Gus still worked with and maybe for the Salamancas though.
Gus still worked with and maybe for the Salamancas though.
You guys seem to be forgetting that Tuco and Fring were enemies- Fring's long game was always taking down the Cartel and getting revenge for the killing of his best friend (and probable lover) Max, and the guy he hated the most was Hector "Tio" Salamanca (Tuco's uncle). So in that sense Mike getting Tuco put away fits into the bigger puzzle because it puts him at odds with the Salamancas, giving him and Fring a common enemy, which probably partly explains how Mike later comes into Gus's employ.
Hector speaking was weird as shit.
It seemed different to the way he was in the flashback from Breaking Bad.
So who left the note on Mike's windscreen? That was a cool scene
Given that Nacho used himself as a shield to protect Hector it was obviously him or someone working with him. Maybe a way of bringing in Gus to the storyline? An interesting thing I read on the episode names is that if you take the first letter of every episode name is that it says "FRINGS BACK", which can't be a coincidence with Vince Gilligan.
My god Chuck is such a tool though, easily the most hatable Vince Gilligan character and that is saying something.
Solid finale, not as good as last weeks episode, but I'm glad it didn't just end with Chuck being potentially dead or not, that cliffhanger is way too easy and lazy writing.
Dude you were right!Given that Nacho used himself as a shield to protect Hector it was obviously him or someone working with him. Maybe a way of bringing in Gus to the storyline? An interesting thing I read on the episode names is that if you take the first letter of every episode name is that it says "FRINGS BACK", which can't be a coincidence with Vince Gilligan.
My god Chuck is such a tool though, easily the most hatable Vince Gilligan character and that is saying something.
Solid finale, not as good as last weeks episode, but I'm glad it didn't just end with Chuck being potentially dead or not, that cliffhanger is way too easy and lazy writing.