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A disgrace

the painter

All those d#ckhead souths supporters that bring up Priors tackle as a defence have no idea !
Priors shot was bad, so he got 7 or 8 weeks (he was also sent off !). Inglis' shot was not as bad, but not by much !
What I can't understand is the ref saying "shoulder to the head, so it's on report" !
So if the acknowledges that it was a shoulder to the head, how the hell was he allowed to stay on ??? Then he stops a try and scores another one while we lose a player !
If that was Benji Marshall being taken off on a medicab then Inglis would have been sent off ! But according to some Souths supporters, Inglis is a marque player, so he's expected to not be penalized as much for his actions ! (give me a break !)
By the way, some of the souths supporters are a disgrace !
I bought some mates to a corporate box, and the guys near us basically laughing and saying sucked in while Deanos lying on the ground unconscious ! Then they start bagging the Dragons and even the even though they're 20 points infront.
The way they were carrying on was like they won the grand final, not like a top 4 team beating a team coming 10th !
If there is anything worse than a sore loser, it's a sore winner !

My havent we forgotton how some supporters of the merged team, carried on when they were on top of the ladder and beating teams well below them. I think it has more to do with you guys being pissed off with missing the 8 this year, and really seeing NO prospects of doing any better in 2013.:D


First Grade
My havent we forgotton how some supporters of the merged team, carried on when they were on top of the ladder and beating teams well below them. I think it has more to do with you guys being pissed off with missing the 8 this year, and really seeing NO prospects of doing any better in 2013.:D

Souffs supporters have had nothing to cheer about for about 40 years so congrats on being near the top of the table, you have a good team that are premiership contenders...but don't carry on like merkins for injuring a player...


Assistant Moderator
Prior got 4 weeks. I agreed with him being sent off and the suspension.

But imo that's relevant to what happened last night.
Coast _Dragon you eloquent speaking charmer. Does the truth hurt? Facts are facts. When you follow a team passionately sometimes you lose perspective.
And you blow-ins just keep on contradicting yourselves.
72Gav said:
I think Ingilis is a dog for what he did to Brisbane
72Gav said:
but comparing his hit and Prior's is absurd.
Then why do you keep trying to compare it? Strong argument you have there.
72Gav said:
Shoulder compared to elbow.
And I will respectively submit a view that you don't know your arse from your elbow.

Inglis's tackle was high, shoulder and elbow made contact. Doesn't matter what hit first, it was a head high tackle - clear as day. The result was there to be seen, unless you thought they took Young off to hospital for a twisted ankle.

It was a dangerous head high tackle in every sense. Inglis should have been sent. But politics will play its role.

We've already got Souths supporters saying that Inglis is a high profile player and deserves more leeway. I didn't know that high profile meant high tackles are OK... but there you go, learn something new every day.
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Ingles attacked the head of a player that wasn't looking.
ie. a f**kin low life dog act.
It doesn't matter if he connected with his shoulder, chest or arms.
That is irrelevant.

6 weeks MINIMUM.

I don't believe there was any malicious intent from Inglis. He was just trying to put Young on his backside, shut down the play and hopefully cause him to lose the ball... If he hit him a few inches lower, it's hit of the week. The shoulder charge is always a high risk maneuver. GI got it wrong and he will be suspended for it.

As for Young not looking, are players supposed to wait for eye contact before attempting to put a hit on? I understand it's upsetting to see one of your clubs veterans laid out like that. Illegal? Yep. Dangerous? Absolutely. Dog act? No. Very unfortunate for Young. Inglis will get his punishment


Prior got 4 weeks. I agreed with him being sent off and the suspension.

But imo that's not relevant to what happened last night.
You blow-ins just keep on contradicting yourselves.

STD's post was rubbish. Perhaps you are defending his right to talk shite.
Irrelevant.Then why do you keep trying to compare it? Strong argument you have there.
And I will respectively submit a view that you don't know your arse from your elbow.

Inglis's tackle was high, shoulder and elbow made contact. Doesn't matter what hit first, it was a head high tackle - clear as day. The result was there to be seen, unless you thought they took Young off to hospital for a twisted ankle.

It was a dangerous head high tackle in every sense. Inglis should have been sent. But politics will play its role.

We've already got Souths supporters saying that Inglis is a high profile player and deserves more leeway. I didn't know that high profile meant high tackles are OK... but there you go, learn something new every day

Anyone saying that is an imbecile. I don't agree with it being a send off offense though


Souffs supporters have had nothing to cheer about for about 40 years so congrats on being near the top of the table, you have a good team that are premiership contenders...but don't carry on like merkins for injuring a player...

Well Said..Funny not 1 Souths supporter has commented on how Inglis smirked after the ref talked to him about the hit on Young.

Also, Inglis didn't once go up to young after the incident to check on his welfare..very Poor sportsmanship from such a high profile player.
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Owen Da Saints

My mistake re how long Prior got 7 or 8 weeks. I guess I just remembered supporters of other clubs wanted him suspended for that long or more !
My point was that Prior
was sent off immediately and suspended for his actions.
Prior got what he deserved. Let's hope Inglis get his just punishment (regardless of his profile !!!).
The ref stating that it was a "shoulder to the head",but letting him stay on the field can not be justified.
The bahaviour of some of the souths supporters can not be justified.
End of story !


Assistant Moderator
That's OK Aaron, we don't have to agree on everything. One out of two ain't bad.

