Then why does the military have these kind of issues then ?
That doesn't sound like great leadership to me.
Generalisation and sweeping claims about how the military is the best ever for teaching leadership (in my opinion) is flawed.
Many organisations do well in teaching and scaffolding others into leadership. It often depends (I've found) on positive and mutally respectful relationships they are formed and then enhanced.
If a policeman is found guilty of fraud, does that mean all policeman must be bent? Nothing is perfect and there are bad people in all walks of life. The male dominated, life or death environment of the military is a perfect breeding ground for bullies and abuse. There is a fine line between military discipline and abuse and sometimes people overstep that line.
I experienced bullying in the military and witnessed it myself. It happens and those who do it are eventually found out and removed. Incidentally, I have seen just as many bullies in the large corporations I joined in my business career. Not physical violence, but abuse and bullying none the less.
I would also say the behaviour of many of the CEOS and senior executives I worked with, would simply not be tolerated in the military. Things like blaming others for your mistakes, going home early to leave your staff to pull an all nighter, shouting at junior staff, putting yourself first before your staff, taking credit for others work.
In the end, I can only go on my experiences in the military and at large companies like Price Waterhouse, GE, Vodafone and Brambles among others. GE was supposed to have the best leadership programme amongst the large corporations. It was nothing compared to the training a junior NCO receives in the military let alone people reaching the lofty heights of colonels and above. Hours and hours of intense training, assessment and retraining.
Literally millions of dollars is spent in developing leaders, leadership programmes and assessment systems. This simply doesn't happen in corporations on anything like the scale of the military.
Leadership is a fascinating subject. Here is a link to the ADF's paper on leadership.
In its opening chapter it points out there are over 13,000 books on the subject and over 200 different definitions on leadership defined by academics. It is a complex subject and as I said, in my experience the military do it best, but not perfect.