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Against the Titans


First Grade
We are as weak as piss without Ellis. Blair is a myth, I didn't think much of him at Melbourne, I think less of him now. What has he ever done to deserve such wraps? Tuqiri looks like he is too old and slow but he makes decent metres when hitting the ball up, whereas Ryan does a mountain of work and a lot of it is effective, but sometimes touched the ball too much. Moltzen was decent, safe at the back and doesn't deserve the criticism from this game. Robbie showed he is nsw's best hooker, but he has been for over 5 years now so nothing has changed!
We really need someone to step up at halfback, did humble even get on?


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Staff member
I thought Bell was very quiet but I didn't want to have a go at him because he has been huge for us.
Attack wise he was a bit, only because he had to make up for half of Blair's defence workload

I thought Blair was much improved but based on those stats he is really one of the worst signings this club has made. Thank god he isn't in a critical position ala John Morris.
He may be improved, but you're only comparing him against himself, and he's been shit all year. He was less shittier, but a big piece of shit and a small piece of shit are still pieces of shit.

Moltzen was good tonight - he can build from that.
He was exactly the same as last week. Scared. Scared to leap for the ball in a contest. He won't jump to catch a high ball in a contest, meaning he will always turn over possession and frequently concede tries because he is just giving the chasers first crack at catching the ball.

His defence is weak. He does have a go, but his technique is pathetic and attempts are feeble.

He runs back with no vigour, thus he ends up getting pushed back nearly every time, which is another big issue that is often overlooked.


First Grade
We are as weak as piss without Ellis. Blair is a myth, I didn't think much of him at Melbourne, I think less of him now. What has he ever done to deserve such wraps? Tuqiri looks like he is too old and slow but he makes decent metres when hitting the ball up, whereas Ryan does a mountain of work and a lot of it is effective, but sometimes touched the ball too much. Moltzen was decent, safe at the back and doesn't deserve the criticism from this game. Robbie showed he is nsw's best hooker, but he has been for over 5 years now so nothing has changed!

All of this is 100% correct.

Blair is a real funny one isn't he - how do some players get rated so highly but be so ordinary.


blair is the type of player who if playing in the nfl would only be brought on during attack. the only decent thing i have seen him do is run a nice line from 10metres out


First Grade
He may be improved, but you're only comparing him against himself, and he's been shit all year. He was less shittier, but a big piece of shit and a small piece of shit are still pieces of shit.

Haha that's gold, and true. He is terrible, such a lazy defender and hits it up like a girl.

Magpie Tragic

Never thought I would say it but here goes, "bring back Lui"......(joking, what he did twice was unforgivable), but FFS we desperately need a 7.

My rankings out of 10 last night.
Moltzen = 5+ (thats good for him this year, didn't stuff anything up but still way too timid)
Ryan = 8 (consistently one of our best)
Reddy = 7+ (I'm coming around to this bloke)
Ayshford = 7 (feel sorry for him being switched around all the time, looked ok last night, good try he scored)
Lote = 2 (too old, too slow, has hands like soap and positional play non existant :crazy:)
Lawrence = 6 .....(put him back where he belongs, or at fullback)
Benji = 6 ...(way below his best with that lineup)
Bell = 7 (always puts in)
Blair = 6+ (at least he looked interested last night)
Fulton = 7+ (Ditto comments re Ryan)
Keefy = 7 (needs to fire up)
Robbie = 9 (absolute standout)
Woods = 7+ (went ok)
BMM = 8 (this guy could be anything)
Cashmere = 7 (bit quiet last night but always puts in)
Moors = (can't gauge a bloke on 8 minutes of football WTF????)
Humble = (did he get on???? I didn't see him !!!!)

I know we got the 2 points (happy days) but I still hate extra time games won by a field goal......


Never thought I would say it but here goes, "bring back Lui"......(joking, what he did twice was unforgivable), but FFS we desperately need a 7.

My rankings out of 10 last night.
Moltzen = 5+ (thats good for him this year, didn't stuff anything up but still way too timid)
Ryan = 8 (consistently one of our best)
Reddy = 7+ (I'm coming around to this bloke)
Ayshford = 7 (feel sorry for him being switched around all the time, looked ok last night, good try he scored)
Lote = 2 (too old, too slow, has hands like soap and positional play non existant :crazy:)
Lawrence = 6 .....(put him back where he belongs, or at fullback)
Benji = 6 ...(way below his best with that lineup)
Bell = 7 (always puts in)
Blair = 6+ (at least he looked interested last night)
Fulton = 7+ (Ditto comments re Ryan)
Keefy = 7 (needs to fire up)
Robbie = 9 (absolute standout)
Woods = 7+ (went ok)
BMM = 8 (this guy could be anything)
Cashmere = 7 (bit quiet last night but always puts in)
Moors = (can't gauge a bloke on 8 minutes of football WTF????)
Humble = (did he get on???? I didn't see him !!!!)

I know we got the 2 points (happy days) but I still hate extra time games won by a field goal......

for what its worth my ratings would be:
moltzen- 6. OK. no real errors, no real attack
ryan- 6.5. was solid, however did cost us 1 try
reddy- 7. great offload, but needs to control it, couple errors.
ayshford- 7.5 solid in D, and attack. should be starting
lote- 3. game to forget. his ball security is a worry, is it because of his injured arm?
lawrence- 6. out of position and it showed. was OK
benji- 6. very quite game, no spark.
woods. 8. huge workload and coped fine. great stats
farah- 9. just about played himself into the origin spot. huge game. chargedown was epic
galloway- 7.5. strong game from keithy. needs more speed in his runs
fulton- 7.5. great defence as usual.
blair- 6. first run was pathetic, but tried harder as game went on
bell- 6. didn't really notice him, but his defence must was great

no real need to rate the rest, bloody sheens. but just to say give moors and bmm more minutes !


