Yes, you can make that as a excuse why it will take 20 forking years to build a crowd in Sydney, or they can get off their backsides and make it happen quicker. Fork me, Brisbane never took 20 forking years to build a crowd.
The NRL need to get off their arses and get people from anywhere sitting behind the sticks.
Grab anyone, some tourists off the street.
If you make it look full, then more will sign up for members.
Second, they really need to get outta that great big white forking elephant.
If it is going to take 20 forking years to fill this motherforker, then lets just start in a smaller stadium of say 40 to 50 thousand, fill that forker first.
Only a fool would try to go from 20 thousand stadiums to a 80 thousand stadium, and a forking round one at that.
I keep saying, this is not rocket science, why is the code outlaying forking millions for these bunch of peanuts.
Give the job to Jim Dolye and let him cut chop and burn this motherforker until we are left with 6 clubs in Sydney and the rest scattered around the country with 1-2 in every city.
We can either sit back and watch the game further deteriorate into nothing, hanging by a forking thread, or we can act now and fix the forking thing wrong with the game staring every last one of us in the face.
Every time we play a game at AN forking Z, the problem is staring you in the face.