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Big Matty v Big Fat



Matthew Johns rejects job on The Footy Show unless Paul 'Fatty' Vautin quits
  • by: Exclusive by Paul Kent
MATTHEW Johns has knocked back a lucrative return to Channel 9's The Footy Show because the network refused to sack host Paul Vautin.
Despite being offered more than $500,000 a season, Johns rejected the formal approach after Nine stuck by Vautin and declined to hand over the show's creative control to Johns.

"They said 'We're going to reinvent the show' but, for mine, it's not going to be reinvented," Johns said. "I don't want to go back to the past. I (enjoyed) my time on that show ... but it's going to be the same show and I've been there and done that."
Johns' manager and friend, millionaire ad man John Singleton, said The Footy Show would continue its dwindling ratings while Vautin - whom he described as "an average footballer, an average TV talent" - continued to host the show.

Channel 9 formally offered Johns a contract to return last week, with the figure in excess of the $500,000 a season he received when he was last on Nine.

"We have been offered in writing more money then he ever got before on Nine and he knocked it back," Singleton said. The offer was rejected yesterday because, crucially, Nine refused to cede creative control to Johns.

"You cannot work unless you have creative control, production control, and we weren't given that," Singleton said.

Johns said it was about "principle" and not money.

"What excited me when I first made contact was they asked me if I was interested in coming back to basically a new show," Johns said.

"They said, 'we're going to reinvent the show' but, for mine, it's not going to be reinvented. I don't want to go back to the past. I've had my time on that show and enjoyed it but it's going to be the same show and I've been there and done that."

Nine Network managing director Jeff Browne said Vautin had been "a loyal servant for 18 years" and he wasn't prepared to move him on to get someone else on the show. "If they don't want Fatty on the show and they don't want to do it, that's their decision," Browne said.

Johns was sacked by Nine three years ago but returned to TV in 2010 with his own program on Channel 7, which received moderate ratings.

With The Footy Show continuing to slide in the ratings, Singleton and Johns have been in secret negotiations for months with Nine about a return. Browne said a number of issues remain unresolved, with Vautin a stumbling block both sides refuse to budge on.

But Singleton said Nine was refusing to acknowledge a blatant truth - that The Footy Show's failing ratings were because viewers had turned off Vautin.

"There's no more over-rated footballer in the history of football than Fatty Vautin and no more over-rated coach," Singleton said.

"He was an average footballer, he's an average TV talent, but he has been lucky and good luck to him.

"(PBL boss David) Gyngell has got the typical eastern suburbs attitude - come last, hire a superstar, and you'll win the comp. The whole show needs to be blown up. It needs to start again."

Vautin was unavailable for comment last night. He is preparing to head overseas for his wedding anniversary.

But his manager and best friend John Gibbs leapt to his defence after being told about Singleton's comments.

"Singo is entitled to his opinion, but Paul has played 13 Test matches, 22 State of Origins, 238 first grade games, including captaining Manly to a premiership win in 1987," Gibbs said.

"I'm loath to get involved, but on the television hosting side he has been hosting the show for 18 years and it's got six Logies, so if you think that is not good enough, fair enough."


First Grade
Despite what people think of The Footy Show and Fatty Vautin, dumping him for Matt "wasnt funny on TFS, let alone my own show" Johns is just plain crazytalk. Who the f**k does he think he is demanding fatty get the sack before he returns.

What a wanker.


Matty Johns is overrated, there's a reason his show wasn't successful.

Can't we just get some real analysis and when selecting the panel look past their reputation and judge them on their merits.

Big Pete

I agree that Fatty should go - it's obvious he doesn't watch the Footy and after 18 years it's time to move him on. I do have a problem with Johns hosting though. Unless he plans on just leading the discussion, I'm not interested in him gushing over the teams he coaches and the Knights.

Besides, the Footy Show needs more than just the removal of Fatty. Freddy & Brohman shouldn't be full time panellists either and they need to hire better writers. Using age old internet clips is by far the laziest writing I've seen on television...period.

