NRL is popular enough to easily average 20k every week. 4 million people watch Origin, 3 million odd watch the GF, and people show up in droves to well promoted big NRL events.
Sydney people have an attitude problem. For most the default position is to not go to things unless swayed by some major incentive, rather than to go to things unless there's some major issue.
This is both partially caused by and exacerbated by a transport and stadium situation which is decades behind catering for the wider metro's geography.
So we have a situation where someone is considering going to the footy...
Gotta catch 3 trains - nope.
Looks like rain - nope.
Mate says to come to the pub - nope.
Bad hair day - nope.
Then you have the All Powerful and Wise NRL.
Taking this into account, the smart thing to do would be to build a schedule that puts people first and promotes big events. We see terms like "Right game right stadium" thrown around.. and then have disasters like this week. Almost every week.
- Thursday is never the right day. 6pm Friday games, if they insist on them (they shouldn't), location should be carefully considered. Never at ANZ.
- ANZ is unfortunately unavoidable for probably Parra and Bulldogs at the moment, but Tigers and Dragons have no reason to be playing there. Absurd.
Parra should play out-of-towners elsewhere too while their stadium is rebuilt. Could have sold this week's game to Christchurch or Wellington or Dunedin.
The new Parra stadium should host the majority of Parra and Tigers games in future.
- Origin must go completely standalone. It actively detracts from NRL competition enthusiasm for close to 1 third of the season.
- Day games must take precedence. 1 Prime time game Fri Sat Sun, the rest weekend day games.
- Almost all Public holidays should host 3 games - look at Anzac Day. This is a big event that should be repeated much more. Clubs and fans must take precedence over broadcasters.
- Ticket prices must be reviewed. They are a complete failure of basic economics. There's a ton of supply and no demand but they are sold at a premium. Tickets should be sold cheap and GA, with reserved preference only going to Club members. 'Gold/Cat A' should be thrown in the bin for NRL games until demand requires them.
- Transport links must be negotiated with the government and well promoted.
Free transport with tickets. Special buses from key areas to and from games. Direct f**king trains to ANZ.
The NRL is happy to piss money away on overblown investments, how about spending some of it to invest in crowds actually watching the game.