carcharias said:
Yeah how does that make them more influential?
Everyone has to be enfluenced in some capacity from someone else.
Cobain also mentions The Vasolines, The Melvins, the Beatles and Aerosmith as having an inflence on him.
Nirvana had a bigger impact on more people than Mudhoney ever did.
Fuggen hell Mark Arm would tell you that.
Moffo said:
infuluential to the music scene and wider community?
come on you have to be joking
When we mention 'influence' in this thread, are we referring to the influence a band has on other artists, or are we talking about how many t-shirts with the band on it are worn? I mean...seriously...Britney Spears is influential to a generation of teenage girls - but is that the influence we are referring to?
Nirvana influenced a wider community no doubt. I also think they initially got the youth interested in picking up a guitar and wanting to play their music.
However, within the music industry they certainly weren't the band that people wanted to make music like. People in the industry already knew who Pixies, The Melvins, Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, et al were - Nirvana was the meal ticket they were all after and created a viable industry for their music.
For instance Silverchair listed bands like Helmet and You Am I as influences - both bands have sold bugger all albums but a band like You Am I have been incredibly influential to the Australian music industry just through their presence and longevity.