Humility? This coming from a sharks fan to a raiders fan.
Raiders fans have well and truly learnt humility.
If you are the typical sharks fan then it seems to me what we learnt pretty early on to be humble. But just you we understand eachother:-
- Your club spent 50 years winning nothing.
- Your club has been the butt of every useless in rugby league joke for 50 years.
- Your club finally won one premiership. One.
- Your club has the smallest supporter base in the NRL
- Your club won its one premiership shortly after being done for horse steroids.
- Your club won its premiership after retaining the coach and captain during the horse steroid debacle.
- Your club has been a financial basketcase for as long as I can remember with its limited crowds and limited care factor, until it flogged off its only decent asset. Its like the rich nephew trying to claim success of the back of selling its familys hard earned land to grab some cash because he can not maintain the lifestyle he is accustomed too.
- Your club has fans who bag other clubs out for getting 16k to a thursday night game against the same team your club got 14k to on a thursday night, which also happened to be the season opener and the first game back from winning the premiership.
- Most of all, what little amount of people that cared about your club did out of the misguided "shire" loyalty and now that they have juiced up and climbed the proverbial mountain they don't even give a shit about your club anymore.
Oddly enough, on the sharks fan board, most of your fans are quite good and reasonable, but here on LU its like all the fkn special knob ends are here to represent all the other good blokes.
Um because of all of the above we( I can't speak for all Sharks' fans) have learnt humility.Try having your club nearly closing its doors on 3 occasions, and being threatened with relocation by the head body.
I put money in collection buckets at streetlights , had a save the sharks sticker on my car for months, and you think I'm somehow overblowing myself.Didn;t know from one day til the next I'd have a club.Got bagged by supporters of a certain Southern club, we'd be flicked.
The simple fact is here I have no problem with Raiders' fans,I;'m responding to a well know Raiders sh*t stirrer, who gets return of serve.If the said gent ad made a statement,I wouldn't have responded.Simples.
If you think that (my view)applies to all Raider's fans ,you are wrong.So perhaps before bashing my head against a brick wall, check my motive.It 'is directed at one bod and one bod only.