I have confidence in Flanno we have never been this strong as a club, for years we were happy just to make the finals now we expect to be there, and in the top 4.
Remember when we won the presidents cup with Peach/Rogers then our juniors went into wilderness, now the juniors each year in finals and winning.
Our reserves in finals and winning.
Remember when we had an injury and we litterally panicked who the hell would get selected, now Flanno seems 9/10 player comes in does his job.
We had to pay overs to get players here, now they want to come here, and remember some of those purchases players teams didnt want but we still had to pay overs and watch them flop
Now our juniors get poached, thats how good they are, we had to go out and try that, we would buy remember Filiga on monster money dud.
Since Flanno arrived we have never had this much success yes the ASADA issue, but what that did was make the club stronger, its the world against us, the New Orleans Saints in a way had same issue when coach put bounty on other teams Sean Payton he is still there coach, like us they had won nothing till this guy came along.
And look this year, every grade down to the u16's in finals 2 of them in the Grand finals, all this is the house Flanno has built.
Flannoball is part of the australian language, the Prime Minister will preach flanno ball going forward, you watch WWE events and fans in crowd with Shark jerseys this is all Flanno, if this was Roman times he would have statue built.