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23,000 - Atmosphere Of 3,000

Big Tim

First Grade
f**ked if you do, f**ked if you dont hey Shane???

Stop whinging and change it. Then dont whinge that the people who are trying to do it arent doing good enough if you arent there..... As far as I know the rest of the crowd dont get involved, is that accurate? I dont know because I dont stop cheering to listen.

Back to my point, change it! Bring friends, family, your neighbour, your boss I dont care. I bring the Mrs, and her family come (from Sydney) and my Mum is there aswell as my Sister.....

I am doing my bit, are you doing yours??

Whinging on a forum wont change it.

Apey, if you come and sit with us with your Mum, she will see that we are a group of people who are there to watch the game and cheer. It will be good if you could come down on Monday, we will be missing our Sydney based members.


I'm sorry to say, I heard the Burrow from where I was.

That's all I heard too. The Burrow.

Big Tim I don't really think this post is " whinging " - if so that wasnt intended - its asking a genuine question - why, and what is going wrong that the Knights atmosphere has dropped off so badly.

Big Tim

First Grade
Ok.... dont ask why.

Do your best to change it.

I am sure you could hear the Burrow.... it was an away game and they recruited 3 times their numbers to sit near them.... its alot easier to do that at away games then at home. Ask any member of the Crusade, we always have more voices at away games.
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Big Tim

First Grade
Question solved Karma!

Its mine and the Crusades fault!!

Maybe we should be killed for trying.

Fred, where you cheering in those silent periods???? Pot, kettle, black.

Big Tim

First Grade
Yeah.... no one else was cheering, in the whole ground because I stopped.

I am a terrible person.

Edit: Not a terrible person, far worse than that. I am the Knights worst fan.
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Staff member
Question solved Karma!

Its mine and the Crusades fault!!

Maybe we should be killed for trying.

Fred, where you cheering in those silent periods???? Pot, kettle, black.
Lol, get over yourself, seriously. I think the Crusade is a great idea, I really do. But some of the members seem to think that if you're not a part of the Crusade, then you're not a Knights fan; that the Crusade make more noise than everyone else at the stadium; and are in general the greatest thing since the bread slicer.

Plus, I never claimed to be cheering constantly for the whole 80 minutes. I go to the games I can and I support the team just as much as anyone else there. Am I any less of a supporter just because I'm not on my feet, screaming at the top of my lungs for 80 minutes?

Big Tim

First Grade
Am I any less of a supporter just because I'm not on my feet, screaming at the top of my lungs for 80 minutes?

Lets check that with Fred:

I'm pretty sure the number of times I've sat with the Crusade I've heard extended periods of silence from you and other members...

But some of the members seem to think that if you're not a part of the Crusade, then you're not a Knights fan

Just like many people thought all of the Rabbits fans in the corner were Burrow members. I can assure you that is not true...... Shades of grey in this world.

You have already pointed the finger at me, who else in the Crusade thinks people arent Knights fans???


Seriously though, its no ones " fault ". Crusaders sniping at each other isn't the answer.

As DMC touched on, with so many people around you giving you death stares because you are a bit animated, it almost feels embarrasing to get into the game now. Some of us enjoy sitting on the 50 metre line, or in corporate boxes etc, and simply don't enjoy the game as much if sitting at an end of the ground in Bay 1 or 2 or wherever it is the Crusade gather. It isn't anything against the thought of a being a part of the Crusade, it is just a preference as to where some fans enjoy watching the game from. Certainly the Crusade need not be responsible for the entire grounds atmosphere, there are 22,800 other fans to do that.

My solution:-

Change the dynamic of fans at games, target the right age demographics, get kids going to games in groups of 8,10,12 people, and the whole atmosphere changes. Make it cool to be a Knights fan again.

If anyone is to blame it should be laid fairly and squarely on the shoulders of the Newcastle Knights administration, and more specifically their marketing department ( or lack of ).

An atmosphere at a Knights game will change completely when groups of 10-12 teenagers sit together making a bunch of noise.

