I think any fan-owned sporting organisation would face exactly these kinds of minor oversights on a daily basis. The club is run by volunteers elected by other fans - it looks like amateur hour because it is. And the system is set up to encourage this.
The difference between our club and most other clubs that are structured the same way is that our club has deep-seated divisions that stretch back a long time. I believe one person is responsible for this atmosphere of distrust and alienation that surrounds our club, but regardless, even if he left that atmosphere is here to stay.
It is part of the woodwork.
So because of this atmosphere of hostility there will always be someone ready to point out the faults when they inevitably occur, and there will always be someone ready to get the media involved and make it look like a much bigger issue than it would be at any other club.
You're right that they could give their opponents less ammo, but why should they bother when it makes no difference? They're volunteer part-timers. If a member is able to point out an oversight (as Fitzgerald has so kindly done :roll

then it can be rectified there and then. All the harm done exists only in peoples' heads.
The club will ultimately live and die based on what happens on the field. That's where we earn our money and that's where we spend it. Whatever happens behind the scenes is irrelevant if it doesn't stop us signing players, staff or sponsors.