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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game


The Monaghan story was broken from Melb media first week of Nov. The reports this week suggest the AFL photos been doing the rounds since approx 4 weeks ago. Haven't seen anything that contradicts that timeline.


True, but the Herald Sun said yesterday they were first approached by the girl with the full story about 6 months ago. The story then was that 2 players attended her school for auskick or similar and met up with her some weeks later. 2 players slept with her and she got pregnant when she was 16. Her story was that the players, St kilda, and the AFL all refused any assistance, all telling her to get lost. She later lost the babies (apparently twins).

To make matters worse it now appears a 34 year old cop has been charged with having sex with her when she was pregnant. Bloody hell, if she is now a bit of a basket case you can sorta understand why.

How she finished up with all these pics of the players is just a part of the whole story, a pretty sordid little story btw.

As I said, I wonder if the paper would have sat on this story if it was NRL players, not AFL?



True, but the Herald Sun said yesterday they were first approached by the girl with the full story about 6 months ago. The story then was that 2 players attended her school for auskick or similar and met up with her some weeks later. 2 players slept with her and she got pregnant when she was 16. Her story was that the players, St kilda, and the AFL all refused any assistance, all telling her to get lost. She later lost the babies (apparently twins).

To make matters worse it now appears a 34 year old cop has been charged with having sex with her when she was pregnant. Bloody hell, if she is now a bit of a basket case you can sorta understand why.

How she finished up with all these pics of the players is just a part of the whole story, a pretty sordid little story btw.

As I said, I wonder if the paper would have sat on this story if it was NRL players, not AFL?

To answer your last line, no one took up the Monaghan story/pic, so it may not have if it was an NRL.

From your timeline above, no one in Melb media was aware of St Kilda pics before one of them decided the existence of the Monas pic was worth pointing out.


First Grade
this whole thing has just reinforced my hatred for the code. arrogant, lying, generally creepy....yech. glad i'm a league fan.

The Tank

this whole thing has just reinforced my hatred for the code. arrogant, lying, generally creepy....yech. glad i'm a league fan.

Agreed. It's actually why I have a lot of respect for Gallop - he's screwed up when it comes to media deals but he seems like a man of honour. He doesn't just comdemn bad behaviour because it's "a bad look for the game" but because he genuinely cares.

I'd be mortified if the NRL behaved in the same manner. Our players can be stupid, but it's the response that matters. And it's just unacceptable in our game these days.

I love my sport but I put integrity before all and if a league player f**ks up - he should be held responsible. I'm absolutely shocked by the AFL-Victorian Police link. No sporting organisation, no matter how big or popular, should ever be above the law.

There's a horrible stench coming out of Victoria.


First Grade
well said mate, i agree with every word.

league is flawed but it's very TRANSPARENT and i'm proud of that. we don't do cover ups and don't issue hush money and don't take mentally unstable teenage girls to court.

not just the Victorian Police, but the media....man the AFL have done something there. i went looking for some negative opinion pieces and i couldn't find anything. compare that to any time an NRL player looks sideways and people are calling for their heads and interviewing mothers groups and generally condeming the code to hell.

the only journo brave/stupid enough to question the status quo is Derryn Hinch of all people. i dunno if its been posted in this thread yet but u guys should read his stuff...



what kills me about AFL in general is the hypocrisy. they were fine that their players circulated that photo of Bingle which was OBVIOUSLY taken without her consent, there was no consequences for that.

yet their players shag a 16 yr old, POSE for nude photos (whomever took them, they were still knowingly posing) and then when the photos get public they cry privacy invasion and sue a teenager for 'mental distress'.

and then there's the arrogance of Riewoldt saying at the presser 'group sex doesn't exist in our culture'. that's clearly a direct dig at rugby league. also YOU LIAR RIEWOLDT.

anyway read the articles guys, they will fire you up!

El Diablo

Post Whore
not just the Victorian Police, but the media....man the AFL have done something there. i went looking for some negative opinion pieces and i couldn't find anything. compare that to any time an NRL player looks sideways and people are calling for their heads and interviewing mothers groups and generally condeming the code to hell.

don't seem surprised

do you think a RL journo would keep this quiet and not complain to the police?

Brendan Fevola accused of sexual assault

and it only came out after this http://www.vexnews.com/news/6719/cage-this-beast-brendan-fevolas-sexual-assault-exposed/

VEXNEWS exclusively revealed yesterday that Brendan Fevola had made an unwelcome advance toward a Herald Sun journalist at the end of a 13 hour bender at the Brownlow Medal ceremony.

the worst part was this

The woman – who attended the Brownlow Medal event – is thought to be unlikely to want to make a complaint because it might adversely effect her career or her reputation in the football world. That’s a remarkable reflection on modern football, if true.


First Grade
Hinch isn't exactly the most beloved person in the world, but he certainly isnt backwards in coming forward, and he's absolutely hit it square on here.

This line is possibly one of the most simple, yet most effective:

Derryn Hinch said:
You pay a big price when you take on a footy club or the AFL in this town.


First Grade
absolutely. great stuff from him.

i'm currently arguing about it on facebook with a friend...what a way to spend christmas day. i am so cool

High Flyers

Just noticed a few opinion peices around the web which touch on the "Dickileaks" scandal.... Obviously amusing to see Afl supporters try and justify the latest scandal. They are the most one eyed bunch of idiot around... See below:






First Grade
Just when you thought the AFL could not get any lower.. The AFL policy of denial and suppression has these scumbags believing they are untouchable.


Lions players in strife as AFL rocked by model assault claim

  • By Jason Tin and Jonathan Moran
  • From: The Sunday Mail (Qld)
  • December 26, 2010 12:00AM

  • Brisbane Lions players allededly harassed woman
  • Model claims she was punched in face at restaurant
  • TV personality said group "behaved like idiots"

THE AFL has been left red-faced yet again following claims a group of Brisbane Lions players harassed a woman at a restaurant and were involved in a scuffle in which a young Brisbane model was allegedly punched in the face.

The allegations come after a tumultuous week for the code in which St Kilda players were embroiled in a nude photo scandal with pictures being leaked by a teenage girl.
Television and radio personality Mike Goldman was dining with Sky News reporter Christy Johns, model and former Miss Indy Sarah Jane Cox and her mother at a top-class Brisbane restaurant last Tuesday night, when trouble began.
"He launched at me, then the other guys attempted to break it up," Ms Cox said, referring to one of the Lions players.
"I got punched in the face. One of the guys tried to pour a drink on Mike's head. They were behaving like fools, basically just being idiots."
Mr Goldman said "a mob of about 10" Brisbane Lions players and training staff, who appeared to have been drinking, approached the group "yelling and carrying on".

He said one of the players began harassing Ms Johns, who rejected his advances. "They said 'are you coming to my house or what?' "
Mr Goldman said he stepped in and told the player to back away. "I said 'come on man, can you stop doing that?' and he basically told me where to go," he said. "There was a bit of a scuffle and . . . (Sarah Jane Cox) got elbowed."
Mr Goldman said the swimwear model hailed a taxi while holding her nose and went home with her mother. The rest of the group left the restaurant.
"I'm used to seeing idiots like that from professional football teams, especially just thinking they can grab women and talk to them in a certain way," Mr Goldman said.
The Brisbane Lions denied the allegations but admitted that a group of players and staff saw Mr Goldman and his friends at the restaurant.
Mr Goldman praised Brisbane Lions player Jamie Charman, who was not involved in any of the bad behaviour and "apologised profusely" for the others.