Also the shots at Fatty's career were completely unnecessary. If nothing else, he was a far better player than Matty ever was.
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Despite what people think of The Footy Show and Fatty Vautin, dumping him for Matt "wasnt funny on TFS, let alone my own show" Johns is just plain crazytalk. Who the f**k does he think he is demanding fatty get the sack before he returns.

What a wanker.
I'm with you on this one mate. I love Matty Johns but boy this seems a bit odd for him to come out and say what he's said/demand what he's demanded. Ridiculous.

I for one love watching Fatty every Thursday night. I might be the only one but I find him hilarious.


Live Update Team
Let's just remember which news outlet and in particular which Journo wrote the story. Paul Kent doesn't hold much creditability which it comes to his writing.

Something I don't understand is why Singleton would even give Kent his time and give him the exclusive. If the issue was that big you would think Singleton would talk about it on the networks he owns?

Well done to the tele for this pile of rubbish greater than the footy show it self.


They promised a revampeed show. MJ wanted creative control. They said no. Endo of story..

Unless you are Paul Kent and spin it to say Johns demanded Vautin be sacked.

They had their one chance to get a great host years ago when Doug Mulray hosted a few, but that dint happen. Mulray picked up the pace and his humour was rapid fire.

It was destined to die a long slow death when Dougie left.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Matty Johns is overrated, there's a reason his show wasn't successful.

Can't we just get some real analysis and when selecting the panel look past their reputation and judge them on their merits.

Johns is a victim of Channel 7's failure to produce a successful AFL show out of Melbourne and other AFL states in the same timeslot as his show in Sydney and Brisbane.

Johns' show rated well in Sydney and Brisbane but needed the failed AFL show The Bounce to work in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth to give Seven with a strong national audience in prime time.


1 Eyed TEZZA

Just because you don't think Matty Johns is funny doesn't mean others don't.

Seriously, they're shows about football. Hardly going to be excellent prime time programming.

It is time for Fatty to give up the leading role and Matty is the prime candidate to take over. Unless you want the Thursday show to be like the Sunday one and bring Sterlo back. Which im all for.


The footy showing reinventing themselves has become a yearly story like Carl Webb losing weight and Souffs this is our year

Exactly this.

Matty was the comic genius of the footy show before some s**t ruined his life and 9 shafted him. He has every right to tell them to go f**k themselves and tell fatty hes shit while hes at it.

_MayMoo 2

Vautin is washed up. Fair enough if 9 wish to remain loyal to him but Johns is far more talented and a lot sharper, wittier and funnier then Vautin will ever be. (and ever was).

Agree this story is more Paul Kent than anything else.


Post Whore
The footy showing reinventing themselves has become a yearly story like Carl Webb losing weight and Souffs this is our year

If they blow the show up and completely re do it, i might check it out and im sure many other footy lovers who like myself havent watched the shit in years might give it a go again too

but whilst ever they peddle the same garbage year in and year out, the ratings will continue to flounder


Super Moderator
Staff member
All three, TFS, Vautin and M.Johns are all shithouse.

When can we get a Rugby League show which actually has genuinely serious RL content in it for mroe than 20% of the airtime on FTA TV.

f**k I'm glad I get NRL on FOX instead, it's hardly good but its streaks ahead of the abysmal TFS.

Spot On

I like the quote Singo gave the media before Johns' show aired.
He said, "Matthew Johns is the next Paul Hogan!"
Now that's funny!
He certainly is a great ad man Singo.
I can't believe the money being thrown at the bloke.


It looks like more Singo making matty looking bad than anything matty is saying.

I haven't watched the footy show in 5 years.


I honestly haven't watched a full episode of TFS in abouty 4 years.. it's just absolutely woeful, border-line embarrassing at times. Vautin is just about the worst host on TV and his Manwee/Qld bias is oh-so obvious. Matty Johns would be a good addition, at least the bloke is semi-funny & has some sort of charisma and presence.