HahhahaaAnother Good rant about AFL media deals........
Well well well, who woulda thought the AFL was capable of telling lies. Not bummy, not beatup, not the feeble fumble fans here, not the bubble dwelling zealots lololololol.
Well, in a beautifully articulated article in today's Australian Newspaper it is spelt out in chapter and verse just how they did so whilst trying to ramp up competition between rival networks for the next broadcast deal. What a mob!! What a joke!!!
Here's a few excerpts: "The AFL's hopes of securing a record breaking sum for its television broadcast rights are looking increasingly shaky". Apparently the advertising market has shrunk as the economy has faltered and Gilty was off doing a Nero impersonation of fiddling while the joint burnt down lololol.
But wait........there's more: "It appears that the AFL may have overplayed its hand in how it's sought to set rival networks against each other in now what looks like a phony bidding war lololololol!!!!" Yep..........they lied!!!
It continues, "It was widely reported earlier this year that Ten had tabled a $600M deal to clinch the rights....But the Australian now understands that no formal offer for the sports rights was ever made by Ten". It's a bald faced lie!!!!
And there's more: "Rather the AFL appears to have used Ten's rumoured interest as a 'stalking horse' in a bid to drive up rival bids..." Wow!!!!! I bet the networks would be soooooo happy that gilty and the boyo's at fumblehouse can tell outright blatant lies lolololol!!! This is corporate fraud. Gilty should be put behind bars!!!
No wonder the fumblehouse rhetoric has changed over the last few weeks around the broadcast deal. They're now begging Seven and Fox. Because Ten and the streaming companies never put in an offer. They were just used in a game of lying, smoke, mirrors and total BS. Why am I not surprised. Wattaya say fumblers????? Anything to see here??????
I wonder how the $946 two year deal is looking now... that's $473 per year, don't tell me it's another lie -
I love this
no wonder gill the dill got pushed out
but hey a Tasmanian afl team will surely drive up ratings lol