Bit harsh on gallowayntheir for mine he made 160 meters and 30 plus tackles those are the kind of stats we have been begging for from our props and now we are getting them from both Galloway and woods both are playing exceptional footy


Why do you make reference to 2010 and 2011 yet don't care to mention 2006, 2007, 2008 or 2009?

Or the fact it took him 5 seasons to reach the finals again after winning a premiership?

Or that since winning the GF Tigers have won 77 or 150 games (51.33%)

Overall, in his time at the Tigers his win% is 49.59%

Since from 1995 to 2012 (tonight included) he has won 1 premiership.

His win% in that time is 46.87% (that includes 34 wins from 46 games at Canberra in 95/96)

He is no great coach, he is no coaching genius.

he is a myth. His 'legacy' was borne from a squad found to be over the cap. He only really almost earnt one title through his own guile, thanks to fortunately having a fast and mobile team in 2005 when the rules suited that type of team.

I'll have a look, but I doubt any coaches that have been coaching since 1995 consistenly as Sheens, will have a win% as low as him.

You fail to mention that he galvanised the club when it was a basket case and has turned into one of the most popular and marketable teams in the game.

Do you think thats not important?

There many clubs in a worse situation because they tried to 'experiment' with coaches over that past 8 years. We are solid club who competes every week and every year. What position would you like to be in....Parras, Penriths, Sharks, Titans, Dragons, Roosters, Cowboys etc.

He is the Australian coach FFS

Glass half empty scenario.......

We are the envy of the game as far as marketability, what other club has been as successful as us without Leagues club contributions.

It could be a whole lot worse!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
No, I fully ackowledge that he pulled our club out of the shitpile it was entrenched in and brought us a title and I'll always thank him for that.

But that was almost a decade ago now.

His work was done 3 years ago, he's now going stale and taking us backwards.

We are now in no better position today than we were after Round 9 in 2007.


No, I fully ackowledge that he pulled our club out of the shitpile it was entrenched in and brought us a title and I'll always thank him for that.

But that was almost a decade ago now.

His work was done 3 years ago, he's now going stale and taking us backwards.

We are now in no better position today than we were after Round 9 in 2007.

you don't rate last years effort?


Super Moderator
Staff member
2010 and 2011 had little to nothing to do with Sheens. Most coaches would have got the Tigers to perform at the same level.


First Grade
I just dont get it, a lot people hold him solely responsible for every positive that has happen in the club but dont see him at all responsible for anything negative.

In tigertown he is basically a dictator and like any dictator they usually become very dangerous and only leave office when they either die or are over thrown. I dont want him to die!!! but would love to see him over thrown


You fail to mention that he galvanised the club when it was a basket case and has turned into one of the most popular and marketable teams in the game.

Do you think thats not important?

There many clubs in a worse situation because they tried to 'experiment' with coaches over that past 8 years. We are solid club who competes every week and every year. What position would you like to be in....Parras, Penriths, Sharks, Titans, Dragons, Roosters, Cowboys etc.

He is the Australian coach FFS

Glass half empty scenario.......

We are the envy of the game as far as marketability, what other club has been as successful as us without Leagues club contributions.

It could be a whole lot worse!!

Good on you chunk, nice to read somone being positive.


So, 3 top 8 finishes in 8 seasons is a pass then? Wish my employers were as rewarding of mediocrity as the Tigers are!
So, 3 top 8 finishes in 8 seasons is a pass then? Wish my employers were as rewarding of mediocrity as the Tigers are!

They were top four finishes. We really should have gone to the grand final at least once in the last two seasons as well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Good on you chunk, nice to read somone being positive.
yes lets all sit in a circle around a campfire and sing songs, because everything is just peachy.

Do you think our club is as good right now, in every facet as say Melbourne or Brisbane?

If your answer is yes then you are deluded beyond any means known to mankind.

If your answer is no, then wouldn't you like us to be? The only way that can happen is through changes.

To many morons wander in here and think because someone is being negative that they don't support the club.

Fact is, we are supporting it and studying the games far more closely than most of your rose coloured glass wearing fools are.

Yet we're the 'so-called fans'

Well if being realistic and pointing out the bleeding f**king obvious to dimwits about the performances of a team I've been supporting for over 20 years makes me a so-called fan, then so be it.

I'd rather be that then some dimwit who doesn't know how the game is played and can't see that there is something wrong.

You'd be the sort of person who sit on a chair as the titanic was sinking and say "Its not sinking, gee you people are all so negative!"
Let me put it another way,we basically have the same core of players from previous years minus a couple that still would be handy to our side,with the majority of players having played together you would assume that the team would function like clock work even with new players learning and adapting to our style of play. This as we know is not the case,why? you would have to think the players have lost faith in the coach and the coach himself he has just lost it totally.


First Grade
We have no halfback and the minute we start scoring points and the fill in seems to be slotting into our structure Sheens benches him and we look like an utter shamozzle.

Of our bench players only Murdoch played any decent game time. Who the f**k does that as a coach???

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