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Another AFL wanker bagging out the great game


i see it a bit simpler than that. And again, we need to separate the moral arguments from the legal.

The photos were said to taken in Miami USA, at an end of year trip. The room background and the content suggest that to be true. the photos were obtained from Sams computer, when she say them and emailed them to herself.

If i say you can use my laptop doesnt mean you can steal whats on it. And then publish it. It would be the same for an excel spreadsheet or word doc.

Clean hands ? I get the attempted pun, but these photos arent pornographic or ilegal. One guy pleasuring himself, and another standing naked with a another guy near by. Maybe they are lewd. They are certainly immature and a bit homo but whose business is that? Its hardly the same as someone taking photos up skirt. At this point, Im thinking you havent seen the pictures...Its clear that the Nick one was posed.

Not once have you addresses the issue of copyright. She did not take the photo, she is not the copyright owner, she cannot publish that content without permission of the owner. I cant say I am the writer of the song Hey Jude just because I stole the sheet music from a friend's nans' pianola.

can you please post a link to any article that suggests that Nick and the girl were involved? She never claims they were intimate or that they knew each other in the biblical sense. She says she only met him once in public, getting on the team bus.

I think it will all be shut down when they ascertain the girl didn't take the photos. And wasnt there when they were taken.

And as a society maybe we will come to the conclusion what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes doesn't require judgments from the chattering and twittering classes or belong on TV or in newspapers.

Now as a test for the right to publish the pics, here's the thing. If the pics are posted here bulldogs10110, should they be left up or taken down? El Diablo would sent enough infractions to give me an infarction

All of this would need to be tested in a court of law. That would make for some very interesting evidence coming out for the world to see. I would have thought that the AFL will want to shut this down as quick as possible not drag it out for months or years.


i see it a bit simpler than that. And again, we need to separate the moral arguments from the legal

The photos were said to taken in Miami USA, at an end of year trip. The room background and the content suggest that to be true. the photos were obtained from Sams computer, when she say them and emailed them to herself

I think it is hard for you to separate the legal facts out from the moral arguments as you are already assuming facts not yet in evidence and interestingly they all favour a view that serves the St Kilda players' interests.

If i say you can use my laptop doesnt mean you can steal whats on it. And then publish it. It would be the same for an excel spreadsheet or word doc.

Clean hands ? I get the attempted pun, but these photos arent pornographic or ilegal. One guy pleasuring himself, and another standing naked with a another guy near by. Maybe they are lewd. They are certainly immature and a bit homo but whose business is that? Its hardly the same as someone taking photos up skirt. At this point, Im thinking you havent seen the pictures...Its clear that the Nick one was posed.

Well I didn't write the Statute. I didn't write the upskirting laws. We are talking about legal rights and obligations, the upskirting laws being criminal. However I would be careful when earlier posting as you made an accusation that she was guilty of theft, which implies criminality.

The upskirt law is the title of it, but in the definition of whether you have violated skirts have nothing to do with it. Their are no gender specific laws in Australia. It is about genitalia. Lara Bingle would have been served better had the upskirting laws applied in a more northerly direction.

Clean hands is an equitable doctrine "one must come to court with clean hands".

I have read so many different versions of who will be bringing the action, what action/s, which parties etc.

My impression is it will be Nick and primarily breach of confidence, defamation and copyright infringement. I think the breach of confidence is shaky. They seem to be primarily putting most of their faith in the copyright as it has the clearest chance of success. That puts them on a par with the Church of Scientology! How laudable.

The point is that if Sam took the offending photo of Nick and other photo/s the court may see what he did as being tainted with illegality. ('clean hands'). But they may make him a co-defendant. Who knows? It is only an issue if Sam tried to bring a complaint. At this point in time the most talk is of Nick taking action. If there is a proposed action by Sam in relation to the photo of Nick OR any other photos ("the photo/s") that may come into evidence and be accepted into evidence, whether through defence or plaintiff, he may not have clean hands. Anyway we are talking about breach of copyright and there are also 'moral rights' (legal copyright 'moral rights) which are very strongt.

Not once have you addresses the issue of copyright. She did not take the photo, she is not the copyright owner, she cannot publish that content without permission of the owner. I cant say I am the writer of the song Hey Jude just because I stole the sheet music from a friend's nans' pianola.
I don't think anybody really needs a lecture on the distinction between the chattel and the intellectual property residing in it. However we don't know what "photo/s" will be put into issue and accepted into evidence by the Judge.

IF it is established to a legal standard she didn't take the photos, based on relevant admissible probative evidence to the satisfaction of a Court of law, then absolutely he has no ownership rights.

Things that have been said by all parties (hearsay, directly) may play a part in establishing to a legal standard where the ownership lay. There has been a lot of hearsay and discussion in the media.

