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Asada 3

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Although the World Anti-Doping Agency code allows for a maximum 75 per cent discount on the standard two-year punishment for players who co-operate with ASADA, there is provision for admonishment, or a one-month sanction, for those found to have taken unapproved prescribed, rather than prohibited, substances.

So ASADA want our players to admit to taking a substance that isn't illegal but that ASADA know nothing about?

If they do then they get a 1-6 month ban?

I'd say push the point that their record or infraction notice clearly states that they didn't take anything illegal, then take the ban.

Otherwise I can see plenty of push backs and lawsuits.


First Grade
Will be interesting to see the standoff between the players who will want to fight this and the club who just want it over.

Southern Shark

The suspensions should have commenced in 2013 when the investigation was finalised. Not drag it on for three years doing sweet for all.


WADA code are you referring to Frenzy?

No SS.

Simply put, ASADA do not hand down penalties. They just advise the governing body of any infractions and the GB (NRL in this case) decides the penalties.

We've no this all along. It doesn't add credence to the article or the rumours.

Southern Shark

We have also known this since day 1. A political smokescreen.

THE blackest day for Australian sport was actually a “pathetic” move by the Gillard Government to manipulate the news cycle for its own political ends, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says.
Mr Abbott today stepped up his criticism of the previous Labor government’s response to claims of doping, game-fixing and links with organised crime within the country’s most popular sporting codes.
“I’m not saying everything’s perfect when it comes to sport and performance-enhancing drugs,” he told 2GB.
“But far from being the blackest day for Australian sport, it was a black day for politics frankly, it was a black day for the Labor Party.”
Realising it was in “all sorts of trouble”, the Government had chosen to tarnish the reputations of Australia’s sporting elite and use the Australian Crime Commission to do it for a short-term political distraction, he said.
“It was a really silly, squalid, sordid thing for them to do ... it’s absolutely pathetic,” he said.

The press conference also involved the chiefs of the major sporting codes, including the AFL’s Andrew Demetriou.

Eighteen months later, a lot of decent people were still struggling to restore their reputations, the Prime Minister said.
Junior Labor ministers Kate Lundy and Jason Clare were flanked by sporting chiefs when they released the findings of an anti-doping investigation in February 2013.
Mr Clare called the findings “shocking” and said they would “disgust Australian sports fans”.
Richard Ings, former boss of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, famously labelled it the blackest day in Australian sport.
Mr Clare warned authorities had mountains of information at their fingertips following 30 coercive hearings and a year-long investigation.
“Don’t underestimate how much we know,” Mr Clare warned at the time.
“And if you are involved in this, come forward before you get a knock at the door.”
Justice John Middleton last week reserved his decision in a Federal Court case over whether ASADA and the AFL’s investigation of club Essendon was lawful.
Essendon chairman Paul Little said he would seek federal government intervention to permanently halt any ASADA action against the club should the Federal Court rule in its favour.
ASADA has flagged restarting its investigation, into whether Essendon players took performance-enhancing drugs, should the court rule its earlier investigation was invalid.
Mr Little said he had spoken to the AFL about the impact the long-running investigation was having on the game.
“We now need to find a way of making it go away,” he said.

Link: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/bl...028297168?nk=d8391ad2036305f76b9d62b066d27853


I hope ASADA go through Team Australia. They'd have to take two sample jars in with the Team Aus Captain so they could get a decent sample out of both his dicks.

Pig Champion

Wait till Messiah hears about this.

Glenmore, this is bordering on pathological. Tell me you haven't got a cork board with cut out printed quotes of messiah stuck to it with knives. In the corner a man is taped to chair sobbing "I've never heard of the front row forum" and "please, who is the messiah, pleeeeease".

Card Shark

No SS.

Simply put, ASADA do not hand down penalties. They just advise the governing body of any infractions and the GB (NRL in this case) decides the penalties.

We've no this all along. It doesn't add credence to the article or the rumours.

Richard Ding-a-l Ing was on the news tonight saying there is no provision in the ASADA code for 1 month suspensions. It's 6 month min & that's only granted with substantial assistance & admission of guilt.

The guy is a tool...but he probably knows what he is talking about in this case.

Roy Masters was on talking sport this arvo & he's adamant it's penalties between 1 & 6 months. Source being player managers. Reckons the club is not involved, only player, ASADA & NRL.

I'll only believe it when it happens. So much media innuendo in this case & no one has been right yet!

Southern Shark

Considering how corrupt our political system has continually been proven to be, it stands that they would corruptly use ASADA for their dirty gains. Its the Australian way unfortunately as proven by ICAC. Maybe the ICAC should look at the political ASADA web. Right back to its formation when ex politicians and their wives were given lucrative jobs they had no experience in. Any wonder the investigation was totally botched. Gee I wish I was a politician.


First Grade
Glenmore, this is bordering on pathological. Tell me you haven't got a cork board with cut out printed quotes of messiah stuck to it with knives. In the corner a man is taped to chair sobbing "I've never heard of the front row forum" and "please, who is the messiah, pleeeeease".

Haha, it's just that just about every suggestion he comes up with is absolutey obscene.

Since 73

First Grade
I just want the coach to get life.

It was on his watch. He was in charge. He let it into the joint. We haven't recovered and we are paying a price to this day.

Actually life ain't long enough.

Card Shark

I just want the coach to get life.

It was on his watch. He was in charge. He let it into the joint. We haven't recovered and we are paying a price to this day.

Actually life ain't long enough.

In defence of Flanno, he had only been in the job a few months before Dank arrived.

A Life sentence is very harsh (ask some of the ex-forumers), but I agree he has led us into many years of misery.

How do we "reward" him for that, give him 3 more years. Go Figure!

Southern Shark

I think we all would have thought by getting Dank from Manly whatever he was doing at Brookvale for the past four years obviosly was working. They were and still are in the top four. No one did anything about Manly's injections because they just said it was pigs blood. We should have followed that course. Funny how the view of Dank changed when he left Manly after four years of great success. Politics.


In defence of Flanno, he had only been in the job a few months before Dank arrived.

A Life sentence is very harsh (ask some of the ex-forumers), but I agree he has led us into many years of misery.

How do we "reward" him for that, give him 3 more years. Go Figure!

totally thrown in the deep end .

This shit started long before Flano even walked in the joint.


Post Whore
totally thrown in the deep end .

This shit started long before Flano even walked in the joint.

What's more his ban wasn't even because of the Asada investigators, it was off a report the club commissioned to f**k their own arses.


In defence of Flanno, he had only been in the job a few months before Dank arrived.

A Life sentence is very harsh (ask some of the ex-forumers), but I agree he has led us into many years of misery.

How do we "reward" him for that, give him 3 more years. Go Figure!

Ok so why wasn't Ricky been questioned about the supplement scandal.


First Grade
If anyone from the club, including Phlemmo arc up and fight anything that comes to them you can write off next season as well. The more I think about things, the more I think Phlemmo and Mike Tyson are a cancer at the Sharks.
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