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2014 Team


1. Moylan/Kev Naiqama
2. Mansour
3. Roberts/Kev Naiqama
4. Whare
5. Simmons
6. Soward
7. Wallace
8. Grant
9. Segeyaro
10. McKendry
11. Docker
12. Matt Robinson
13 Taylor

14. Lewis Brown
15. Nigel Plum
16. Brent Kite
17. Sika Manu

As much as it pains me to drop Kingston, I would love to see this team next year.
Bench has 1 recognised State and International Prop forward, and two blokes that are second rowers whom I think could cover Prop relatively easily (Plum and Manu).
Lewis Brown can come on to either play second rower, centre or hooker at a pinch.

Certainly wouldn't be the worst team we could field


I like that side for round 1 if Segs is fit. Only change I'd make is swapping Plum and Mckendry. Plum needs to start as he makes solid metres and will really knock the opposition around while Mckendry should be able to come on and offload a bit.
Leave Peachey, Nabuli, Cartwright et al to force their way in, which they will do.
I kind of expect Peachey to play round one.

Not necessarily because I think he should, but more the move from cronulla. Wouldn't surprise me if there was a nudge nudge, wink wink. At least for a few rounds, more if he proves himself.


Yeah we're definitely in a good position when it comes to the second row. I think the following blokes established themselves as deserving of a spot in our 2014 team:

11. Sika Manu
12. Lewis Brown
13. Adam Docker

14. Matt Robinson

But we have added Elijah Taylor who takes the #13 jersey. Leaving Docker and Robinson fighting for a bench spot... and Tyrone Peachey will join them in fighting for that position. Leaving us with 3 quality players fighting for one bench spot... possibly 2 if James Segeyaro gets his rightful starting position and Kingston is only used for depth.

Anthony Cherrington, Vaipuna Tia Kilifi and Bryce Cartright would also look pretty good in first grade IMO. Hard to see them getting a run without a couple of injuries, but I would love to see them all get a run at some point.


Peachey/Brown may spend some time at centre. Manu and Plum will cop some injuries. Robinson is coming back from a horrible injury so may not be back to his best straight away/at all.

They'll get their chances. Regardless of the above I see Peachey and Cartwright forcing Docker and Robinson out.


I have said elsewhere I expect Peachey to be centre next year. Too many questions over Roberts needs games to show he's defence has improved.

Though if Seg is injured we need him off the bench. That being the case here's how we should lineup round 1. Seg fit Docker out. Peachey centre. Seg on the bench

11. Manu.
12. Docker.
13. Taylor.



I just see Plum & Kite offering less off the bench then Grant & McKendry. If fit they will be our prop rotation that I have no doubt I don't agree with it but I am not coach


I just see Plum & Kite offering less off the bench then Grant & McKendry. If fit they will be our prop rotation that I have no doubt I don't agree with it but I am not coach

Well considering you've said you want to play Wallace in the 9... I'm gald you're not coach ha ha Jokes mate :D

I dont see IC taking any gambles Rd 1 - If Segeyaro is fit I'd expect the following in Rd 1

1 Moylan
2 Mansour
3 Brown
4 Whare
5 Simmons
6 Soward
7 Wallace
8 Grant
9 Kingston
10 McKendry
11 Manu
12 Docker
13 Taylor

14 Segeyaro
15 Kite
16 Plum
17 Robinson

But as you've said previously we really need a decent center to replace Brown on the edge - I'd like to see Peachy have a crack there, in that case move Brown to the 12 and Docker to the bench replacing Robinson

Ahhh so good to have selection worries like this :cool:


Well considering you've said you want to play Wallace in the 9... I'm gald you're not coach ha ha Jokes mate :D

I dont see IC taking any gambles Rd 1 - If Segeyaro is fit I'd expect the following in Rd 1

1 Moylan
2 Mansour
3 Brown
4 Whare
5 Simmons
6 Soward
7 Wallace
8 Grant
9 Kingston
10 McKendry
11 Manu
12 Docker
13 Taylor

14 Segeyaro
15 Kite
16 Plum
17 Robinson

But as you've said previously we really need a decent center to replace Brown on the edge - I'd like to see Peachy have a crack there, in that case move Brown to the 12 and Docker to the bench replacing Robinson

Ahhh so good to have selection worries like this :cool:

:lol: I wouldn't of signed him in the 1st place...

I have no doubt Roberts, Mansour, Tighe etc will all get a go in the trials and of course you want speed in the backs. Peachey's not exactly slow so early on I see him or Brown getting it. Brown is slower and may need hooker cover as we have no Seg

The issue with Docker, Plum and Kite on the bench is none really offer impact. Docker is great in defence but not much attack. Robinson is better off loading etc but we miss the big hits of Docker.

A great problem to have but the right balance is needed

Big Mick

IMO you can only play one of Plum or Docker.

Apparently Brown may be slimming down a bit in the off-season to help his speed and lateral movement. So could be set for a permanent move to the centres...but doubt it. I think he struggled a bit mid-year with lateral movement and while performing admirably he was sometimes found wanting.

Eventually...I would like to see:

1. Matt Moylan/Dallin Watene-Zelezniak
2. Kevin Naiqama
3. James Roberts
4. Dean Whare
5. Eto Nabuli
6. Jamie Soward
7. Peter Wallace/Matt Moylan
8. Brent Kite
9. James Segeyaro
10. Tim Grant
11. Sika Manu
12. Lewis Brown
13. Elijah Taylor

14. Sam McKendry
15. Nigel Plum/Adam Docker
16. Matt Robinson/Bryce Cartwright
17. Tyrone Peachey

Now that is nothing against Mansour and Simmons...I think they are fantastic players. I'm projecting potential and potentially I think both Naiqama and Nabuli offer more explosive plays...if I wanted to play it safe I would have gone Simmons/Mansour.

