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Andrew Johns - are you upset?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
No, I'm not addressing Joey, I'm addressing Knights, and RL supporters as a whole.

Does it annoy or upset you that Joey first of all allowed himself to break the record in such a dire game (i.e. should he have given the 72nd minute kick to someone else and perhaps waited til next week or something?)?

Secondly, does it ire anybody that the Parramatta club went to the trouble of organising a presentation with him & JT after the game, but the sook scarpered and didn't face the presentation? I can understand maybe why but it was pretty poor form on his behalf.

This isn't an "attack Joey" thread - I'm just interested in people's thoughts on how last Knight played out, I'm sure that's not how anybody from the Steel City wanted it to happen.


It would have been even more arrogant to give the kick to someone else. No-one is bigger than the game.


First Grade
What an arrogant prick. Yeah, you played like crap and all, but you have duties to the game. He should have been at the presentation. End of.

And well done to the Eels, on not only winning well, but organising a presentation for the arrogant goose that is Johns.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
That's the thing though, think about it from a different perspective - it would have meant he'd break it at Marathon (provided Storm don't keep them scoreless :lol:), his hometown would see it, and hopefully it would happen under better circumstances.

I'm more concerned about his post-match behaviour though :?


First Grade
And what if the Storm put 40 on them, which islikely considering form at this stage. He is a sook.


Live Update Team
I'm very disappointed in Joey's performance last night. We were getting hammered, so he obviously had no intention of attending the presentation after the game when he lined up the "record breaking kick". Which makes you wonder why he took it in the first place. He was going on about it during the week here in Newcastle that he would "have liked to break the record at home, but thats the way it goes", or something similar to that. He could have saved himself, Knights fans, and the club in general the embarrassment.

Basically Joey, you're not bigger than the game mate, if you had no intention of attending the presentation, then you shouldn't of taken the kick. But that said, its all over with now, so maybe we can concentrate on playing footy.

Mr Saab

Better get it out of the way now instead of Joey having to face a circus all week in Newcastle.
Anway, IMO, point scoring is not THAT big a deal compared to say the NBA where point scoring is big.


It wouldve been disrespectful to parra and melb to give the kick away.
Too much is choreographed in todays game as it is.

Stuff joey....
*parra deserve congratulations on the way they participated in this eventwhen they were under no obligation to do a thing
* their fans reaction to the record was one of class
* taylors reaction was similar

...just a shame joey didnt acknowledge that with some more gratitudethan he showed.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I think the headline in today's Herald said it all:

John's Hollow Record.


First Grade
He did his mouthguard throw again. He's matured through his career in many ways but clearly not in some - he's still a dummy spitter of the highest order.


We got flogged. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't have wanted a presentation at that time either.

Congrats to the Parramatta fans and club on their performances and sportsmanship last night though.


First Grade
chinorocks said:
We got flogged. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't have wanted a presentation at that time either.

Too bad. A presentation was organised, he attends. Done.


Timmah said:
No, I'm not addressing Joey, I'm addressing Knights, and RL supporters as a whole.

Does it annoy or upset you that Joey first of all allowed himself to break the record in such a dire game (i.e. should he have given the 72nd minute kick to someone else and perhaps waited til next week or something?)?

Secondly, does it ire anybody that the Parramatta club went to the trouble of organising a presentation with him & JT after the game, but the sook scarpered and didn't face the presentation? I can understand maybe why but it was pretty poor form on his behalf.

This isn't an "attack Joey" thread - I'm just interested in people's thoughts on how last Knight played out, I'm sure that's not how anybody from the Steel City wanted it to happen.


Does it upset me that he broke the record during this game? No. I don't think such a record requires the 'perfect set up' ... he is the teams kicker, he slotted the conversion, those at the ground witnessed history and good luck to them.

Johns in his column has said, "if I had my time over again, I wouldn't have taken the last shot at goal. I would have given it to someone else to kick."

Johns also states, "I appologise to JT for rushing off the ground at fulltime and not collecting the game ball - but I was embarassed and devastated"

Does it annoy me that he left the ground not accepting the ball? I guess it is disappointing as all in the league community knew this was happening. I can understand that he was devastated by such a performance though two minutes of his time to accept the game ball by JT would of been a classy way to cap the record breaking night.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Terrible Sport.

Parramatta and JT were obviously ready to present him with the ball win, lose or draw.

His majesty could learn something from that.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Sorry to say it but LMAO @ that sport cover.

Mr Saab

chinorocks said:
We got flogged. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't have wanted a presentation at that time either.

You have to take the bad with the good.
He loves to whoop it up with his brother after the game when interviewed after a win, but when he loses he takes his ball and goes home. He is not 14 yrs old...he should show more class than that.
Sure, he is competitive and hates to lose, but sometimes you learn more from a loss than a win.

El Diablo

Post Whore
chinorocks said:
We got flogged. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't have wanted a presentation at that time either.

and if the floggging had been the other way around JT and the ceremony still would've happened.

there's no excuses for him


totally agree Johns performance in not attending last night is an indication of what he has become an angry old man past his best with a team that cant perform

He should have attended no doubt about it - the Knights should fine him for not attending,

Just a note on people reaction - imagine the blow up if this was someone else not attending a presentation organised by the opposition - Imagine if it was Willie Mason the blow up that would happen or if it was Brett Finch they would be cruicified and so should Johns be
I thought he could have attended the presentation Parra took the time to arrange (even for several minutes). Parra were going to present him the award win, lose or draw if the record was broken. I thought he was decent enough to show the same respect regardless of the result. Its not like he had a plane to catch.

Pretty poor form IMO from one of the best I have seen play this great game


Very dissapointing the crowd were told that JT would present joey the game ball, so we waited and he spits in our faces not to mention his own supporters

Very poor form joey, if an opposition club goes to all the trouble to honour you have the class to accept it.

i mean it would have taken 2 mins of your precious time but then you were upset you lost poor baby