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2010 Memberships


Penrith are the club who need to get their act together.

There is next to no competition out here, and it is absolute League heartland out here in Penrith.
Their numbers are terrible.

Why is that the case? Is money an issue or are just plain lazy and take their supporters for granted?
The players should be going to schools and having clinics, etc. and in no time they would become a Panthers fans.
I am very disappointed to read this, especially in an area the new afl team will target.


Yep, i live and grew up in the Penrith region and while they are the most supported club out here, its not by much. Not sure why, they do appear to be trying but its as if the people of Penrith just dont like the Panthers brand.

They would if they were winning...typical Sydney League fans really. At least Souths Dogs and Saints fans are getting their act together

1 Eyed TEZZA

They would if they were winning...typical Sydney League fans really. At least Souths Dogs and Saints fans are getting their act together

Perhaps, but Cronulla are doing great considering their lack of success, Souths are probably an even better example. Considering the amount of people living in Penrith, the massive junior base and the amount of League nuts there are here, the backing of Panthers, Penrith could very easily become the most supported club in Sydney.

Living in Penrith, the word "Panthers" isnt really associated with Rugby League but rather the club and the night spot, which in all honesty, isnt very family appealing. It could be putting people off.
So far I think Saints, Canterbury and Parra are the clubs which have surpassed their 2009 totals, and the Sharks aren't far off, which is a phenomenal result given their 2009 season...


not enough but IMO.

we gotta get to that 5 thousand mark at least.

how many people live in the sutherland shire?
They would if they were winning...typical Sydney League fans really. At least Souths Dogs and Saints fans are getting their act together

A lot of people bag Souths for the amount of fluff stories that come out in the media before the season starts each year, but you can see the results of this "positive spin" in our membership drive the last couple of years.

People are generally optimistic about South's chances before the season starts and think they need to jump on board. It may be as annoying as all hell reading article after article about Sam Burgess or Dave Taylor but it sure works a treat for membership. We've had limited success since getting back in the comp, we've had only a couple of years where our roster has looked decent, our memberships aren't cheap and a lot of our fans have been shown to be apathetic in the past (think about the year we were excluded), yet here we are in 2010 putting up good membership numbers for the third year in a row.

Typically, by about round 12 or 13, most of those members want to return their tickets but come this time each year, they seem to be renewing and bringing others with them.


First Grade
Why is that the case? Is money an issue or are just plain lazy and take their supporters for granted?
The players should be going to schools and having clinics, etc. and in no time they would become a Panthers fans.
I am very disappointed to read this, especially in an area the new afl team will target.

It's a similar reason as happens in Melbourne with newer AFL clubs.

Carlton, Collingwood & Essendon have been around since day dot and people grew up with their families supporting these clubs. It's often a father > son thing and it gets passed on down the line.

Clubs such as Hawthorn and North Melbourne came later and as such the areas they were moving into already were filled with people who supported other clubs. Or alternatively they were growth areas where people had moved from other areas and brought tribal loyalties with them.

A lack of on field success compounds this problem. Hawthorn enjoy larger members than say Norths - but they've been more successful. But give them a lean period and their core of supporters drops well below what Carltons or Collingwoods would.

It's the same in Penrith. The club started later than Souths, St George, the Tigers, etc. Also Penrith is a growth area. Alot of people who live there have moved out from say the South Sydney, St George or Eastern Suburbs areas. These people bring their tribal loyalites with them and many kids follow who mum / dad follow.

For Penrith to really grab a strangle hold on the area the club need a period of prolonged success - finals appearances etc. They also need for 2nd and 3rd generations to be in the area. Born and bred offspring of born and bred people tend to veer towards local teams. How many of Penriths 300,000 had parents and grandparents born in the area? I doubt if it would be half that number.

Penrith have everything in place to take advantage of their huge demographic area - but they need success and a bit more time before those numbers translate into a truly huge supporter base.


Staff member
A couple of things on Penrith.

Thommo4pm you mentioned some new growth areas in Penrith. Another to watch out for is Ropes Crossing, that suburb has the potential to be bigger than Glenmore Park.

Penrith like other clubs rely on success their average crowds in 2000,2003 and 2004 were amongst the best of the Sydney Clubs. Unfortunately not making the Semi's since 2004 hasn't really encouraged people to attend matches.

Red Dwarf 1

2 days ago the dragons website said 3000 members. And it had been like that for weeks. They don't update it.

I think I will believe Peter Doust when I heard him say 9850 at Big Dell's Bash.

Isn't this the same Peter Doust that wasted a lot of money purchasing all those St George Illawarra Dragons 2009 Premiership t-shirts four weeks out from the finals!! :eek:


First Grade
Isn't this the same Peter Doust that wasted a lot of money purchasing all those St George Illawarra Dragons 2009 Premiership t-shirts four weeks out from the finals!! :eek:

Ordering T-shirts is and was done by the NRL. Saints expressed interest as did many other clubs...

U must be a Daily Telecrapp fan - quite obvious as you have no f**king clue!


I called dragons office this afternoon to find out when season tickets will be delivered and was told late feb, I asked how membership was going and the girl told me they were moving towards 9000 ticketed members and are working really hard to be first past 10 000.


in todays tele it says the eels have passed 7000 ticketed members which is double last season number


First Grade
I called dragons office this afternoon to find out when season tickets will be delivered and was told late feb, I asked how membership was going and the girl told me they were moving towards 9000 ticketed members and are working really hard to be first past 10 000.

So they are not at 9,850 as Doust allegedly said at Dell's Big Bash?

Mind you, that's still a great figure.
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