- Home
- Away
- Alternate
- Charity/Good cause
That should be f**king it.
I'd give them a bit more leeway than that since I doubt there's any chance of that happening.
Each team can wear a maximum of 4 different jerseys per year. One must be the home jersey, or main jersey. The other three can be chosen out of away, alternate, heritage and any number of charity/promotion versions. Heritage jersey can be only worn twice. Charity/promotional can be worn once. So pick wisely.
But you can only wear a maximum of four different ones each year. That would stop the stupidity and lack of consistency among designs.
I'd also make a minimum 3 year wait required between significant jersey changes. Alternates can only be used 2 years after a jersey change.
Would be nice to have a sense of identity with a jersey instead of a colour scheme for a change.