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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game


First Grade
Well you got that bit right ED.But I ventured on to this RL forum because I have a long history as a Parra Supporter (you should know this from the old EELs official forum days .(My name was different there).

I remember Cumberland oval.But I don't have the same feelings these days.

I note your complete brushing over of the question posed to you earlier. Don't have the backbone to say a negative thing about AFL perhaps?


This is the Internet, EA. Anyone can write something and get it published these days. You're obviously an erudite, knowledgeable person who can argue his point with passion, plus you have done the hard yards in research to back it up. You can write an article about this for mainstream consumption that would knock peoples' socks off if you tried hard enough.

If you need some help with it I could give you a hand. Hell, there are enough people on this board who are good writers who would love to help out.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Well you got that bit right ED.But I ventured on to this RL forum because I have a long history as a Parra Supporter (you should know this from the old EELs official forum days .(My name was different there).

I remember Cumberland oval.But I don't have the same feelings these days.

so what?

you now chose to bag out RL and wank on about AFL even though you have no idea about what their players get up to

you think they're all Angels lol

no doubt you hate Matthew Johns yet have nothing but respect for hush money O'Loughlin

you even suggested the poll that showed AFL and RL were pretty well even in female support was wrong despite having no evidence

why bother with you though

you put yourself on a pedastal and seriously question the character of anyone who doesn't follow AFL and vote Labor

Green Machine

First Grade
The previous paragraphs are fair enough, but correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Monaghan quit before the board sacked him?
Yes he did Monty
That is what I was talking about. The board made no decision.
The board still needs to follow process. The Canberra Raiders aren’t above law Monty
The story broke early on a Friday, the board did nothing over the weekend and Monaghan quit on the Monday, as I recall. I know we all have lives, but couldn't they have had a phone hook-up or something, it's not as if it was a hard decision to make.
They did Monty. The followed the process and when Joel came in to face the board, he offered to resign. I wouldn’t want my club to be rushed into deciding a players future just because the NRL and David Gallop want quick decision to appease the tabloids and the shock jocks. I hope they give him another chance in 2011.
That was p1ssweak.
As I said before Monty opinions are like arseholes and everyone has one. Better handled than some of the incidents that the AFL have swept under the carpet

Green Machine

First Grade
You little girly men are always bagging AFL and union but when somebody bags league you all start crying:lol:

:lol:Can dish it out but can't take it:lol:
You are a pissant troll. About as light weight as Frazer or cutie. If you are so tough, why don't you involve yourself in some of the topics in TFC? No balls?


First Grade
Great post El Diablo, but no matter what AFL players do, they will continue to get preferential treatment in the media.

The Victorian media are clueless about RL most of the time, but turn into experts when discussing the code's off-field behaviour.

The thing is - that off field behaviour is all they WANT to discuss and as El Diablo pointed out, they only want to discuss League's behaviour whilst conveniently forgetting AFL's. On their own code, they keep pushing the same propaganda.

The issue for Rugby League is that no one is doing the reverse to AFL.

I don't expect the AGE, a Melbourne paper, aimed at a Melbourne market and with a decidedly Melbourne view of life to do anything than talk up their code and if they can denegrate ours. But why don't we do the same back?

Why isn't the SMH running a smear campaign on AFL? Why is the traffic always one way? Where is the response from the NRL?

This highlights the fact the need for an independent commission to push the agenda. On that respect, the journalist is correct. The AFL has a Ministry for Propaganda - I mean an Independent body promoting their code - it's about time we got our own because if we don't we'll continue to get hammered on this stuff and no one will be sticking up for Rugby League.

If you repeat something often enough it becomes the accepted truth. AFL knows this. We're way off point.

Perth Red

Post Whore
what I'd like to know is how we change it? How do we get the media onside for us and offside for the other codes? Why do we have no power in the media?

Anybody who thinks perception isn't important or costing the NRL a shed load of $'s is deluded.

El Diablo

Post Whore
The thing is - that off field behaviour is all they WANT to discuss and as El Diablo pointed out, they only want to discuss League's behaviour whilst conveniently forgetting AFL's. On their own code, they keep pushing the same propaganda.

The issue for Rugby League is that no one is doing the reverse to AFL.

