Did anybody see his pathetic attempt at Rugby
We've brought a five-eighth and two halves who are all good.
Not for one second have the halves had a opportunity to dig in and shine.
and we dish em'
Dishwater - dished
Now we want to buy a big name for what - so we and you guys say between the line climb brightly into the spotlight
The way Hasler as the bulldogs traveling is wonderful. I don't see him yerning for media publicity.
The whole Dickwad reentry into the NRL is media dirven by his CH 9 mates.
The only reason he's ditched the Sharks are they are worse than us.
I hope I'm wrong - I really do because it's the Red V which is at stake here - not any of our opinions.
We have not learnt a thing over the past decade.
Browny year came and went - what did we learn
Bennett came along and won us a comp then left - As Doust about that fact.
Now for my point
It is a travisty of which were we are now.
I is clear not only did we not learn anything for Bennett, we've (thanks to Management)
gone deliberately back into some Browny like state.
We've had wins from the tigers underdepleted Sharks 16-14 (something like that)
and the warriors twice - who'd lost their coach.
The broncos tore us a new arse
The roosters just the previous showed us up for who we are - weak.
And everyone delusional about tiny tiger who is all about him and getting his missus on TV
Our ball movement is rank at best, we have no plays 30 metres out, our defence is again weak up the centre
With our cap exhausted if we buy this guy - do you guys think for just one moment he's going to fix all this and help us into the 8 (eight) then go on to win a comp
You guys are delusional and our management should (by the board) be sacked for even contemplating this accusation - you've all got rocks in your head.
Our problems are systemic - and you want to throw what little we have left at this YES flash in the pan Has-been well good luck.
I'm a Dragon - Born a Dragon and will Die a Dragon I'm plenty old to have seen Changa Reddy and the like play for us.
I now wonder as we see the players on TV aggree to the idea of tiny tiger how much of a desperate club we've become again
Systemic Problems are rith
It was 30 years before we're into our 4th post comp year and we're learnt nothing accept how to waste money.
The people who count should hang their heads in shame.
And you dish me for being against the very thought of Benji wearing a RED V
Rar - Rar - Rar GOOOOOOOOO Benji !!!