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ABC net article - I hate Rugby League


Heil everybody (in the best Dr Nick voice)

I'd just like to explain why I, as a child, used to pull the wings off small birds and insects, and why I persecuted the jews, and why I invaded Poland. Blah blah frickety blah !

Are we all sure this troll is the real Gregor ?

If we are....feel free to quiz me on my atrocities

Oh....and Gregor....you are a tosser

I guess it matters not, as long as more people become aware, and may help to cure the doormatitist affliction.


I've met plenty of arty types who are league fans. You are being unfair there. They are entitled to their interests just as league fans are.

And no I am not an arty type.

Firstly, upon re-reading the comments following the article, I would like to retract my previous retraction of my anger.

Obviously they are entitled to their interests. If I was like them however, I would wish that all art galleries burned down, and claim that anyone who has an appreciation for independent films is a repressed homosexual and is merely using them as an outlet for their latent desire for manlove. But I don't. Not my preferred form of entertainment personally, but I don't

Other than the usual snobbish calls of "meatheads bashing into each other" "neanderthals", in the comments there were wishes that Rugby League would be banned from pubs and clubs, professional League would die and revert to park football, as well as a particularly moronic claim from some blithering idiot failure of a parent, that she regards allowing children to play League, or any contact sport, as child abuse. She had her children play soccer, softball, netball, ie. a list of sports all with higher injury rates than Rugby League.

This is the attitude that led to me criticising these arty/nerd sport hater types. Their firm belief that they are so far above something so trivial as a love for Rugby League, and subsequently deriding it and hoping for its disappearance from mainstream society. Obviously not all arty types and techies are sport haters, but I think its fair to assume the a LOT of sport haters are arty or nerds. Simply because there aren't many other broad areas of hobby/entertainment/talent to be pigeon holed into.


FFS, you lot are pussyfooting around this knob. It's like Tojo walking into an RSL and getting offered a nice cup of tea!

That waste of cyberspace is the hallmark of some pathetic pile of putrid leopard slug phlegm whose life is so abysmal that his only chance of human contact is to write that tripe just to get noticed. Then to come and 'chat' about it? Found any friends yet? Apart from the pot plant in the corner of your housing commission bedsit?

You make Locky no. 1 look like John Holmes.

You are about as arty as a lepers spank on a Calcutta toilet seat.

You are about as intelligent as a blind cocker spaniel with a petrol sniffing addiction

Just because they based Bad Boy Bubbie on your life story doesn't mean you'll get any roaylties here. Go and smother your cat. And use a condom so you don't infect it's carcass.

Gregor Stronach

FFS, you lot are pussyfooting around this knob. It's like Tojo walking into an RSL and getting offered a nice cup of tea!

That waste of cyberspace is the hallmark of some pathetic pile of putrid leopard slug phlegm whose life is so abysmal that his only chance of human contact is to write that tripe just to get noticed. Then to come and 'chat' about it? Found any friends yet? Apart from the pot plant in the corner of your housing commission bedsit?

You make Locky no. 1 look like John Holmes.

You are about as arty as a lepers spank on a Calcutta toilet seat.

You are about as intelligent as a blind cocker spaniel with a petrol sniffing addiction

Just because they based Bad Boy Bubbie on your life story doesn't mean you'll get any roaylties here. Go and smother your cat. And use a condom so you don't infect it's carcass.


Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Any article, meant in jest or seriously that gets this kind of hilarious over-reaction is always a good one.

Rockin Ronny

Any article, meant in jest or seriously that gets this kind of hilarious over-reaction is always a good one.

Seriously, when News Limited destroys the game over 10 years, most of the morons on this site say "oh, that's just business".

Yet, when an article states some home truths, the idiots here carry on like they've been personally insulted.

No wonder the game has expanded - expanded to NOWHERE internationally - in 100 years.
Seriously, when News Limited destroys the game over 10 years, most of the morons on this site say "oh, that's just business".

Yet, when an article states some home truths, the idiots here carry on like they've been personally insulted.

No wonder the game has expanded - expanded to NOWHERE internationally - in 100 years.


Is Grigor Strumpet an AFL or Union fan?

Is it soggy saos that get him going or fat pricks in a pile that give him morning wood?

Wait, I have the answer to that;

Who cares?

Rockin Ronny


Is Grigor Strumpet an AFL or Union fan?

Is it soggy saos that get him going or fat pricks in a pile that give him morning wood?

Wait, I have the answer to that;

Who cares?

Hey, moron,

Look at what's happening. The game's going backwards. 4 in a tackle, wrestling, boring - crowds dwindling.

Rugby league officals are renowned for increasing all crowd figures by 50% - yet idiots like you would say "gee, look at the numbers, crowds are up, game's going great".

World Cup? What a joke. Rugby League is played in Sydney, brisbane and Northern England. Rest of the wolrd is watching soccer and RU. Most of Australia follows AFL.

Why? Because the game is run by morons who have ensured that the game, after 100 years, went nowhere and then was sold to a media company for nothing. Smart.


Hey, moron,

Look at what's happening. The game's going backwards. 4 in a tackle, wrestling, boring - crowds dwindling.

Rugby league officals are renowned for increasing all crowd figures by 50% - yet idiots like you would say "gee, look at the numbers, crowds are up, game's going great".

World Cup? What a joke. Rugby League is played in Sydney, brisbane and Northern England. Rest of the wolrd is watching soccer and RU. Most of Australia follows AFL.

Why? Because the game is run by morons who have ensured that the game, after 100 years, went nowhere and then was sold to a media company for nothing. Smart.

Well f**k off and watch them sports idiot :roll:

Hey, moron,

Yes suckhole?

If I could see Grigoreth Strompleton now, your arms would be hanging out his arse wouldn't they?

Look at what's happening. The game's going backwards. 4 in a tackle, wrestling, boring - crowds dwindling.

Is it?

3rd highest crowd average of all time even allowing for a wet winter, ratings are fine, in fact Origin's ratings were an all-time record.

If Rugby League's in trouble now, why did it survive the mid 1980's when crowd were at their lowest for decades?

Or post-Super League where the crowds dipped markedly.

Rugby league officals are renowned for increasing all crowd figures by 50% - yet idiots like you would say "gee, look at the numbers, crowds are up, game's going great".

As much as I'd take the word of a messageboard prat against that of, well, anyone...

World Cup? What a joke. Rugby League is played in Sydney, brisbane and Northern England. Rest of the wolrd is watching soccer and RU. Most of Australia follows AFL.

No one's forcing you to watch the RLWC.

But you seem happy to wank on about it negatively.

You could of course just shut the f**k up, but hey, it's a free country.

Why? Because the game is run by morons who have ensured that the game, after 100 years, went nowhere and then was sold to a media company for nothing. Smart.

Sure, there are problems, I'm not denying that but the game will come through it. It's dickheads like you that wank on and on and offer nothing positive that I'd be very happy to see go follow AFL. Seriously, go follow the f**king swannies or the lionsies or the bluesies....

The game is evolving, the game has its ups and down, it'll change, it'll get better, it'll get worse but it won't happen mid-season and it won't happen because people like you and Gingha Stinglet opened your traps.

Depressing merkin.

Rockin Ronny

The game is evolving, you idiot. The tradition has been ripped out. The loyal fans have been turned off by mergers or having their teams killed off. The game is run by media compamy lackeys who are bleeding it dry while the juniors and country rugby league are falling apart.

You've got the guts of a Costello, the morals of a Howard and the brains of a Hanson. Congratulations - you could be the next NRL CEO.