I don't expect the AGE, a Melbourne paper, aimed at a Melbourne market and with a decidedly Melbourne view of life to do anything than talk up their code and if they can denegrate ours. But why don't we do the same back?

Why isn't the SMH running a smear campaign on AFL? Why is the traffic always one way? Where is the response from the NRL?

This highlights the fact the need for an independent commission to push the agenda. On that respect, the journalist is correct. The AFL has a Ministry for Propaganda - I mean an Independent body promoting their code - it's about time we got our own because if we don't we'll continue to get hammered on this stuff and no one will be sticking up for Rugby League.

If you repeat something often enough it becomes the accepted truth. AFL knows this. We're way off point.


League journos aren't going to rubbish AFL

they're busy enough writing articles bagging RL

where do you think AFL journos like Flanagan get their material from?

sportive cupid

so what?

you now chose to bag out RL and wank on about AFL even though you have no idea about what their players get up to

you think they're all Angels lol

no doubt you hate Matthew Johns yet have nothing but respect for hush money O'Loughlin

you even suggested the poll that showed AFL and RL were pretty well even in female support was wrong despite having no evidence

why bother with you though

you put yourself on a pedastal and seriously question the character of anyone who doesn't follow AFL and vote Labor
I vote Greens ED..I think you are blurring me with my posse.

It's not really about the crimes though.It's more about the responses of the codes that matter.

But hey,you lot carry on with your "Rugby league is alright" mantra .

The converted really enjoy the preaching to.


First Grade
I vote Greens ED..I think you are blurring me with my posse.

It's not really about the crimes though.It's more about the responses of the codes that matter.

But hey,you lot carry on with your "Rugby league is alright" mantra .

The converted really enjoy the preaching to.

You keep skipping over the question sportive. I don't want to have to remind you through PM until you answer it. So please answer it:

Which one was charged with rape? Andrew Lovett.

What's worse; a prank with a mate's pet or rape?


I'm sick of this "well what did the AFL do" attitude. When it comes to these incidents the NRL should do the right thing (whatever that is) regardless of what the AFL have or havn't done.

As for what police and the legal system do and don't do with invididual cases, how the f**k is the NRL supposed to control that? Is everything fair when it comes to NRL/AFL? No, but life isn't fair. Get the f**k over it and worry about things the NRL can control instead of whingeing about the things far far far outside it's control.

One of those things it can control is hurrying up and making this Independent commission happen. But the AFL has an independent commission, according to some of you that's reason enough to scrap the idea.

El Diablo

Post Whore
I'm sick of this "well what did the AFL do" attitude. When it comes to these incidents the NRL should do the right thing (whatever that is) regardless of what the AFL have or havn't done.

the NRL do the right thing and the AFL don't

yet we have some idiot here posting otherwise

the media are all over the NRL and that's why players get punished

it is factually incorrect to say otherwise and to then go on and say we should follow the AFL's lead is one of most absurd ideas i've ever heard
One of those things it can control is hurrying up and making this Independent commission happen. But the AFL has an independent commission, according to some of you that's reason enough to scrap the idea.

The difference is, ours has at least a chance to be actually independent. The AFL's commission is only as independent as Demetriou wants it to be.

Can anyone seriously say they believe a bunch of supposedly intelligent people sat around brainstorming and came up with "we need an AFL team in Western Sydney and Israel Folau should be the the bloke we steal from Rugby League for marketing purposes"?

The far likelier scenario is that Demetriou wanted both the GC and WS teams in order to give AFL an extra game because he believes that will guarantee him his $1 billion TV rights contract, and his commissioners just agreed to save themselves from getting the arse...


I'm sick of this "well what did the AFL do" attitude. When it comes to these incidents the NRL should do the right thing (whatever that is) regardless of what the AFL have or havn't done.

As for what police and the legal system do and don't do with invididual cases, how the f**k is the NRL supposed to control that? Is everything fair when it comes to NRL/AFL? No, but life isn't fair. Get the f**k over it and worry about things the NRL can control instead of whingeing about the things far far far outside it's control.

One of those things it can control is hurrying up and making this Independent commission happen. But the AFL has an independent commission, according to some of you that's reason enough to scrap the idea.

Excellent post.

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