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Battle for the Gold Coast- DT article today

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
sTheir billion $ deal was partly due to their visionary expansion and the value they have been able to convince the TV stations it is worth.

I'm not so sure about the visionnary expansion, but I thought that the TV stations would have wisened up after many years now of average ratings in the east. The FTA channels did to an extent, Ch 7 didn't up the ante compared to last time, Ch 10 has bailed - the increase was due to Foxtel heading/betting on the west and there are no expansion teams there.

If the AFL ratings don't increase in the east over the period of the current TV contract, I don't know what more they can sell to keep funding the expansion teams, I suppose they could bring in flexible fixturing etc, things like that.
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Sgt. Kabukiman

Searle is a snake oil salesman, all blow but very little go,alas he is has a lot of input in to the new commission for some reason, at least give the proper business people a chance ahead of idiots like him.
It is absurd that a team that was let in less than 3 years ago has its hand out for monies well in advance of when they are due.
They have bought some good players for next year but that is not enough to show after all the monies and so called acadamy of excellence that they are capable of improving on next year.
AFL will do its own thing but incompotence in Gold Coast rugby league management will start to cost the other clubs soon!

Searle isn't running for the Independent Commission, the Titans were let in more than three years ago, and the only reason they have needed advance payments is because of the money they have put into infrastructure, which will lead to them being one of the most powerful and stable clubs in the comp. Nice research.


I honestly believe that the Suns will be the only professional football team on the Gold Coast by the end of the decade.

Yosemite Sam

There's no point in comparing the Titans and suns crowds. This is the 5th season for the titans, and only the first season for the suns. Lets see how the suns crowds are looking in 4 years when the novelty wears off and they are still playing like sh!t.

If you want to compare apples with apples the titans averaged 21K in their first season. The suns will not get near that. If the Titans dropped their ticket prices to the suns level they would fill the stadium every week. Those Victorians can spin it any way they want - the Gold Coast is and always will be a Rugby League town.


I'll renew my Titans season ticket next year, but I hope they address the discrepency in ticketing prices. I'd guess the AFL subsidises the ticket prices to increase the crowds for the Suns.

Obviously this season is a complete write off for the Titans. Next season I think will be their most important since being brought back in.

We've been smacked in media deals over the past 10 years, that's why the NRL cries poor and doesn't have the money (like the AFL has) to really help club out when they are struggling.

The biggest reason for all of this is the underselling of our game at the TV negotiating table and who is responsible for that??


What happens in 5 years time though if their viewing figures in NSW and QLD are still terrible?? Surely the networks and fox wont dish out that sort of money again for medicore viewing numbers from 50% of the population.

That's what we all thought last time after 4 years of atrocious Swans and Lions' ratings. More atrocious ratings are on the way with the Suns and GWS, but it doesn't seem to matter because the AFL have good negotiators. Who do we have?


First Grade
There's no point in comparing the Titans and suns crowds. This is the 5th season for the titans, and only the first season for the suns. Lets see how the suns crowds are looking in 4 years when the novelty wears off and they are still playing like sh!t.

Problem is they wont be playing sh!t in 4 years, they will have had so many draft picks over the 4 years prior, they will be a very good side, possibly premiership side. I don't think the AFL will leave them out to bake in the sun.


The Titans should have had $3 kids tickets (like AFL) from the start so as to gain rusted on fans but sadly that ship has sailed. The only way to compete now is to offer cheaper tickets.

Paul J

The Suns are a smaller version of the Lions, good crowds and crap ratings. The AFL have had crap ratings in Qld for decades.

The Titans are one and a half seasons away from the new TV deal and the increased club grants it will bring. They do an enormous amount of work in the local community and have the centre of excellence, all achieved without a leagues club!! They are very well managed.

The ARL Commission will give the Titans a hand if they ever feel it is necessary, but I doubt that will ever happen.


I tried posting this on their website in the comments section, but as usual, because I dare poke holes in the arguments raised by a journalist – it doesn’t get printed (despite having no offensive language or derogatory remarks directed at anyone in particular).

The Gold Coast will never be able to support any professional sporting organisation at a consistently strong level because of the population. The people of the Goldy are the definition of fair-weather people (not just fans). A huge percentage of the population moved there literally because of the fairer weather, so you’ve got to realise that the people you are trying to win you over are never going to be there in the good times and the bad – only the good.

If the Titans are successful, they will always have a great level of support and be the #1 team on the Goldy. If they keep playing like they are this year, they won’t be around in 5 years. The same would go for the Suns except the AFL have proven they’ll pay whatever it takes just to have a team hanging around in a city irrespective of what the locals want or think.


The Titans are certainly doing all they can to be a competitive team. They've got their centre of excellence facility, bringing in Rep players to the club. When they signed Idris he was selected for Australia.

The Titans are undertaking alot of initiatives to bring people to the ground. They're currently offering a 'Home Stretch' deal which provides tickets to the final four home games. Last year it worked, this year probably not because what the players are producing on the field is so putrid.

Hopefully the Cowboys supporters will turn out for that game and watch their team put in a good performance on their way to the finals.

Then the Storm, so again hopefully Storm supporters on the coast will turn up, and a few others to watch Slater and Co.


The Roosters have little trouble surviving without supporters able to attend games. The problem is are the Titans adept enough at managing money. They either have to find a Tinkler type money pit that comes

complete with all the trappings necessary to confuse even the most ardent interrogation or as a board be extremely competent about how they go about explaining coming and goings, expenditure and results.


First Grade
Because I know my comments won't get published, I just harass the f**king turncoat shit on Twitter.

@BuzzRothfield, go berserk. At least you know he'll read it :D


There's no point in comparing the Titans and suns crowds. This is the 5th season for the titans, and only the first season for the suns. Lets see how the suns crowds are looking in 4 years when the novelty wears off and they are still playing like sh!t.

If you want to compare apples with apples the titans averaged 21K in their first season. The suns will not get near that. If the Titans dropped their ticket prices to the suns level they would fill the stadium every week. Those Victorians can spin it any way they want - the Gold Coast is and always will be a Rugby League town.
That's ignorance though. The game has been rigged for them. In 4 years they'll be in the middle of a long premiership window.

From 2013 to 2020, it won't surprise me if the Suns are a top 4 team every single year. Unlike the NRL, the AFL doesn't throw new teams into the deep end of the pool and then walk away to leave them to fend for themselves. They take care of them with a 100 million dollars and enough draft picks to basically guarantee a decade in the top 4 and more than 1 premiership.

The Titans will have nothing like that, they'll have as many years like 2011 as they will years like 2010. And if the people of the Gold Coast are as big bandwagoners as everyone says, it will be a tough decade for the Tits.

El Diablo

Post Whore
i wonder if the Suns have to pay the levy like Titans and United do?

that's why Palmer keeps crowds low http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport...-at-skilled-park/story-e6frep5o-1225764125347

The Courier-Mail can reveal Palmer wants to cap the attendance at 5000.

This would ensure United do not have to pay a state government levy of $3.15 per ticket, which covers the cost of train and bus rides to matches.

The levy only applies when crowds exceed 5000 because a traffic management plan is then required.

El Diablo

Post Whore

and this plonker is an AFL tosser from Triple M

Leigh Meyrick

@lmeyrick Sydney, Australia
WA boy living in Sydney, Working for Triple M as a Producer & Sports Reporter. Trying to play footy for UTS Bats.


lmeyrick Leigh Meyrick

Great piece @BuzzRothfield today on the code war happening on the Gold Coast. bit.ly/kwUsXw. May be similar in Western Sydney in 2012.