you wouldn't ?
not into chicks huh ?
not good enough, we're trying to be racist here
Only Lebanese with small cars have big dicks
If you're white and have a large car, you probably have inversion
So, stand-up chick messaged me tonight saying she hadn't been able to message me because her VPN wasn't working. Not sure if I buy it, but the ball's in her court.
Met some strangers tonight who decided I had a good vibe and tried to set me up with their friend. She's cute, likes Adventure Time, Skyrim, and D&D, and is cute. I think I'm in love.
No. It's a sad truth that I fall in love with any woman who shows me the slightest attention. That's not just a quote from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Not only do I develop an unhealthy amount of feeling towards a relative stranger, but I'm also great at the lead-up flirting, but terrible at the follow through.
I asked the cute Canadian if I could ask her out sometime. I shit you not.
Canadians will find your heart even if you didn't know it existed & smear it's boot-riddled remains all over the Opera House. Be careful.
Is she Ontarian ,or from BC .Because she looks more the former.
...My granddaughter is Canadian thats a bit insulting here:-(
..but she's Albertan of BC stock so not all bad.
Mis always has a heart-on.
If I have to hear one more 'I'm in love' monologue I'm going to post it here.
Also... yesterday's word of the day couldn't be more appropriate for our beloved Misanthrope. (And his beloved Ms. Anne Thrope).
Word of the Day for Friday, January 17, 2014
misology \mi-SOL-uh-jee, mahy-\, noun:
distrust or hatred of reason or reasoning.
I'm still waiting for Mis to teach me his ways.
But I don't know how to charm in the first place!