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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game

About f**king time.

I have been blowing up all year about how the AFL/St Kilda were able to sweep that scandal under the rug.

Well Vlad it is all coming home to roost my friend. Hopefully this leads to greater scrutiny of the AFL spin machine in general. What they get away with is absolutely outrageous. Whereas the NRL, to it's own detriment at times, is open and accountable.

Hell hath no fury....
Victoria - The Place To Be.....if you're into media collusion and police corruption surrounding the AFL.

Thank f**k for the Murray River.

Photo of Lara Bingle comes out - hilarious, just a bit of a laugh. Photo of a giant albino with a horn comes out - outrage and indignation.



I almost didn't recognise Mick Reevolt without his widdle tears drops.

El Diablo

Post Whore

wouldn't surprise me if she gets a rather large cheque soon if what she said on 9 news is true and she can prove it


but now that she has claimed all that sh*t, she is now known to the wider public, I don't think she can just 'go away' like the AFL would want..............

Perth Red

Post Whore
cough Brett Stewart cough! Not like "victims" characters aren't questioned in our own backyard.

manoj p

The AFL prefers to get in early and make sure there is not even a trial in such matters. Refer Milne and Co.
lol @ this one.

A player manager.....


Nick Riewoldt's manager says the teen girl who published naked images of the St Kilda football star is "irrational," "needs help" and "wants to be a celebrity".

That player manager's name is Ricky Nixon.

He sports a very tight man perm similar to Pixie-Anne Wheatley and for him to call this 17 year old girl "irrational" is staggering.

To know of this piece of human excrement and hear him comment on any other person will cause a head explosion of Pulp Fiction proportions.

This germ really has no right to be passing judgement upon anyone.

Puss off the nuts of a rabid sewer rat is more appealing than this Raggety-Anne cutie.

The comments are especially baffling when you consider this former Vic Rules player was found guilty of leaving the scene of a crime when he hit a tram (a train sized vehicle) whilst driving pissed earlier in the year.

This year he was also rushed to hospital for "pneumonia" and is a known user of narcotics.

It is believed Ricky Nixon severed ties with former AFL client, Ben Cousins, over the issue of drugs, and possibly a difference in opinion of "How best to leave the scene of a crime" fundamentals. Cousins being from the old school way of thought(from his time at the West Coast Eagles) being of the opinion where a "water crossing" is always required when being persued by the Poe-lice.

"Such is life". Words to live by, Ben. Thank you.


Ricky Nixon was also the agent for the other AFL luminaries and drug-fiends, Wayne Carey and Gary Ablett Snr.

Gary Ablett Snr, also known for not fully co-operating with police at the scene of a crime. This time, a death of a young woman was involved. Here it is for those unaware of the life and times of AFL's "GOD":


I believe Ricky Nixon should focus on why these AFL players were having sex with a high school student they taught Aussie Rules to, instead of throwing his hypcritical and invalid opinion out for others to consume.

There is a reason for this long-winded post and this is it.


Everyone knows this and that is why there is a well-known, descriptive saying about how detrimental these comments are.

Why does a newspaper print the comments from Nixon? A breathing collection of pubes on legs

Because mud sticks. Doesn't matter who throws it, as long as it is thrown, and the slanderous mud hits its intended target. Job done.

Living in Victoria for nearly 5 years, I have had the well polished AFL spin machine stuffed down my throat the entire time, much like an under age girl at a VdFL "clinic".

The Emperor has no clothes on and under his super frilly tank-top is this....

Ricky Nixon and the AFL:
A pair of skid marks on the gusset of Australia, if ever there was.

Every league, in every sport around the world has their own "albino werewolf" who, privately, likes to be photographed nude with other blokes.

"insert embarassing situation"

No one disputes this. But the righteous attitude of the governing body of this "abortion of a pass time" leaves it open to appearing hypocritical.

The preferential treatment this organistion and it's local, professional recreation receives from the media in this country is alarming.