I'm also projecting at some point DWZ may get a shot at FB with Moylan either out or shifting to halves. I also see Cartwright making a move on either Peachey or Robinson at some point down the line...but again...that is on potential more than anything.

HOWEVER - What I think will be named?

1. Kevin Naiqama/Matt Moylan, 2. Josh Mansour, 3. Lewis Brown, 4. Dean Whare, 5. David Simmons, 6. Jamie Soward, 7. Peter Wallace, 8. Brent Kite, 9. Kevin Kingston, 10. Tim Grant, 11. Sika Manu, 12. Adam Docker, 13. Elijah Taylor
RES: 14. James Segeyaro, 15. Nigel Plum, 16. Sam McKendry, 17. Tyrone Peachey, 18. Matt Robinson, 19. Bryce Cartwright


IMO you can only play one of Plum or Docker.

Apparently Brown may be slimming down a bit in the off-season to help his speed and lateral movement. So could be set for a permanent move to the centres...but doubt it. I think he struggled a bit mid-year with lateral movement and while performing admirably he was sometimes found wanting.

Eventually...I would like to see:

1. Matt Moylan/Dallin Watene-Zelezniak
2. Kevin Naiqama
3. James Roberts
4. Dean Whare
5. Eto Nabuli
6. Jamie Soward
7. Peter Wallace/Matt Moylan
8. Brent Kite
9. James Segeyaro
10. Tim Grant
11. Sika Manu
12. Lewis Brown
13. Elijah Taylor

14. Sam McKendry
15. Nigel Plum/Adam Docker
16. Matt Robinson/Bryce Cartwright
17. Tyrone Peachey

Now that is nothing against Mansour and Simmons...I think they are fantastic players. I'm projecting potential and potentially I think both Naiqama and Nabuli offer more explosive plays...if I wanted to play it safe I would have gone Simmons/Mansour.

I'm also projecting at some point DWZ may get a shot at FB with Moylan either out or shifting to halves. I also see Cartwright making a move on either Peachey or Robinson at some point down the line...but again...that is on potential more than anything.

HOWEVER - What I think will be named?

1. Kevin Naiqama/Matt Moylan, 2. Josh Mansour, 3. Lewis Brown, 4. Dean Whare, 5. David Simmons, 6. Jamie Soward, 7. Peter Wallace, 8. Brent Kite, 9. Kevin Kingston, 10. Tim Grant, 11. Sika Manu, 12. Adam Docker, 13. Elijah Taylor
RES: 14. James Segeyaro, 15. Nigel Plum, 16. Sam McKendry, 17. Tyrone Peachey, 18. Matt Robinson, 19. Bryce Cartwright

Spot on. Though can't see the Moylan/DWZ switch yet. 2015 we should see average players gone replaced with potental superstars means Mansour, Simmons etc gone.

Your team to be named is pretty much what I expect to see except Peachey in Centres. Brown to start. Docker/Robinson to fight for the last bench spot

Top 8 side though if the potential players get a run who knows how high up we will finish


If that potential side performed at a level they are each capable of we would be contenders. I tend to think we'll get off to a slow start next year. Completely different spine and a few other new players should see us playing a different style which may take a while.

Panther Pete

IMO you can only play one of Plum or Docker.

Apparently Brown may be slimming down a bit in the off-season to help his speed and lateral movement. So could be set for a permanent move to the centres...but doubt it. I think he struggled a bit mid-year with lateral movement and while performing admirably he was sometimes found wanting.

Eventually...I would like to see:

1. Matt Moylan/Dallin Watene-Zelezniak
2. Kevin Naiqama
3. James Roberts
4. Dean Whare
5. Eto Nabuli
6. Jamie Soward
7. Peter Wallace/Matt Moylan
8. Brent Kite
9. James Segeyaro
10. Tim Grant
11. Sika Manu
12. Lewis Brown
13. Elijah Taylor

14. Sam McKendry
15. Nigel Plum/Adam Docker
16. Matt Robinson/Bryce Cartwright
17. Tyrone Peachey

Now that is nothing against Mansour and Simmons...I think they are fantastic players. I'm projecting potential and potentially I think both Naiqama and Nabuli offer more explosive plays...if I wanted to play it safe I would have gone Simmons/Mansour.

I'm also projecting at some point DWZ may get a shot at FB with Moylan either out or shifting to halves. I also see Cartwright making a move on either Peachey or Robinson at some point down the line...but again...that is on potential more than anything.

I really like the look of this execpt for Moylan at fullback, from what I saw this year he is just too slow. Althought there is an abundance of speed elsewhere in your back line, I think its crucial to have a fast No.1 for kick returns and busting a tackle from time to time.


That's why round 1 (barring injury) this is what I see as the side. Decent but nothing special.

Plum/Kite/Grant/McKendry prop rotation.
Kingston. Seg Hookers.
Backrow: Manu. Brown. Taylor.

Leaves a bench forward & centre only left. ATM Peachey/Robinson/Docker are more valuable then a centre like Tighe or Roberts. Sure less points but will be better in defence. Hopefully someone stands up in trials/9's and demands to be picked.

can't see many errors in that side can score 3-4 tries so can't see us starting worse then we did this year...although could force changes.

Soward/Walsh are Similar. Moylan had a few games. If they are worried then they play John in the halves...personally I think that makes us stronger.


Yep. There is does need to be a certain amount of F/T in the squad but if we play: Whare, Soward, Manu, Brown. Peachey, Grant, John fills that criteria so we can play Cartwright, DWZ etc

Will be great to see them against better players but still being able to attack like in the lower grades.

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