It is no different to music concerts. Which do you think has more atmosphere, a band aimed at teenagers moshing? Or Billy Joel playing in front of 50 year olds.

No different to a Knights game.
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Big Tim

First Grade
Seriously though, its no ones " fault ".

As DMC touched on, with so many people around you giving you death stares because you are a bit animated, it almost feels embarrasing to get into the game now.

Change the dynamic of fans at games, target the right age demographics, get kids going to games in groups of 8,10,12 people, and the whole atmosphere changes.

If anyone is to blame it should be laid fairly and squarely on the shoulders of the Newcastle Knights administration, and more specifically their marketing department ( or lack of ).

First bold is the reason I joined the Crusade.

Second is what we are trying to do. But we will never do it well enough, and I cant see the change happening anytime soon.


But some of the members seem to think that if you're not a part of the Crusade, then you're not a Knights fan; that the Crusade make more noise than everyone else at the stadium; and are in general the greatest thing since the bread slicer.

you miss the point freddo.

the crux of the matter is people whinge about the lack of crowd noise but wont move over where there are like minded people who are actively trying to change that.

we aren't trying to do the us v them thing - what we are doing is saying come stand with us and help try to change it.

the crowd needs a focal point noise wise - yet we can't get the critical mass to do that. all we want is help from those who want the same thing - yet those who doth protest too much (and I include you mate) wont do the thing that actually might make a difference.

for what it is worth, we hardly heard the burrow (yet a few of them paid us a wrap), and they were right next to us - yet I was told by numerous people that we were heard in the back of the members stand. we had a trumpet and a drum, we hardly stopped yelling all game (including tim) and we got lots of good feedback after the game. aside from flares and megaphones (and the obvious one, 200 more voices..) im not sure what else we can do.

something is drastically wrong with the acoustics of the stadium - and I think that has a huge part in why the rest of the eastern stand hardly hears us. the walkway behind us is loud, they hear us at the members, yet no one hears us a few bays away in the eastern. we are too acoustically isolated to make any difference it seems.

I will be discussing this at the end of the year with the club - hopefully stage 2 of the redevelopment has something positive in it for us - and therefore for EAS atmosphere.


Staff member
Lets check that with Fred:
Uhh, you do realise that I'm NOT nor have I ever questioned you or your commitment as a Knights fan? I was questioning your opinion that no-one else in the stadium other than Crusaders cheer for the Knights.


I was questioning your opinion that no-one else in the stadium other than Crusaders cheer for the Knights.

mate every second week there are articles in the paper and threads in here about how quiet the crowds are. we yell our freckles off and it is very loud where we are. what are we supposed to think? it frustrates the hell out of all of us.


mate every second week there are articles in the paper and threads in here about how quiet the crowds are.

Speaking of which, that last column about the boring football, I had to double check to make sure that it wasn't my name at the top of it ;-)


Speaking of which, that last column about the boring football, I had to double check to make sure that it wasn't my name at the top of it ;-)

mate if you want to write one more than welcome.

but you have to wrap scotty dureau. ;-)

randy chicken

fair dinkum Karma you would whinge if you won powerball and a sixteen year old virgin sat on your face....get a life and stop being the most negative person on the planet...if you want to go to the newc jets I will pay your membership provided you never set foot at a knights game or post on the forum again


mate if you want to write one more than welcome.

but you have to wrap scotty dureau. ;-)

No, you do a great job. Your column was creepily alike many of the things I whinge about the game, good stuff. I was checking for plagarism. :lol:

I mean if you're gonna whinge like that every week, you won't even need me to whinge. HA!

Besides that, I don't mind wrapping up Dureau on here from time to time, but I think I'd turn pretty ill if I had to do it in a newspaper column for the masses. :lol:


plenty loud where I was

maybe they just need to get the Crusade into a more central location.

i have been told upper deck and members are very quiet but lower deck of the AJ stand is ok

You blokes need to be in a different spot. I could hear you yesterday and the trumpet was great, but I am only two bays across from you. I think if you were in a central spot then your efforts would become more infectious.

Not with standing your efforts yesterday the noise at times was non existent from the rest of the crowd.