We know that there wasn't any assignment, and he ARGUABLY didn't licence her to use all the photo/s the way that she did.

Whether Sam gave implied permission to her to keep or publish to a limited audience some of "the photo/s" is another issue. If he didn't own the copyright can he validly pass it to her? Sam may have given her the permission to take his collection of which he seemed to be somewhat proud, to a limited audience (maybe the parties involved in the big event). Sam certainly wanted other girls involved in the actions he partook in.

can you please post a link to any article that suggests that Nick and the girl were involved? She never claims they were intimate or that they knew each other in the biblical sense. She says she only met him once in public, getting on the team bus.

Nobody claims that.

I think it will all be shut down when they ascertain the girl didn't take the photos. And wasnt there when they were taken.

You are assuming facts that havn't yet been established in a court of law to a satisfactory standard.

And as a society maybe we will come to the conclusion what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes doesn't require judgments from the chattering and twittering classes or belong on TV or in newspapers.

There are some outstanding legal questions relating to fair dealing rights. These are public figures and people do spend their money defending them and they have a right to see how their money is being spent. The schools have a right to decide whether they want to allow the football clubs into the school or raise their insurance premiums. Fathers may be interested in whether their daughter takes the day off of school on the football clinic day. I'd be happier to see the case tried in Miami but that ain't gonna happen. If you read the Panel case and other fair dealing cases Australia has fairly limited fair dealing defences, however they are there for a reason. Too bad the case isn't being determined based on US law which would give her a better chance at 'fair use'.

Now as a test for the right to publish the pics, here's the thing. If the pics are posted here bulldogs10110, should they be left up or taken down? El Diablo would sent enough infractions to give me an infarction

Take down for copyright or defamation?

I cannot give legal advice as I am not practising at the moment, however I started to list exhaustively the case law that could be implicated if breach of confidence, copyright and defamation are involved. It ended up being over 100 cases. You would know that it depends on how a case is framed, what the substantive action is, pleadings, and you cannot apply the law in a vacuum. However if you want the list feel free to read them all :) Happy to post them here, but once again don't read into it that I have 'selected' them as applicable to this case. I am not on the legal team and don't know who the parties are.

In relation to your some forum publication issues have a look at:

Buddhist Society of Western Australia Inc v Bristile Ltd [2000] WASCA 210, Rindos v Hardwick (unreported WA case March 1004) and Godfrey v Demon Internet Service [2001] QB 20. (FOR STARTERS...not exhaustive)


I wont go through your post, and I wont add any more until facts are tested in court but ... my interest is to hope...
  1. The right to property ownership is upheld.
  2. That right to privacy is maintained.
  3. That newspapers don't have the right to publish bedroom snaps for the titillation of bogans and slack jawed perves.
  4. That someones reputation isnt sacrificed on the alter of voyeurism.

Whats your interest in this? Sounds like the exact opposite. Thats why society is so f**ked. And thats why all lawyers, including yourself, must die.

But I will bet you a Dragons Premiership ring, that I have picked the correct legal result of how this will end up, and you are clutching at straws (schools worrying about their insurance when players visit? Are you serious).

"Everybody knows the scene is dead
But there's gonna be a meter on your bed
That will disclose
What everybody knows"
Last edited:


I wont go through your post, and I wont add any more until facts are tested in court but ... my interest is to hope...
  1. The right to property ownership is upheld.
  2. That right to privacy is maintained.
  3. That newspapers don't have the right to publish bedroom snaps for the titillation of bogans and slack jawed perves.
  4. That someones reputation isnt sacrificed on the alter of voyeurism.
Whats your interest in this? Sounds like the exact opposite. Thats why society is so f**ked. And thats why all lawyers, including yourself, must die. But I will bet you a Dragons Premiership ring, that I have picked the correct legal result of how this will end up, and you are clutching at straws (schools worrying about their insurance when players visit? Are you serious).

I won't dignify your personal attacks with a response.

I have an interest in this and privacy but if you look at every single Human Rights Instrument privacy is balanced against freedom of speech.

For the media it may be titillation or voyeurism for the media, but some fans do give a damn about how the players act and whether they condone their behaviour.

I don't follow the Dragons but my friend up North is a Dragons supporter so maybe I'll make an exception.


I won't dignify your personal attacks with a response.

I have an interest in this and privacy but if you look at every single Human Rights Instrument privacy is balanced against freedom of speech.

For the media it may be titillation or voyeurism for the media, but some fans do give a damn about how the players act and whether they condone their behaviour.

I don't follow the Dragons but my friend up North is a Dragons supporter so maybe I'll make an exception.

if you are so thin skinned you should get out more.

