One of 10,000 that they missed in that game.
I will say the rate of forward passes dramatically dropped once the Parra hooker came off.
It’s unsurprising to me that so many passes are being missed since they reverted to one ref, who’s usually in the defensive line at the start of the play....
The touchies are on the extremities and have players all over the place, that can impede their view at ground level... we at home get the luxury of a camera view from up high...
I thought the Morris one was pretty blatant and surprised it didn’t get pulled up. Other marginal ones don’t surprise me though at all...
I rarely get annoyed at forward passes these days coz it’s a symptom of one referee. I never thought we should go back to one ref, rather have two distinct areas each ref should adjudicate on...
I just accept now that forward passes are part of the game coz one guy in the defensive line can’t be expected to see what we can on tv...