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Axed coach's $900K windfall

El Diablo

Post Whore
BD5733 said:
I think Hagan will bring alot to our team. He is highly regarded by people in the know and I know I'd rather take their opinions over some disgruntled Knights fans who may be bitter over his departure.

I think you'll find most were praying for his departure before it was announced.


It still doesn't make the opinions of their fans any more valid.

Eels fans were calling for Smith to be sacked........we got the minor premiership.

Dragons fans were calling for Brown to be sacked....they finished the season in 2nd.

I'd bet the majority of the fans calling for Hagan to be sacked were doing so in the first half of the season and soon changed their tune during the second half of the season.
IMO we should atleast give Hagan a shot before we can say he is a bad coach. Some people on here amze me. Sure I'd like JT to coach our team but how can some of u say that Hagan is sh*t?? Lets give him a shot 1st and then give it to him if he deserves it. Maybe just maybe he is what Parra needs to win a GF. Who knows!!

parra pete

Jake the snake said:
IMO we should atleast give Hagan a shot before we can say he is a bad coach. Some people on here amze me. Sure I'd like JT to coach our team but how can some of u say that Hagan is sh*t?? Lets give him a shot 1st and then give it to him if he deserves it. Maybe just maybe he is what Parra needs to win a GF. Who knows!!

Hear hear.


Post Whore
BD5733 said:
Some of you people are saying that if Newcastle are winning it's because of Andrew Johns but if they are losing it's because of Hagan........thats laughable.

Well what I am saying is that I don't believe Hagan is that responsible for Newcastles performances - good or bad.

Their success or otherwise seems to be based on Andrew Johns - if he's there and firing, they go good - if he's not, they don't perform.

And I don't see that Hagan's biggest accomplishment, the 2001 GF, was really his doing - he was involved, but I think it was more to do with the players.....that exact season, Johns was injured for several weeks and the Newcastle almost dropped from playoff contention - he came back, they peaked at the right time and they kicked on and won the GF.

If we get Hagan I'll back him cos he's part of our team - I'm just not sure he's the right choice.


dazeely said:
Looks like we can say goodbye to JT as well as Brian. 3 years is a bit rich. Can't blame JT for flying the coop. That will be my biggest dissapointment.

Mine too :( :( :( :( :(

El Diablo

Post Whore
If Hagan signs I think more coaching staff than just JT will leave. And if JT leaves how many young guys will follow him?

Stagger eel

Staff member
I didn't know so many of you have actually played under Hagan!!...it's amazing.

as a footy freak I can honestly say that I know nothing about coach's I do know that some have been more successful than others, I also know that some players have gone public about their experiances with particular coach's, for instances not one Parramatta legend has ever said a bad word about the great Jack Gibson, but yet 3 years before he turned our premiershipless club into champions he failed at South Sydney and on the other end of the scale, I've heard players publicaly give it to the likes of Coleman, Langmack and Lamb for their lack of success and people skills.

Just wondering what we're actually affraid of? who in the league world has found Hagan out as a dud and a hack??..I've only heard that the Newcastle players do actually think a great deal of him, I've heard Johns praise him in the media, I've heard Sterling praise him in the media and I've also heard Players threatening to leave the Newcastle club for the way he's been treated, but yet I still claim to know nothing about coachs that's why I'll except the decision to the blokes in our boardroom whom I believe know about the game than we do.

I'm still confused though! how is that Johns won the grand final in 01?? and Hagan got the wooden spoon in 05??...why is that any of you haven't even brought up the fact that Newcastle have never had the resources in place to be competative and yet we keep hearing some of you say that he's a dud or a hack? why do some of you base those claims without evidence from players who have actually played under him saying the same thing?

like I said, I know bugger all about coach's but that won't stop me from looking forward to the future in this club which I believe will still be in good hands, the rest of you well.... as stated before look up, the sky is falling!!

Stagger eel

Staff member
Hurriflatch said:
Hagan will problably bring his own people so the likes of Hayden Knowles and others may leave

Hayden and Catterick run a thriving business outside the club at the stadiums facilities they won't leave.

I do agree that JT and Sharpie may well depart.


Eelavation, well said.

I for the life of me, cannot comprehend the negativity surrounding this forum on the 99% certainty of the appointment of Hagan as Parra's coach. We should be excited. I mean, Smith is a good coach but hasn't given us a premiership. The board gave him 10 years to win us a premiership but what did we get? 0. What more can this board do. They gave Smith 10 years, what more does Smith want? You anti Hagan dudes are wooses, face the fact. Geez, 10 years with Smith. Grow up & move on. U all remember Smith coahing Illawarra?. What did he achieve?. Apparently Zilch. Grow up people & support Hagan. Stop listening to the disgruntled knights fans. They have basically zilch facilities. Stop the crap that Johns is the coach. That's crap, you're smarter than that. The buck stops with Hagan at the end of the day & history will show he is a premiership winning coach. If we lose JT from the club, so be it. To hell with it who cares?. Didn't this board appoint BS as coach in 97?. Trust their judgement as there is more than meets the eye. You lot aren't risk takers. Enjoy the unknown. Bye for now

The Eel

Hi all

I know that I am new, but I would just like to put in my 10 cents worth on the Michael Hagan issue.

I have always been a fan of Brian Smith. He seems a nice enough sort of a guy, with a good football brain, but lets face it, he has been here for 10 years this year. Maybe it is long enough. Remember the great man Jack Gibson only ever stayed 3 years max at a club. Oh, for those days again!!!!!!

Granted, he has taken us to semis most years, but who remembers you for playing semis. It is as premiers you are remembered, and unfortunately, we have fallen at the final hurdle too many times for my liking. I still have nightmares over the 1998 disaster against the dogs(if someone can explain to me how you can be leading 18 - 2 with 9 minutes to go and lose, please go ahead) and of course 2001.

I just feel we and Brian both need a change. Give Hages a chance I reckon before we start bagging the guy.

They are my views anyway, for what they are worth.


I would've liked to see Taylor get the job, but we'll just have to wait and see how Hagan performs with our team. He may be great, he may be s#$t.

Funny though... when we do badly under Smith I keep hearing it's the players fault. Smith doesn't go out there and play for them. Yet, when Newcastle do badly it's Hagans fault. Something fishy's going on. I hardly think you can read too much into last season, looking at what Hagan had to work with for large chunks of the season.


Post Whore
"What's Brian Smith achieved? Zilch!"

Well, what has Michael Hagan achieved?

Theoretically yes - he won a Premiership. With the side he inherited, it's not hard to do.

So, in 2007, IF he is the coach, we may well win it.

But then what? Once Hagan was completely in charge of everything, what did Newcastle achieve? Less than we did, in fact - at least since 2001 we've won a Minor Premiership and no wooden spoon.

Sure, Hagan in 2007 may win us a title. But where to from there? History shows he'll choke and falter.


Post Whore
And what's with everyone saying, "Ten years at the top of the job is enough!" ?

Nobody is saying Brian's Head Coach contract should have been re-newed.


First Grade
Eelamentary, I find it difficult to believe you are so negative relating to Hagan, I am in Newcastle on business every week, and the players up there have nothing but praise for him.
In 2004 he did very well withput Johns and a fair number of other players, and even last year once he got some payers back not only Johns , but Newton, Gidley, in particular they won games with a fair number on nobodys and P/L players. Look he may not be what everyone wants, but don't believe all the Knights fans and wouldn't we want to hire a coach with a premiership and SOO experience.
If it is Hagan , support him likewise JT, Murray or whoever, look forward , it's exciting and who knows where the journey will lead us

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