IMO, the subsequent dust up was a worry too. Young was lying on the turf and players going at each other around him. For all they knew he could have had a broken neck. Pretty sure it was Cooper who stood over him and pushed away players and Creagh came in as well and pushed a few back.
Well Said..Funny not 1 Souths supporter has commented on how Inglis smirked after the ref talked to him about the hit on Young.

Also, Inglis didn't once go up to young after the incident to check on his welfare..very Poor sportsmanship from such a high profile player.
Where Father Ted and I were, we picked up that as well. Inglis was standing there waiting for the ref, looking terrified and we speculated that he was worried about being sent off... ie only concerned about himself. When ref only placed him on report, a big smile came across Inglis's face. Not a good look.

Bottom line: he got away with it, and he knew it. And we were a man down.


Pic: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/n...game-cant-afford/story-e6frfgbo-1226431685787

But shit happens. In the meantime, good luck Dean Young. Apparently nothing broken BUT a massive concussion which could mean anything. Hope the injury isn't as bad as it looked and he makes a speedy recovery.

Owen Da Saints

My havent we forgotton how some supporters of the merged team, carried on when they were on top of the ladder and beating teams well below them. I think it has more to do with you guys being pissed off with missing the 8 this year, and really seeing NO prospects of doing any better in 2013.:D

Judging by your username ,I think you've sniffed a bit too much turps buddy !

64 Dragon

Well Said..Funny not 1 Souths supporter has commented on how Inglis smirked after the ref talked to him about the hit on Young.

Also, Inglis didn't once go up to young after the incident to check on his welfare..very Poor sportsmanship from such a high profile player.

You are right GS. No remorse was shown by Inglis at all. After the hit he went after the ball and attempted to put his hip into Rein to prevent him getting the ball. If you watch the video, he then chased after Rein and grabbed him around the head as Rein fell. This all occurred while Young's body lay unmoving on the turf.

It seems to be the norm with the big hit players. From what I saw Sam Kasiano did not show any concern for Fui Fui after his hit.

On another note I think merrin did the wrong thing by attacking Farrell after the hit. Farrell looked concerned for Young and was just gently trying to extract himself from the situation so as not to excacerbate the situation with Young's health.
I agree with everyone's sentiments here, it was a dog shot, was making no attempt at a tackle, jumped in the air cocked his shoulder and knew his target, grubby dog

Never jumped in the air, still has 1 foot on the ground at point of contact. Stop being so delusional, and put your glasses on.
The most amazing thing about this incident is that Dean Young made a line break.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
Can someone give an up date on Young, the poor bloke. Inglis was agro all night! Taylor, Burgess, and Inglis need to settle down, been the same for weeks getting grubby. I hope Inglis gets whats coming to him along with the others.

Taylor, Burgess, and Inglis need to settle down, been the same for weeks getting grubby.

Your spot on with your statement......Ive watched the great players of the past for Souths....... Sattler, Stevens, Sait, Piggins etc whilst they played it tough and hard they seldom played it grubby ....theres a difference .....and you could have thrown Isaac Luke in with that trio.....but hang on hes already serving a suspension isnt he......their all good players but imo getting grubbier as the weeks go on.


Dog team, dog supporters. Hope they fade away when semis come around. Greg ingles is the most arrogant player in the nrl

Mr Red

First Grade
no point comparing it to what Prior did... totally different.

i would be more inclined to compare it to the Pritchard incident where it was a shoulder charge gone wrong, with a taller man defending against a shorter opponent.
it should be a grade 3 charge which with an early plea will probably mean a 3 week suspension..
he should have been sent off no excuses. it was direct contact with the head.
yey another example of the referees taking the easy non- committal option of placing the player on report rather than actually controlling the game properly.

either way however the better team won and i dont believe the incident was game changing in any way..
Your right Red. Outside of the protected species, this game once again highlighted that we either need to buy Ben Barba (cos we can only score tries from more then 20m out) or get a new playmaker with some new ideas. With the amount of ball we had inside their 20m, we should have scored plenty but didn't.


no point comparing it to what Prior did... totally different.

i would be more inclined to compare it to the Pritchard incident where it was a shoulder charge gone wrong, with a taller man defending against a shorter opponent.
it should be a grade 3 charge which with an early plea will probably mean a 3 week suspension..
he should have been sent off no excuses. it was direct contact with the head.
yey another example of the referees taking the easy non- committal option of placing the player on report rather than actually controlling the game properly.

either way however the better team won and i dont believe the incident was game changing in any way..

Totally agree with your assessment.
The thing that hacked me off was that GI didn't make one move (from what we saw on TV) to go to check how Young was or to apologise as he left the field.
It was a pity, because that break was like the Young of old.
Tough time now with Coops injured too.
I thought we tried hard, but Bunnies just had a bit too much firepower.


First Grade
^ This. It was a high shot, and he didn't even show remorse. No-one in the NRL Forum will answer my question of whether or not he went into the sheds after the game to see if Young was alright. He's a dog cat :lol: Hope he does an ACL.


Any fullback worth his salt would have made the same tackle last night. Fullbacks have been smashing blokes in similar circumstances since 1908.

The fact Inglis is a bit taller than young didn't help. Anyone how thinks inglis targeted his head is a dead set goose.

Was he careless, yes, reckless , maybe. We're they any worse than the two shots where burgess was hit accross his melon.( admittedly it is a big target!)

I think deep down the dragons fans know they have had there time at the top and their team is on the wane. (no pun intended!)