What's the difference between Te'o and Pritchards tackle?
Sometimes people don't know what's best for them.There's dozens of tackles every game that connect with a player's head. The only difference is Teo hit too hard for the liking of the sooks. Go to AFL sooks. Ask the players what they want done. Be surprised if any want Teo suspended for that tackle.
I take it is is 3 weeks because of previous loadings?
Sometimes people don't know what's best for them.
The vast majority of them would keep playing after a serious concussion, despite the serious risks.
"Asking players what they want" isn't the easy answer.
Ridiculous. As a player you'd be nuts to go for a shoulder charge now. I didn't even see any head contact FFS. It was a great tackle.
Ridiculous. As a player you'd be nuts to go for a shoulder charge now. I didn't even see any head contact FFS. It was a great tackle.
"NRL players" aren't exactly the market segment the NRL is targeting. Their opinions don't matter.of course it's the answer. They play the game not any of us and not any of the sooks.
Players play knowing the risks of injury and accident. Everyone apart from the sooks knows risking injury is part of the game. If they don't want the risk then don't play and don't watch.
If Groat didn't want to be an easy target to get smashed he should learn to sidestep or just pass the ball.
The Broncos are going to fight the charge
"NRL players" aren't exactly the market segment the NRL is targeting. Their opinions don't matter.
You condone head contact you lose mothers. You lose mothers you lose plenty of future NRL stars.