Just on player behaviour, players owe us nothing except to let things rip on the field. Their only KPI is winning the comp, not appeasing some fair weather media that move the goalposts as to whats acceptible every day.

And What is the freedom of speech issue here? That newspapers can publish with impunity. That websites can do what they want. Again, I will summons the great one el diablo to confirm what woukd happen to me if I publish the pics right here on LeagueLimited.

If youre total of 6 posts had been directed at the Joel Monahan issue, saying it was public interest to see a snapper of him being a human Pal and Meatybite ice-cream, you would have been tarred and feathered by all and sundry by now... But youre just singing an anti AFL tune and the punters club here are drunk and singing from the same hymn book.


if you are so thin skinned you should get out more.

Just on player behaviour, players owe us nothing except to let things rip on the field. Their only KPI is winning the comp, not appeasing some fair weather media that move the goalposts as to whats acceptible every day.

And What is the freedom of speech issue here? That newspapers can publish with impunity. That websites can do what they want. Again, I will summons the great one el diablo to confirm what woukd happen to me if I publish the pics right here on LeagueLimited.

If youre total of 6 posts had been directed at the Joel Monahan issue, saying it was public interest to see a snapper of him being a human Pal and Meatybite ice-cream, you would have been tarred and feathered by all and sundry by now... But youre just singing an anti AFL tune and the punters club here are drunk and singing from the same hymn book.



if you are so thin skinned you should get out more.

Just on player behaviour, players owe us nothing except to let things rip on the field. Their only KPI is winning the comp, not appeasing some fair weather media that move the goalposts as to whats acceptible every day.

And What is the freedom of speech issue here? That newspapers can publish with impunity. That websites can do what they want. Again, I will summons the great one el diablo to confirm what woukd happen to me if I publish the pics right here on LeagueLimited.

If youre total of 6 posts had been directed at the Joel Monahan issue, saying it was public interest to see a snapper of him being a human Pal and Meatybite ice-cream, you would have been tarred and feathered by all and sundry by now... But youre just singing an anti AFL tune and the punters club here are drunk and singing from the same hymn book.

If it was an NRL player in place of Nick Riewoldt, there would have been post after post attacking the girl, just like has happened in other incidents. But not every one on here would have the same view (myself included)

Putting aside your issue of the legality of the photographs, the BIGGER issue is for me is grown men having sex with a child that the met at a official high school function, surely this is a major issue that the media has downplayed.

That and the fact that grown men have OBVIOUSLY posed (despite Nicks denial) for photographs with there dicks out, and in Del Santos' case whilst having a wank.


If it was an NRL player in place of Nick Riewoldt, there would have been post after post attacking the girl, just like has happened in other incidents. But not every one on here would have the same view (myself included)

Putting aside your issue of the legality of the photographs, the BIGGER issue is for me is grown men having sex with a child that the met at a official high school function, surely this is a major issue that the media has downplayed.

That and the fact that grown men have OBVIOUSLY posed (despite Nicks denial) for photographs with there dicks out, and in Del Santos' case whilst having a wank.


Hypocrisy is hypocrisy.

Whether or not that means differential treatment between the treatment of AFL players and NRL players or differential treatment by media interests here, fans, and the public at large, it is still called hypocrisy.

I agree that the amount of press exposure that an incident in NRL gives rise to is more reminiscent of a 'Lorena Bobbitt' incident, except the AFL try to stitch the girl up rather than the players (perpetrators).

In fact that is going to be my next angle. Why does the reaction and legal lynching of this girl make the Lorena Bobbitt reaction look muted by comparison (at least in Oz)

Perth Red

Post Whore
that is pretty disgraceful re the police. Shows how much AFL has Melbourne in its pocket, and I thought Perth law enforcement was dodgy!

High Flyers

this is a beauty from Hinch


somethung very rotten going on down in Victoriania

the truth is coming out

Thank you Derryn! This is excactly what people need to hear. The AFL's PR and Marketing team are trying to drop in teams around the country with a fake image. If Australians are going to adopt it as their own game they have the right to know all the details good and bad!


Seems like fighting cancer has made him immune to the AFL's sh*t and not scared of going toe to toe with them.


@El Diablo.

The savaging of the girl is one dimension El Diablo. The other connection positively stinks. Derryn will join the dots. Stay tuned....


Let 'em bag out all they want, because at the end of the day their game is not as good as Rugby League to watch or play. None of their players have been anywhere near good enough to make it in Rugby League. The only reason they have 2 NRL players in their ranks, is because they offered them more money than they could get playing Rugby League. As soon as Hunts and Folau's contracts are up with the AFL. Both will be back playing Rugby League.....As quick as you can say AFL.

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