An Intensive Corrections Order involves some sort of high level supervision - it can include home detention, electronic monitoring, curfews, etc. But it will depend on what the court has recommended. At a minimum, I suppose he would have to be regularly reporting to a Community Corrections Offer and undertake Community Service and Behavioural Programs.
If he is allowed to continue playing, then I suppose it would be a case of you're allowed to go to training, you're allowed to play on the weekend, but it's straight home afterwards or off to your community service/community programs (do not pass go, do not collect $200). Not sure what it would mean for interstate and overseas matches?
I guess it's over to the Integrity Unit now as to how things will proceed from here in terms of whether he is allowed to continue playing and ultimately what we do from the perspective of his playing contract. At a minimum, I'm sure the Integrity Unit will enforce a lengthy playing suspension (the first 10 weeks next season if not longer).
As much as I am in favour of us sacking him and moving on... I'm not in favour of him marching off to another club once any Integrity Unit punishment concludes. Doubt he'll have many options though, especially if he is expected to continue residing in Wollongong for the length of the ICO.