What the f*ck do pearls have to do with anything?
Do you think Jarome Luai would have responded the same way if some teenage Brisbane fan sledged that “Payne Hass was going to rip his head off” and even if he did, what do you think the public outcry and media attention would be like?
jesus you are a serious merkin aren't you
wtf does the media's portrayal of any player have to do with the players? We all know those merkins beat thing up and twist them for their own purposes. This is what's happened here. You've bought into it like a sucker.
I don't believe Luai is the caricature the media has made him out to be. I don't believe any player is. RL media are filthy lying scummerkins. So why do you choose to get up in arms about a totally normal and harmless interaction between two young men?
1) Because it's your enemy player this week - fine.
2) Because you've been sucked into the Lovejoyesque theatre of it all - lol.