it would not hit until tomorrow, we got out there.

As a Rooster fan, maybe you should worry about your own club.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The media hysteria about the whole storm thing probably cost 5k or so.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
The media hysteria about the whole storm thing probably cost 5k or so.

That's right.

On top of that there was a massive incident on the M4, and it took some of the Panther's team something like 2 hours to get to the game. That would have turned some away too coming from the mountains.


I have been curious about something to do with NRL attendances during Origin. I did the sums on the 2009 season.

141 games outside Origin time for 2,364,334 at an average of 16,678.

51 games during Origin time for 770,256 at an average of 15,103.

Difference per game is 1575. Multiply that by 51 and you have, roughly, the turnstile impact of Origin on NRL attendances: 80,325.

Last year there was one Origin that got 80k and two others that got 50k, so it was a net benefit of 100k.

Not sure what it proves, but I did all the spreadsheet crap to figure that out, so someone might be interested.


how are they useless????

Why the f**k would anyone want to drive from Cairns (3.5hours), Mackay (3.5 hours), Mt Isa (9hours), Bowen (1.5hours) or anywhere else that we draw from when we have played like utter utter sh*t for 3 years straight?? Not just unlucky, but heartless, skill lacking, sh*t.

Wollongong has a population of about 200k, and has the luxury of being a merged entity with a plethora of Sydney fans as well as being accessible to a lot of opposition fans from Sydney AND has a highly competitive side and yet with all those leg ups, we still have a higher crowd figure for 2010 thus far???????????

This city is not big enough to draw 18-20k by itself, we are the NQ cowboys, not the Townsville Cowboys. People from out of town help bolster the crowd numbers, if the players can't be bothered putting in on the field, you can't expect the out of towners to do the same off it. The prices up here are in the highest bracket in the NRL, you can't under estimate that this has on peoples ability to attend a game this day and age.

Like any club results do effect our crowds. But the remoteness and distance between towns has a major effect on our numbers. We don't have many away fans at our games, we rely 90%ish (as a guess) on our own fans to turn up, unlike the Sydney crowds where 1 hour is about the most you will have to travel to most stadiums............

If the side plays a bit more like the last 30 mins from last night, the crowds will come back, do you honestly think Tim that if that side was based anywhere else in OZ they would be getting the numbers that we pull up here??? You should be thankful they are getting what they are getting because even as a loyal fan who has a set of cow horns tattooed on an arm, even I am getting the $hits with them.

Excellent points.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
I have been curious about something to do with NRL attendances during Origin. I did the sums on the 2009 season.

141 games outside Origin time for 2,364,334 at an average of 16,678.

51 games during Origin time for 770,256 at an average of 15,103.

Difference per game is 1575. Multiply that by 51 and you have, roughly, the turnstile impact of Origin on NRL attendances: 80,325.

Last year there was one Origin that got 80k and two others that got 50k, so it was a net benefit of 100k.

Not sure what it proves, but I did all the spreadsheet crap to figure that out, so someone might be interested.

It proves that despite origin being a drain on crowds, players and interest in general it is definitely worth. Cheers Monty man.


I have been curious about something to do with NRL attendances during Origin. I did the sums on the 2009 season.

141 games outside Origin time for 2,364,334 at an average of 16,678.

51 games during Origin time for 770,256 at an average of 15,103.

Difference per game is 1575. Multiply that by 51 and you have, roughly, the turnstile impact of Origin on NRL attendances: 80,325.

Last year there was one Origin that got 80k and two others that got 50k, so it was a net benefit of 100k.

Not sure what it proves, but I did all the spreadsheet crap to figure that out, so someone might be interested.

Thank you for doing the research on this. I'm actually surprised the impact is only 1,575 per game. I have long argued that no grown up sport allows its premier competition be hi jacked mid season by a series of meaningless exhibitions....but we do.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
:lol: Sydney fans are so fairweather that even the threat of a storm can reduce the crowd by that much.
This "storm" you seem so humoured about was sold by the media as a "category 3 cyclone" to hit Sydney mid-to-late Sunday afternoon.
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