Joel Monaghan got roasted, sacked and exiled on the basis of a grainy picture, heresay and terrible advice about a tawdry episode involving a labrador cross (age unknown), but a dog nonetheless, not a silly pubescent girl. Human. You know the ones. Lately it's fashionable to dedicate a "Round" to them. The ones in pink who everyone nostalgically remembers with "half-time oranges" and "tuck shops".

It does not take a tin foil hat to notice the "Four Corners" episode on the government funded ABC, ACN stories and special comments from Tracey Grimshaw regarding Matthew Johns and his "group sex" episode with a woman of age.

Matthew Johns lost his job and nearly his marriage. He was publicly humiliated for this tawdry, unconvicted affair.

Fast forward to today. Two AFL players from St.Kilda have had sex with a high school chick who they were entrusted to "kick a Sherrin" with, she claims to have been be impregnated by one of them.

How quickly did the AFL and Federal Police act with the power of legislation in recent days to have these pics of the AFL players removed from the internet?

For those who haven't heard about the collusion between the AFL and the Victorian Police (for whatever unknown reason) have a look at this: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/a...der-police-probe/story-e6frf9jf-1225904619989

Seriously, the AFL is under investigation for having the "green-light" from the Victorian Police.

"Move along, nothing to see here..."

Big Willy could piss on my house while Carney set my pants on fire with the Toey Human's sending a drunken, sauce sputing text to my missus. I don't actually have a dog, but if I did, I would seriously let Monaghan walk it everyday before I let one of those AFL grubs use my daughter's details at an AusKick clinic.

The AFL and all involved have closed ranks against this girl, to the point where she is obviously aggreived.

According to Ricky Nixon, she has the problem.

But why am I explaining this to you?

You the muthaf*ka on brain detail!! (apologies Samuel Jackson)

Here's a sponge Andrew, you greasy germ, don't get your new clothes dirty.

Foil hats, grassy knolls and the treatment of RL's viewing times on Channel Nine in Melbourne aside, if I suddenly don't post on LU due to a freak accident, you know Andrew and his flunkies have got to me.

(joking, but not really, why do you think the Ice Freak was so keen to get over here...)
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Far Canal

That was a brillant post Sans Souci Sainter.

This is one thing I have noticed - the Victorians (all the way from the police force to the newspapers protect AFL like it is their child) whereas that does not happen in NSW. Why? Because they have an inferiority complex where the words transparency, freedom of speech and integrity are all non existent.


That was a brillant post Sans Souci Sainter.

This is one thing I have noticed - the Victorians (all the way from the police force to the newspapers protect AFL like it is their child) whereas that does not happen in NSW. Why? Because they have an inferiority complex where the words transparency, freedom of speech and integrity are all non existent.

Yeah, great post SSS. Also living in Victoria I hear exactly what you say, and talking to the locals they believe all the spin that is dished up to them. They love to ridicule "rugby" players but can find all sorts of excuses for their AFL heroes, who, believe me, leave our boys for dead for disgusting behaviour.

Why is that? I think Far Canal nailed it. The AFL has an inferiority complex. They sprout it regularly as the greatest game on the planet, yet half of this country and the rest of the world laugh at it for what it is. A dopey game.


All attention/explanation down south is being directed to Nic R and his involvement/explanation, and how can we help this troubled girl. Nothing being said/explained about the other players at all, no in-person media conferences. Only by the one player that seemingly has a plausible explanation.

Ignoring the homoerotic elephant in the locker room
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Yeah, great post SSS. Also living in Victoria I hear exactly what you say, and talking to the locals they believe all the spin that is dished up to them. They love to ridicule "rugby" players but can find all sorts of excuses for their AFL heroes, who, believe me, leave our boys for dead for disgusting behaviour.

Why is that? I think Far Canal nailed it. The AFL has an inferiority complex. They sprout it regularly as the greatest game on the planet, yet half of this country and the rest of the world laugh at it for what it is. A dopey game.

Agree Gippsy - came to the same conclusion after the Monas incident drew out all the holier than thou tut-tutters from AFL land:
"You Don't Like League - We Get It, OK"

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