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Arsenal not up to it at the moment.


Aint up to it alright. it was great to see the mighty blues humble them at Highbury last week. Wenger's face scrunches up more as each day goes by.


well it's true, it wont be long till Henry is off to Barca, and Wenger off to Real Madrid.

Then Wenger will buy him back lol


Thierry Henry said:
I didn't make this thread. Typically idiotic Chelsea fan nibbs used my account.

first you claim to be left handed, now this. i'm not impressed, martin. you're becoming a chronic liar, which concerns me deeply

Manu Vatuvei

Corbin said:
well it's true, it wont be long till Henry is off to Barca, and Wenger off to Real Madrid.

Then Wenger will buy him back lol

Henry off to Barca my dick. ffs fk off Corbin.


Tyler Durden said:
it's so nice of Arsenal to make a special shirt for the season that they finished below Spurs.
Dammit mate, I told you to stop taking that stuff. It'll ruin you... I'm tellin ya...


Corbin said:
well it's true, it wont be long till Henry is off to Barca
Well after another inept performance from Arsenal today I am convinced Henry will be off in the summer (over there). May well be Barca but it's somewhere. He has gone missing in so many games this season and today was no different. Not the same player. And he ain't no captian.

Getting annoyed with this form. And nobody wanting to shoot the damn thing. Or get into the box for that matter. Not to mention the choice of players. How Reyes did not start today is a joke. He has struck some form. And then Bergkamp on for Van Pirsie! Bergy as good as he used to be is past it and Van P is one of the only players that actually looks like shooting AND scoring. Least we didn't concede I suppose, not that Villa looked like scoring.

The title is right, we are not up to it at the moment. To be fair they have been at the top of the English game for the best part of a decade, and times change. But right now, we are simply cr*p.

That's my rant over.


I personally think Patrick Viera was a sensational player, and his departure was the sign of the changing of the guard somewhat at Highbury (or wherever it is their new stadium is). The other players were good, but Viera and Henry were a league above the rest.


yeah i think that Patrick Viera exit from the team is a massive reason towards this form. Henry i think will go to Barca at the end of the season and they will dominate the spanish league with Eto'o and Henry up front and the world player of the year behind them they will be unstoppable. Arsenal will be looking to buy a star striker nxt season with Bergkamp and Henry gone. Reyes and van Persie are great players but they need a star striker to be dominant again.


The problem is not that they sold Vieira but that they failed to replace him. I may have mentioned here before, but Lee Dixon said last season that Vieira was having to ice his knees after every game. He was becomming injury prone and to be honest it is hard to put a finger on a game that he really dominated last season. His time was up at the club and they cashed in. Was a good business decision in my book.

However the poor business decision was not replacing him with a like player. Wenger said that he tried but he missed the players he had earmarked. He also says that he will not buy for the sake of buying.

They should hav ehad someone lined up 100% before selling Vieira. They gambled on getting the guys they were after and they failed. And we are now paying for it.


If the Gunners win their game in hand they will only be 19 points behind Chelsea


The way they are going they might miss out on Europe altogether, which would be hilarious.


It's only the half way mark. Hardly time to be looking at missing Europe.

As for catching Chelsea, well they can't. I doubt anyone will.

As I said above, they have been at the top of the tree for the best part of a decade. Can't be there for ever. They'll be back.


True to a certain extent...

As Reyes, Van Pirsie and Hleb have been introduced the style has changed somewhat. And this has coincided with less goals coming from Ljungberg and Pires. If you look back over the past 5 seasons, these 2 guys have been in double figures goals wise.

Hleb is too similar to Ljungberg. And with Van Pirsie up front with Henry all of a sudden they are looking for both of them instead of Henry when getting forward. It 'deadens' the effect of the players like Pires and Ljungberg coming through the middle. Coupled with the fact that Freddy and Pires are out of form and this is a major reason for the poor form.

Another reason is the loss of Cole. He adds so much in an attacking sense aswell as stability at the back. His runs down the flank provide so much and it's only till he's not there do you realise how important he is to this team.

The central midfield is too lightweight. Gilberto has been out of form and his passing is crap. Fabregas as good as he will be is still learning and is smalled framed. They can't dominate in the middle of the park and that hurts against physical sides like Newcaslte and Bolton (2 recent losses).

Look at Chelsea, Liverpool and Man U. Lampard, Gerrard and Scholes. They all have that driving force in the middle. When Wenger sold Vieira and failed to replace him, Arsenal lost that. However when you look at thise 3 guys they were always going to be stars coming through when they were younger. Fabregas is the next. A few seasons and you can put him in that category above.

The defence has also been suffering from lack of confidence. A few clean sheets are needed to restore it and maybe a purchase to keep them on their toes. Cole coming back will be a god send at the back.

It's easy to say with the players you have etc etc... But when you look at it some of these guys are still young or still adjusting to the league. Fabregas, Van Pirsie, Hleb, Senderos and Reyes fall into this category. They are getting a lot of game time and in 1 or 2 season they'll be star players.

Every team will go through a transition period. I believe Arsenal have hit that now. These young guys that are there are going to be great in a few seasons and they'll be a close knit unit once they mature. The future is safe.

Jackal Dog

Pires and Gilberto are playing crap if those two could get back in form the gunners would win games. I wouldn't say that Reyes and Hleb will be "star players" they have looked pretty average to me, but maybe Fabregas....

Anyway I think Arsenal will bounce back towards the end of this season and start off strong next year.